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Berkshire County Farmers’ Markets
Berkshire Senior , June-July 2021 Elder Services’
Berkshire County Farmers’ Markets 2021
Find the Bounty of Massachusetts Agriculture at your local Farmers’ Market! You can expect to fi nd a wide array of fresh vegetables and fruits. You may also fi nd baked goods, maple products, honey, eggs, farmstead cheeses, apple cider, jams and jellies, fl owers, and even turkey and meats. To make the Farmers’ Markets more affordable to all, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts offers Senior Farmers’ Market Coupons and, in addition, many Farmers’ Markets are able to accept EBT-SNAP benefits. To use your SNAP benefits at the Market, find the Manager’s or Information Booth when you arrive. Tell the person at the booth you would like to use your EBT card at the market and they will explain how it works. If you are a SNAP household you will be automatically enrolled in HIP, the Healthy Incentives Program and may be eligible to receive $1 for each dollar you spend on eligible fruits and vegetables, up to a monthly limit. SNAP benefi ts can also now be used for online ordering at some markets.
Berkshire Proud
continued from page 3 came face to face with COVID-19 on a daily basis responding to the needs of our family members and friends.
All of us in Berkshire County should be incredibly proud of the sense of community we created during the past fifteen months, from doing whatever was necessary to ensure that essential services continued when people needed them most to performing the smallest acts of kindness for neighbors and strangers. Sincerest thanks and appreciation to each of you for caring for your neighbor and for your role in helping to put the worst of the pandemic behind us.
Best wishes for a relaxing summer. I look forward to writing about something other than the pandemic in August!
Until next time be good, be kind and be careful.
Senior Farmers’ Market Coupons are usually not available until after July 1 – check with your local Council on Aging or Senior Center after that date. To be eligible for the coupons you must be 60 years of age or older, or disabled and living in senior housing where congregate nutrition services are provided, and your gross household income (i.e. before taxes are withheld) must be no more than 185 % of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines. The guidelines for 2021: 1 person household, $23,828/ yr ($1,986/m); 2 persons $32,227/ yr ($2,686/m). Farmers’ Market Senior coupons are worth $2.50 and are used like cash with participating farmers at certifi ed Farmers’ Markets. Look for the Farmers’ Market Coupons Accepted sign at individual farmers’ stalls at the market. If you do not see the sign, just ask the grower if he/she participates in the program. No change is given for the coupons, so be sure to use the full amount of every coupon with each purchase. The coupons expire October 31st.
Please note: Markets may have mask wearing and social distancing protocols. See individual market websites for detailed market safety guidelines.
Berkshire Area/Lanesboro Farmers’ Market
Berkshire Mall South Parking Lot; Route 8 Until November - Saturdays, 8 am - 2 pm See them on Facebook WIC / Senior Coupons Accepted, SNAPEBT/HIP accepted by select vendors only
Great Barrington Farmers’ Market
18 Church Street Until November - Saturdays, 9 am - 1 pm preorder / pick-up available WIC & Senior Coupons, & EBT-SNAP/HIP Accepted www.greatbarringtonfarmersmarket.org, also on Facebook
Lee Farmers’ Market
Town Green next to Town Hall & First Congregational Church Until October – Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm WIC & Senior Coupons, EBT-SNAP/HIP Accepted www.leefarmersmarket.com See them on Facebook
Lenox Farmers Market
21 Housatonic St in front of Ceri Boutique Until October - Fridays, 1 - 5 pm WIC, Senior Coupons, EBT-SNAP Accepted by select vendors only lenox.org/lenox-farmers-market
New Marlborough
New Marlborough Village Green (Route 57) Sundays 10 am - 1 pm through October WIC, Senior Coupons Accepted
North Adams Farmers’ Market
Marshall St. & Center St-St. Anthony Municipal Parking Lot June to October - Saturdays, 9 am - 1 pm WIC, Senior Coupons & EBT-SNAP/HIP Accepted explorenorthadams.com/item/northadams-farmers-market
Otis Farmers’ Market
2000 East Otis Rd-Papa’s Food & Fuel, Rt 23 Until October - Saturdays, 9 am - 1 pm WIC & Senior Coupons Accepted, SNAPEBT/HIP accepted with select vendors only
Pittsfi eld/Downtown Farmers’ Market
On the Common across from the First
Farmer’s Market Coupons Will be Available Again This Year
As an extension of Elder Services of Berkshire County’s Nutrition Program, we will again be delivering Senior Farmer’s Markets Coupons to participating local Councils on Aging for distribution to eligible members of their communities. Senior Farmers’ Market Coupons are not available until after July 1. Participating Councils on Aging will be identified when the coupons become available. To be eligible for the coupons, you must be 60 years of age or older, or disabled and living in senior housing where congregate nutrition services are provided. Your gross household income (i.e. before taxes are withheld) must be no more than 185% of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines. More information will follow as the summer months approach.
Calling on all Hobbists!
Hobbies often add to the enhancement, richness, and joy of life. Pursuing a hobby can take one’s mind off of every day problems as well as energize and enrich. There are literally hundreds of hobbies one can pursue such as baking, beekeeping, blogging, cooking, fishing, furniture refinishing, dollhouses, flea market shopping, miniatures, music, and many, many more.
Any senior in Berkshire County who would be interested in having his or her hobby highlighted, Berkshire Senior staff members want to know. From time to time, articles on fascinating hobbies will be featured. Please contact an Editorial Board member at esbc@esbci.org to tell us about your hobby. Your name will be added to our roster.