Nebraska Wedding Day Winter 2018

Page 38

covering the tab

Im a ge by L a uren Deni se P h otog ra p h y

setting a realistic plan for your wedding expenses

You’re engaged – YAY! But once the excitement of the engagement settles down

conversation to ensure that they’re on the same page. The traditional arrangements

a bit, it’s time to discuss the nuts and bolts of planning the wedding. Instrumental

have not been replaced with just one alternative; but rather, couples are taking a

in that discussion is developing a realistic budget for all parties involved with

more customized approach based on a variety of factors. Considerations include

hosting the various events that surround this special occasion. There are a variety

financial resources and capabilities, the age of the couple as well as the family

of approaches to handling expenses. With no one-size-fits-all, each engaged couple

dynamics. If the engaged couple has divorced parents or a blended family, these

needs to thoughtfully consider what is best in their particular situation.

factors also play a role in the allocation of wedding expenses.

Traditionally, the parents of the bride pay for the majority of expenses with the

The next step is for the engaged couple to meet together with each of their parents

parents of the groom contributing only to certain minor expenses. But is that still

to explore what each parent has in mind to contribute. It will eliminate stress for

the case? What is the “new norm” for financing weddings? Considering that the

all involved if the couple comes to those meetings prepared with any high priority

average wedding in the Midwest can cost upwards of $30,000, engaged couples

must-have items for the wedding. This information will provide a needed point of

are setting aside the traditional standard in lieu of establishing a budget based on

reference for all parties about an appropriate budget and necessary funding of the

a variety of factors.



Following the initial discussion with your parents, you will be able to develop a

The first step in managing the budget is for the engaged couple to have a candid

more specific game plan and thereby allocate financial responsibility for each

41 nebraska wedding day

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