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Income Taxes Done for Free
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Get Your Taxes Done for Free
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Provides In-Person and Virtual Service in Berkshire County
Pittsfield, Massachusetts—
Beginning February 1 and continuing through April 15, AARP Foundation is providing tax assistance and preparation through its Tax-Aide program — and it’s completely free.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest volunteerbased free tax preparation service. Volunteers are trained and IRS-certified every year to ensure they understand the latest changes to the U.S. Tax Code.
Tax-Aide has several options for providing taxpayer assistance. These options vary by location and are subject to change. Visit aarpfoundation.org/taxaide for details. • In-Person: In Tax-Aide’s traditional in-person service, taxes are prepared and filed by IRS-certified tax counselors — but now with strict physical distancing measures in place. • Low-Contact: Taxpayers interact with IRS-certified
Tax-Aide volunteers in one or two short, in-person meetings to exchange documents. • Contact-Free: Taxpayers interact with Tax-Aide’s
IRS-certified tax counselors online or by phone and exchange documents electronically. • Self-preparation: Tax-Aide provides taxpayers with free access to software so they can prepare their own taxes.
Taxpayers can also request help from an IRS-certified counselor to coach them through the process by phone or through computer screensharing.
Tax-Aide provides tax preparation assistance services nationwide. In 2020, 1.5 million taxpayers who used AARP Foundation Tax-Aide received more than $1 billion in income tax refunds. (These numbers were affected by the reduced availability of in-person assistance due to the pandemic.)
For more information about AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, including what type of service is available where, and which documents you need to file your taxes, visit aarpfoundation.org/ taxaide or call RON TERRY at (413) 446-7483
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