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Lookalike CONTEST! Lookalike CONTEST!
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VoteforyourfavoriteMother&Daughterlook-a-likeimage publishedinthe Shopper’sGuide, Wednesday,May3 editionat shoppersguideinc.combySunday,May7 atmidnight(12am).Onevoteperpersonplease.
CONTESTRULES: LimitoneentryperMother&Daughter.Prizesprovidedbylocalbusinessesarechildappropriate.WinnerwillbenotifiedpriortotheWinner's AnnouncementintheWednesday,May10editionoftheShopper'sGuide.PrizescanbeclaimedattheShopper'sGuideofficeat271MainStreet,Suite4, DowntownGreatBarrington,MA01230,413-528-0095.EmployeesandrelativesofNewEnglandNewspapers,Inc.areineligibletoenter.
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