Ict strategy 2015 18

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ICT Strategy

New Directions The Learning and Employment Service for Reading

2015 – 2018


Contents Context...................................................................................................................- 3 Vision.....................................................................................................................- 3 Aims.......................................................................................................................- 3 Objectives...............................................................................................................- 3 Monitoring and Implementation.....................................................................................- 3 1.

Leadership and management:.................................................................................- 4 -


Supporting Quality of teaching, learning and assessment:..............................................- 5 -


Personal development, behaviour and welfare:...........................................................- 5 -


Outcomes for learners:..........................................................................................- 6 -


ICT Strategy 2015-2018 ______________________________________________________________________

Context This strategy sits alongside existing corporate arrangements for Reading Borough Council. This is designed to operationalise an IT strategy within the context of the New Directions service. Links to other policies and procedures  

RBC - Information Security and ICT Use of Equipment Policy RBC - ICT Security Policy Statement

Vision To ensure that by using new technologies we safeguard our learners’ interests and support them to achieve their personal aims and aspirations, whether they are to gain employment, improve their skills or to help them be part of their community

Aims 1. All learners will be confident, competent and independent users of ICT regardless of their level and ability. 2. All learners will be able to recognise and apply how to keep themselves safe online 3. All tutors will be supported to enhance their IT skills and embed technology in their lessons. 4. ICT equipment will be maintained, reviewed and updated regularly to make sure it’s relevant and adequate for the learners’ needs. 5. To consolidate provision of common IT services. 6. Business systems and reporting will be robust and provide a meaningful support to Delivery. 7. IT Infrastructure must be robust and reliable to support rapid growth of divices. 8. Tutors and learners will have access to a range of adaptive equipment and software. 9. Provide IWB and projectors in all New Directions’ classrooms providing direct delivery.

Objectives 1. To enable learners to access current technology and support to make them confident and independent users of ICT to enhance their learning experience. 2. To embed online awareness across Curriculum areas 3. To provide and support staff with appropriate and relevant ICT training to embed technology and online safety in their lessons. 4. To review and update IT infrastructure on a regular basis to make sure is secure and reliable.

Monitoring and Implementation The overall responsibility for the ICT Strategy rests with the college Senior Management Team (SMT). The Assistant Principal (Curriculum and Quality) and Operations Officer are responsible for the implementation of the strategy. Action planning and monitoring will be carried out through the quality improvement plan and selfassessment cyclical process. A summary of key milestones is contained herein.


Strategic Elements relating to the Common Inspection Framework

1. Leadership and management: 1.1 Aim:   

To recognise the importance of new technologies in the educational environment and maintain an innovative ICT system across all premises. To support ICT excellence so that they’re able to collaborate with their peers and with tutors to produce high quality work To support ICT excellence for Staff to have access to their personal, team and organisational information from within and outside the College.

1.2 Objectives     

Facilitate access to e-Learning materials and provide relevant and targeted support to learners to be able to access online resources and learning. Provide learners with quality and up to date ICT equipment to enhance their learning experience. Enable staff to communicate and discuss tasks via a Staff portal which would include email, calendar, and intranet discussion area. Provide staff access to improve and consolidate their ICT skills via specific CPD and peer support. Identify suitable portable infrastructure to provide tutors with adequate tools to access learning resources and organisational communications – Introduction of Android Tablets during 2016-17 Academic Year.

1.3 Actions  Review on a regular basis the suitability of current ICT equipment  Promote VLE at Service and tutor meetings and reinforce its use during OTLAs and 1:1s  Encourage tutors to access ICT online training to keep themselves up-to-date with latest technologies and online safety.


2. Supporting Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: 2.1 Aim  All staff will be confident using ICT to access internal communications and team information  All tutors will use ICT in their lessons to enhance and maximise the learning experience of all the learners 2.2 Objectives  Early identification of ICT – CPD needs in the classroom and amongst staff.  Increase the competence and confidence of tutors in using ICT to enhance teaching and learning  Identify the needs for updating/acquiring ‘Access’ equipment for learners with special needs. 2.3 Actions:  Implement an early CPD programme to support and develop academic staff to improve and consolidate their use of IT in lessons.  Monitor via OTLAs and tutor meetings that online safety issues are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and other activities.  Implement and early CPD programme to support non-academic staff to  Provide an up-to-date (comprehensive) chart of IT for tutors  Review and update any ‘Access’ equipment to make learning accessible to all ND’s learners regardless of their learning ability and/or disabilities.

3. Personal development, behaviour and welfare: 3.1 Aim:  All learners will be able to recognise and apply how to keep themselves safe online 3.2 Objectives:  To provide learners with the relevant understanding and practice on how to be safe online at College and in their personal life.  To support learners ’ confidence in using ICT systems to 3.3 Actions:  Promote safe use of New Directions VLE - Moodle


4. Outcomes for learners: 4.1 Aims:  All learners will have access to a relevant and meaningful Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to enhance their learning experience  Motivate learners to become confident ICT users within a learning environment and in their personal lives. 4.2 Objectives  To enable learners to collaborate on pieces of work, using web-based resources, either inside or outside College  To facilitate access to e-learning materials and provide the ability to update documents and homework.  To enable students to submit finished assignments through the College e-Portfolio systems (Learning Assistant and Moodle).  To enable all learners to access the College Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle) 4.3 Actions:  Ensure VLE’s content is relevant to all learners regardless of their academic level and ability.  Ensure that ICT is promoted in all courses throughout the academic year.


Milestones 2015-16

Strategic Aim 3



Replace ageing hardware

IT now in all classrooms. All equipment running Windows 8.


Upgrade infrastructure



3 2 2 4

Procure tablets MFDs roll out HERMES secure wifi Displays re: on-line safety and security Use google shared drives for transferring validation data.

Additional switch purchased. Majority of classroom computers now hard-wired in at South. 3 products recommended by other local authority providers. 2 shortlisted following sales presentations. C&G Learning Assistant selected. Staff training completed and used from Autumn 2015. 15 x small and 15 x large tablets purchased Call off printing/copying/scanning Install at Caversham. Information added to IT classrooms and job search areas.


MIS manager to supervise and liaise with RBC

2016-17 Strategi c Aim 3



Website update/revamp

West March Systems (TERMS provider) have provided expertise as added value to our contract to update the website. Meeting with JISC in June 2016. Actions:  fractional allocated to maintain Moodle and liaise with colleagues and JISC  Agreed visit from JISC in October 2016 to meet and discuss with staff about meaningful use of Moodle to maximise outcomes in teaching and learning. Assistant Principal (C&Q) Install on all public access PCs to enhance protection automatically built into the JANET connection.


JISC consultancy re: Moodle

1 1

Staying safe on-line course Internet filtering software

3 3

Windows 10 upgrades Transfer website to Wordpress platform.

The current platform does not support bootstrap functionality to optimise the browsing experience on mobile devices.



Moodle Hosting

Migrate from Blackboard to TERMS hosting to reduce costs. £1800+VAT Reduce the number of TERMS licenses. Unit costs £210+VAT.

2017-18 Strategi c Aim 2 1

Utilise TERMS dashboard for reporting of data


Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.