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To Golf is to Travel and Play Away

The game of golf and everything that surround the game today is all about personal preferences. Each of us has our favorite places to play, our own bucket list destinations, and a host of gear, fashion, courses, clubs and resorts. There are endless choices for golfers today and over the years we have provided our followers with great resources for golf travel, near and far. This is our “Annual Golf Travel Planner, where you will find endless choices of golf vacations for you, friends and family.

Golf travel today has grown to become one of the largest market sectors in the travel industry worldwide. Golfers will always yearn for greener pastures and new places to play and visit; it is a part of the game. There are over 60 million golfers in the world today playing on over 32,000 golf courses. North America is home to nearly half the world golfers, golf courses and over 65% of the worlds golf resorts. Yearly, avid golfers take two golf vacations usually one regionally by car and another by air travel. For every month of the year, there are great places to visit and play. Summer and fall across the northern states and winter and spring along the southern states offer full calendar golf travel options.

Our Golf Travel Planner is a comprehensive look at some of the finest destinations in the U.S. and abroad. From Fall 2024 through Winter 2025, our guide includes great foliage golf trips, reviews for winter golf getaways and a full array of “Bucket

List” destinations that require advanced planning. At Northeast Golf and The Golf Content Network, you can find resort and region reviews on some of the very best golf destinations in the world.

To golf is to travel, and play away, it is imbedded in the roots of the game. Golf much like life, is a journey that connects us to countless memories, great moments and cherished relationships along the way. Travel Well!

Timothy R. Branco, Editor Northeast Golf

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