February 2012
New Year’s Eve 2011
w w w. b l a c k d i a m o n d r a n c h . c o m
Happenings Club Staff Doug Egly
General Manager degly@blackdiamondranch.com 746.3440
Dianne Dunnigan
Club Concierge ddunnigan@blackdiamondranch.com 746.3440
Peggy Gleason
Accounting pgleason@blackdiamondranch.com 746.0254
Andrea Knox
Director of Golf aknox@blackdiamondranch.com 746.3446
Zach Klemm
Executive Chef zklemm@blackdiamondranch.com 746.3449
Director of Golf Course Operations jmullen@blackdiamondranch.com 746.0404
Mary Napolitano
Fitness Center mnapolitano@blackdiamondranch.com 746.3385
Bryan Richard
Head Golf Professional brichard@blackdiamondranch.com 746-3446
Membership Director krosselet@blackdiamondranch.com 453-5473
Merideth Rossetti
Food & Beverage Director mrossetti@blackdiamondranch.com 746.3440
POA Manager jennifer.ncpm@wildblue.net 465.6933
Linda Stevens
Executive Assistant lstevens@blackdiamondranch.com 746.3440 page 2
A Message from Doug Egly, General Manager
Dear Member: Black Diamond is many things to many people. For some it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to play one of the finest tracks in the country, and for others it is home. Last week I had the good fortune to play in my first Black Diamond Foundation tournament. I got to witness first hand the hard work of the volunteers, the smiles on the faces of the players and the goodwill and dedication Black Diamond has to Citrus County. It was a perfect day and we received rave reviews on the course, the camaraderie and the impact we have in the community. The Black Diamond Foundation was started in 2002 by Jay Joines, Linda Youell, Jim Briley and Dave Burns. Since then the Foundation has raised and given more than $900,000 to local charities. We have changed people lives in ways we probably can’t imagine. It is one of those events that makes you proud to be part of the community and culture of the club.
This year, the Foundation was chaired by Bill Joens and Jay Joines. We had more than 30 volunteers working the event. The tournament hosted one of its largest fields ever with 136 participants from all of the country. For some, it was their first time to experience The Quarry and for others it was like visiting an old friend. I would like to thank everyone on the Foundation Board and the volunteers for what they do, the commitment they have to the community and for living the values that make Black Diamond special. On another note, we held a series of member meetings to discuss the new membership plan. If you have any questions about the plan, please contact me and I will be happy to review it with you. We are asking all members who are voting yes, to return your signed Consent Form to us by February 10th.
From the Director of Golf — Andrea Knox As a follow up to my article in last month’s newsletter on the quadrennial revision of the Rules of Golf; I would like to highlight two of the principle rules changes that you are most likely to encounter during a regular round. First up would be to Rule 13-4, which was amended, to permit a player to smooth sand or soil in a hazard provided it is for the sole purpose of caring for the course. The rule reads as follows:
Rule 13-4. Ball in Hazard; Prohibited Actions. Exception 2
At any time the player may smooth sand or soil in a hazard provided this is for the sole purpose of caring for the course and nothing is done to breach Rule 13-2 with respect to his next stroke. If a ball played from a hazard is outside the hazard after the stroke, the player may smooth sand or soil in the hazard without restriction. As larger and larger bunkers are included more frequently in course design, this revision is welcome news. If you have ever played a shot from the back of a long fairway bunker and landed in the front of the same bunker; you may now rake your foot steps before going forward to the next shot in the interest of caring for the course and speed of play. Just remember your actions must be purely for the purpose of caring for the course and is not intended to excuse attention to smoothing your own footprints after play. Raking bunkers after your self is still considered proper etiquette. The next principle change I would like to highlight is from Rule 18-2b which has been amended to exonerate the player from a penalty if his ball moves after address when it is certain that he did not cause the ball to move. The rule reads as follows:
Rule 18-2b. Ball Moving After Address
If a player’s ball in play moves after he has addressed it (other than as a result of a stroke), the player is deemed to have moved the ball and incurs a penalty of one stroke. The ball Congratulations to James Devlin. He is 16 years old and while playing his first round ever on the Quarry on January 1, 2012, he had a Hole-In-One on #17. He used a seven iron from the green tees. The ball landed in the rocks on the left side, bounced onto the green and rolled into the hole. It was witnessed by his Grandmother (Lois Wells) and his Mother (Kim Devlin). Nice start to the year!
must be replaced, unless the movement of the ball occurs after the player has begun the stroke or the backward movement of the club for the stroke and the stroke is made. Exception: If it is known or virtually certain that the player did not cause his ball to move, Rule 18-2b does not apply. The key here is the reference to “after he has addressed it.” For example, if it is a gust of wind that moves the ball after it has been addressed, there is no penalty and the ball is played from its new position. For a complete list of Principle Changes introduced in the 2012 Code, you can log onto the USGA website at www.usga.org or stop by the Golf Shop and pick up a new edition of the Rules of Golf. There is a lot going on the next few months! If you need information on any of the upcoming events, please don’t hesitate to call the Golf Shop. From fun through competitive, there is sure to be something for everyone. And remember The Spirit of the Game – Golf is played, for the most part, without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be.
This is the spirit of the game of golf.
Congratulations to Dianne Buck on her Hole-In-One on #8 of the Quarry Course on Thursday, January 19th. Witnessed by George Buck and Clifford and Sue Ellen Evans. page 3
ia m k D o
Happenings G
o lf A s s o
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Golf Outside the Gates Upcoming Invitationals February 9, 2012 Wonderful Windermere in the Wintertime Windermere Country Club 8:45 Shotgun ConnieFalbo@cfl.rr.com or MarianGardner@cfl.rr.com March 15, 2012 Southern Bells Invitational Southern Hills Plantation Club Contact Heidi Njoes njoes@hamptongolfclub.com 352-277-5000 April 9, 2012 Southern Woods Magnolia Tournament
Ladies’ Day Games February 7 Partners Point Quota Gross (Golf Shop will pick Partners) AA,BB,CC,DD -4 Flights – 1 Pt. Bogey, 2 pts par, 4 pts Birdie, 8 Pts Eagle, 16 Pts Hole In One. Course: Full Quarry. February 14 Happy Valentine’s Day Eclectic Individual Net Tournament, Flighted. You can improve your score next week. You only have to play once if not available both weeks. Course: Highlands to Ranch Front. February 21 Eclectic Individual Net Tournament – 2nd Week. Flighted. Course: Highlands to Ranch Front. February 28 Guest Day 2 Best Balls Net of Team. Two Flights Members and Members with Guests page 4
A Note from.... Marie-Anne Salvio, President The weather in December and January has treated us well. Ladies’ Day participation has been great. As of 1/10/2012 we are 141 members strong. A new cancellation policy for Ladies’ Day has been established in the event of inclement weather on Ladies’ Day. As of January 10th if there are fewer than 8 ladies planning to participate, Ladies’ Day will be cancelled. There will be no prizes awarded for that day.
Upcoming Event: The BDLGA is hosting a Guest Day to be held on Ladies’ Day February 28th. There will be two separate flights. The cost for Flight 1 (Members with Guests) will be $65 for guests and $10 for members. Flight 2 (Member only) will be played as a regular Ladies’ Day. The guest fee will cover golf, prizes, and lunch. The Member fee of $10 will cover prizes. Payment may be made by check to “BDLGA” and left in the Golf Shop. All guests must have a member in their foursome. The next General Membership Meeting will be held on February 21st. We encourage everyone to attend to vote on bylaws changes. A copy of the changes is posted in the Ladies’ Lounge for you to read prior to the meeting. Please mark your calendar. We encourage everyone to attend.
Golf’n Gals
APRIL 18th, 19th & 20th Serious Golf—Serious Fun Invite a Friend to enjoy the Competition & Camaraderie
Black Diamond Foundation Tactical Techniques Lt. Phil Royal of the Citrus County Sheriff ’s department brought the attention of the Black Diamond Foundation (BDF) to a need for a tactical upgrade in the training of area police and sheriff ’s officers. The impetus for implementing a training change was a series of deadly shootings in the Tampa Bay area when two St. Petersburg Police officers were killed in a shooting as they attempted to search an attic where a suspect was located. In 2011, 173 officers were killed in the United States, of which 68 died from gunfire. This 15% rise in shooting deaths over 2010 has prompted a push for trainers nationwide to revise tactics related to risky police search activities. The Criminal Justice Academy associated with Withlacoochee Technical Institute in Inverness provided a campus building to the Sheriff ’s department for the start of a training facility. With our contribution of $10,000 along with other community donors, construction began to convert this facility to a tactical training center complete with an attic like atmosphere with movable walls, stair columns, and cat walks. This center opened in November of 2011 when dozens of law enforcement agencies around central Florida attended an Officer Survival Training course. Expert trainers demonstrated the finer points of attic search maneuvers in a facility that is thought to be unique in the entire State of Florida.
This is the third project that BDF has supported with Citrus County Agencies. BDF has provided thermal imaging cameras for use by the Fire Department and donated defibrillators for use within the Sheriff ’s Department. Another example of BDF’s community efforts is an application for support from the newly created Citrus Youth Educational Symphonic (YES) Orchestra. This is a grass roots community idea that will promote youth literacy, social skills and add to the cultural saturation within Citrus County. BDF continues to support local agencies and educational institutions with recent donations to the College of Central Florida, $25,000 for scholarships; Take Stock in Children, $10,000 for scholarships; and $5,000 each for seasonal funding to Citrus Abuse Shelter Association, Daystar Life Center, Family Resource Center, Path of Citrus County, Salvation Army and the SOS Food Pantry. All these projects and community agency contributions are only possible through the continued kindness and donations of Black Diamond residents and friends. Your assistance is truly appreciated and results in significant support to those in need within Citrus County.
Notes from the Handicap Committee The new year has brought some new members to the handicap committee. The new committee comprised of Pam Vlcko, Linda Youell, Skip Johnson and Andrea Knox would like to extend on behalf of the Black Diamond membership and Management a heartfelt thank you to Marty Lowy and John Axe for their excellent leadership and service. The new committee is planning for a few projects in regard to handicaps and more announcements will follow. If anyone has comments or concerns please feel free to contact any one of us. page 5
Golf News
Director of Golf Course Operations
It is truly hard to believe that in just a few short weeks I will have been at Black Diamond for a year. As with any new job, there was a learning curve and we have identified a number of things we can do better this coming year. I am blessed to have a terrific team who works together to solve any and every problem. With a property as large as Black Diamond, it took some time to fully understand the needs and intricacies of all 49 holes, but with the help of our superintendents and crew we have things in terrific shape. Of course, there is always room for improvement and we will never settle for anything less than excellence. We have a number of plans to improve upon the conditions of the courses going forward. We plan to have all the courses in top shape for all our upcoming major member and guest events. We want to leave a positive and long-lasting impression on your guests and prospective members. We hope everyone likes the improvements we have made up to this point. The tree trimming throughout all courses and the vegetation cleanup around the Quarries will be ongoing projects. We have made a noticeable difference so far, but we still have a long way to go. Thank you for making my first year in Lecanto an enjoyable one, and please help us keep the courses enjoyable for everyone else by making a conscientious effort to repair ball marks, obey traffic stakes, and fill divots.
2012 Black Diamond Rider Cup - March 14th and 15th, 2012 featuring United States Guys and Dolls Captain Skip Wilson Vs. British Ladies and Gentlemen Captain Stephen Davies All Black Diamond Members are invited to sign up for their choice of country. The United States Guys and Dolls will be dressed in their traditional red, white and blue and the British Ladies and Gentlemen will be dressed in Royal Blue. There will be four nine-hole matches: Scramble, Team Better Ball, Chapman Two Ball and Individual matches. All matches will be with partners of the same gender and facing opponents with similar handicaps. Tee times will be 9:30 am to 2:00 pm each day. On Wednesday, March 14th, there will be dinner menus featuring selections of British and USA cuisine open to participants and all Members of the Club and their guests. Several selections of British brew and whiskey will be available for your selection.
page 6
On Thursday, March 15th the Rider Cup dinner will be held for all participants and any non-playing spouses. The entry fee includes Thursday dinner. Menu and cost will be posted on the sign up sheet. The prize for the winning team is the raising of their national flag by their opponents while singing the winning team’s themed anthem. This is a fun event for all Members of Black Diamond with dress and cart decoration in country theme and colors. Sign up sheets will go up February 11th. Members who are out of town may phone the Golf Shop after that date to place their entry.
February Calendar of Events 1 Argentina 2 Night
Lunch Schedule Daily 11 am - 3 pm
Ladies’ Bible Study 9:30 am
Super Bowl 5:30 pm FREE Beer - Buffet $12 Big Screen TV's
No Dinner Service
No Dinner Service
Celebrity Chef Jim Filby
Mahjong 12:30 pm Club Closed
5:00 - 7:00 pm 2 dinner choices
Complimentary Wine DUPLICATE BRIDGE 6:30 PM
Ladies’ Day
Ladies’ Bible Study 9:30 am
Mahjong 12:30 pm Ladies’ Night Out at the Movies Club Closed
Ladies’ Bible Study 9:30 am
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
A la Carte
Chicken Pot Pie
Reservations Required
6:30 PM
5:30 – 8:00 pm SLIDE BOTTOM GIN
14 Ladies’ Day 15
Mixed Grille/ Happy Hour 5-7pm
Dinner & Dance
No Dinner Service
Dinner—6-8 pm Dancing—7-10 pm
Reading & Discussion Group 4:00 pm
A la Carte
5:30 – 8:00 pm DUPLICATE BRIDGE No Dinner Service Reservations Required 6:30 PM
21 Ladies’ Day 22 Mardi Gras
Entertainment by Valene & Co.
A la Carte
5:30 – 8:00 pm SLIDE BOTTOM GIN Reservations Required
Ladies’ Day
1st Place: BRAINS ON THE WAIN $2350.50 split John & Mary Jane Bower John & Diane Collick David & Nicole Ragaini Kent & Nan Rinker Dean & Cathleen Spaulding
6:30 PM
Mixed Grille/ Happy Hour 5-7pm
Chicken Fajitas BRIDGE - 7PM
No Dinner Service
No Dinner Service
17Nine & Dine 18 Dinner for Two Fruit de Mar Alternative – Chicken Picatta
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Turkey Buffet
Mixed Grille/ Happy Hour 5-7pm
Fish ‘N Chips
No Dinner Service
10 featuring Mark Zauss
New A la Carte Orleans Brunch Mahjong 12:30 pm 5:30 – 8:00 pm 11am-2pm Reservations Required Club Closed
Trivia Night Winners Jan 6th
Comfort Foods
for Two
Beef Tenderloin Alternative – Pan-seared Grouper
Entertainment by Phantastic Sounds
Club Closed
5:30-7:00 pm Game Starts 6:30 pm
3 Dinner 4
Mixed Grille/ Happy Hour 5-7pm
Ladies’ Bible Study Happy 9:30 am Valentine’s Day
Mahjong 12:30 pm
Trivia Night
Friday, February 10th
No Dinner Service
No Dinner Service
6:00 —8:00 pm
featuring M
7:00 — 10:00 pm
Dinner & D
ark Zauss
THREE WAY TIE FOR 2nd PLACE - $175.35 split 2nd Place Tie: 2nd Place Tie: 2nd Place Tie: BRIDGERS CRANIAL CRAMPS MCLOVE Ellen Hinsenkamp Bob & Lisa Campbell George & Kaia Adler Gary & Patty Johnson Al & Marty Coogler Les & Mary Bell Anil Ram Sandra Holder Dick & Ellie Goss Bill Taylor Chuck & Kookie Lucas Jim & Jeannine Love Paul & Betty Siano Earl Pratt & Valerie Sanborn Pete Spina page 7
Hours of Operation
Driving Range Monday – Saturday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Linda Williams
Golf Shop Monday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm ForeTees Internet: 24-Hour Access
Pyracantha with orange berry
Tennis Courts Monday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm Clinics Wednesday: 10:00 am Saturday: 3:30 pm Pool Monday – Sunday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Pool temperature maintained at 84°
Fitness Center Open 24/7 with use of Access Code
Dogwood with redberries
Horizons Breakfast Sunday: 8:30 am – 11:00 am Lunch Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Dinner See February Calendar Page 7 Take-Out Window Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
h pink blo it w y r r e b China
Muele G
rass w ith pink tops
Reading & Discussion Group Dr. Anneck Swenson, a renowned gynecologist and research scientist for a Minnesota pharmaceutical company, has spent years in the Amazon jungle studying the reproductive habits of the local tribal women who can conceive well past their middle years. Her colleague, Dr. Marina Singh, is sent to track down her former mentor in the insect-infested jungle. Dr. Singh must look for answers to troubling questions about the death of her research partner Anders Eckman, the investment of her company in a new fertility drug, and even her own past. On Thursday, February 16th at 4 pm the book club will be discussing Ann Patchett’s fictional work, State of Wonder. The selection for March 15th is The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. For more information contact Faeth Houle.
Men’s Lounge Tuesday – Friday 12:00 noon – 12:00 midnight Saturday: 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm
Mark Your Calendar February February 5 February 12 February 24-26 March 7-9 March 14-16 March 19-21 March 28-30 April 10 April 15 April 18 – 20
Match Play Commences Super Bowl Sunday Valentine’s Day Men’s & Ladies’ Club Championship Couples’ Member-Guest Rider Cup Joyce Burns Men’s Member-Guest Rally for the Cure Hole in One Ladies’ Member-Guest