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PEACE MOUNTAIN YOGA: Copake, NY. Experienced Yoga Teacher (RYT) and RN offering private or semi private classes in my beautiful studio or in your home. I am certified to teach chair yoga and yoga for arthritis. Please visit my website for more information: peacemountainyoga.com or call me at (845)-661-0810.
STERLING FLATWARE polished. If you're not using your treasured sterling silver place-settings because they're tarnished- not ready for "prime-time use"- call me. Ditto for brass objects. John David "Johnny" (413)-329-6305.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
MichaelTyler tylerhomeprop@yahoo.com 55HuldahsLane,AshleyFalls,MA01222 413.717.2494
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.
WANTED: Jeep Wranglers any year/ condition. Rotted, rusty, running or not, no keys, lost title, for parts or repair. I will buy! Cash and towed away. Servicing all of New England. (401)-215-4743.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call (413)-528-8227, email us at yh.book @verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/ Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio (413)-248-1309. Mobile (203)-856-1337. www.TroyF ineArt.com
CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. (413)-645-2332, Text or call. Ramos72185@gmail.com
CLEANING SERVICES. Need a good cleaning? I can help. 25+ years experience, outstanding references, affordable rates. Call me (508)-818-8896.
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. (413)-429-7101.
ESCOBAR'S PAINTING: Professional painter, over 25 years experience, surrounding areas. Interior and exterior painting, pressure washing of houses, decks, and fences. Fully insured, references available. Free estimates. (413)-429-6333, (413)-429-1326, (413)-645-3237, (845)-518-8609.
FLOORING INSTALLATIONS and repairs on all types of flooring; refinishing. Interior / exterior painting / remodeling. All types of snow removal. Free estimates. Call Christian (413)-265-9006
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringto njunkremoval.com
TAX PREPARATION Services. Personal income tax returns, authorized IRS efile provider. I.T.I.N. (413)-717-1096, (413)-243-3961. Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez. Habla Espanol.
GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. (413)-429-7101.
GOT DRAFTY WINDOWS? Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.
INTERIOR, EXTERIOR painting: Handyman services, Decks, staining, pressure washing, gutter cleaning. Fully insured. Free estimates. Jose Miranda (413)-212-2812, (413)-464-9848.
INTERIOR ROOM painting. Winter rates. 1 room or whole house. Call (413)-243-2349.
Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.
RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL Cleaning in all Southern Berkshire, Columbia County NY and Ct. Fully insured Cell (413)-854-3411 call or text. Email Berkshireclean023 @gmail.com
TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@ verizon.net
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders (413)-429-7101.
Theoutdoorshasmetitsmatchwiththereliableand durableSuzukiKingQuadATV
Seedealerfordetails.Visitwww.suzukicycles.com/offersformoredetails.SuzukihighlyrecommendsthatallATVriderstakeatraining course.We’llevenpayforit.Forsafetyandtrainingcourseinformation,seeyourdealerorcalltheSVIAat1-800-852-5344.ATVscan
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Dave’s TV
279SmithfieldRd.,Millerton,NY12546 Callforappointment 518-789-3881
TOOLS: Ryobi circular saw good condition $20.00, Dewalt drywall deck screw gun $50.00, Bostich cap staple new includes staples $150.00, Paint Shaver original, removes lead paint $400.00, Husky tool box for large trucks $40.00. T Rac ladder rack 600lb capacity $100.00. (413)-429-7548.
4/2furnishedanddecorated, fiberopticavailable
Registration&Screenings for2023-2024SchoolYear
ChildrenwhoareresidentsofOtisorSandis ieldandwill be three yearsoldbeforeSeptember1,2023maybeeligibletoenterourpublic Preschool/EarlyKindergarten Program inthefall.Thosewhowillbe ive yearsoldbeforeSeptember1,2023maybeeligibletoenterourfulldayKindergartenPrograminthefall.OurPreschool/Early KindergartenProgramwillofferfamiliesthefollowing options (minimum3daysperweekrequired): •5half-daysaweek(8:30-11:30am)for3&4yearolds •5full-daysaweek(8:30am-2:30pm)for4yearoldsONLY (Mustturn4bySeptember1,2023)
Residentsofneighboringcommunitiesarealsoinvited toapply. Ascreeningisrequiredforallenrollingchildren*, andwilltakeplaceinhalf-hourincrements.Thescreeningwill beconductedintheareasofspeechandlanguage,fineand grossmotordevelopment,andlearningskills.
PK/EKScreenings: APRIL5th,2023 9:00am-3:00pm
KindergartenScreenings: APRIL6th,2023 9:00am-3:00pm
InterestedfamiliesshouldcalltheFrontOf iceat FarmingtonRiverElementary(413-269-4466)
Thefamilyof JASONHALL
Wouldliketothankallofourfamily, friendsandneighborsforthelove andsupportduringthismost sadanddifficulttime.
Theoutpouringofloveandsupport shownwiththemanycards,flowers, food,kindwordsandgenerous donationsmadeinJay’smemory weresogreatlyappreciated. Jaytouchedmanyinhisshortlife andwillremainforeverinourhearts. Wearedeeplygratefultoeach andeveryoneofyou.
Jody,Jason,Jr.,Dylan,Jade,Addy, Doreen,Cliff,Steve,Diane andourentirefamily
Trap/Neuter/Return 413-447-7878x143 214BarkerRd.,Pittsfield,MA www.berkshirehumane.org