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BenningtonSenior & Community News
March – April 2023
From the Director’s Desk:
Spring is coming. My head is in the garden. I need to start the leeks and the cabbage family plants indoors. Peas get planted outdoors as soon as the ground is workable.
Spring is a time of renewal and growth, both physically and mentally. We itch to get outdoors (more sunlight, hooray!) and projects get planned. Just remember to allow yourself time to finish, and to allow yourself grace if you miss your timeline. Small steps can reap big rewards.
Bennington Senior Center - Hours of Operation
Our regular hours of operation are Mon – Fri from 8am – 4pm.
To our Senior Community…
It is the mission of the Bennington Senior Center to engage persons 50+ in the lifelong learning process; promote their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being by providing social, recreational, creative and cultural programs that enable active participation in the center and community. Program costs are founded on a not-for-profit basis.
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On that note, I challenge all of you to make a small change before the next newsletter comes out, something that will benefit your physical and/or mental health. Feel free to share your change with another person, or with me via email. As for me, I am going to work on taking psyllium fiber every day to help lower my cholesterol. I have been very sporadic in my attempts in the past, so now I have you all to report to in the next newsletter. Speaking of sharing, I would love for people to come on Friday, March 3rd at 8:30am for Tea Talk. We will be discussing what sort of programming you want to see here. Historical talks? Foreign cultures? How to’s? Or conversely, do you have a topic or area of expertise that you would like to share with others?
Don’t worry, there will be coffee and hot cocoa available as well as tea. I really hope to see you.
Carrie Fabricius - Program Director
Bennington Senior Center
124 Pleasant St., Suite 3
Bennington, VT 05201
Phone 442-1052 or 802-447-9714 cfabricius@benningtonvt.org
Painting Group: This group meets Mondays & Fridays, but painters are welcome to work on their own at any time. The group works from photographs, calendar art, and old masters. Bring your own painting materials; group size limited to 8-10 participants. Come when you can, receive hints from each other, and enjoy some good conversation! 9am-Noon No
Leslie Sansone Walking: These walking exercises are fun and easy! 1 - 3 mile aerobic walking video. The class is great for those in need of light to moderate movement and great fun with friends. The class is tailored to the needs/wants of the group each day.
9:00 am No Fee
Ukulele: Strum along with others at this gathering of musically minded folks. Beginners to seasoned players, group also plays at community functions. Call instructor for more information. 11:00 am
Instructor: Henry Simpatico
(802) 379-6043 No Fee
Cards & Games: Group decides the game. More than