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CamelMoving&Storageisafull-service,owner-operated, referral-basedmovingcompanywith30yearsofexperience. CentrallylocatedinBerkshireCounty,weprovideboth localandlongdistancerelocationservicesinwestern Massachusetts,NewYorkCity,Boston,Philadelphia,Portland andothercitiesthroughouttheNortheast.
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Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.
6 BEDROOM 3 BATH home on east end of lake Buel. Great sunsets. I'm listed on VRBO number 559190. Lakefront with large dock. Large kitchen fully equipped. Cul de sac. Quiet peaceful. Saturday to Saturday. Weekly includes tax 15k. Call (917) 207-2159.
WhenyouscheduleregularcleaningservicesfromFreshStart,yourhomecan havethatpolishedsparkleyear-round.Aprofessionalcleaningservicefrom FreshStartgoesbeyondthebasics.We’lldeepcleanyourwalls,cabinetsand closets.Therewon’tbeanydirtinsightoncewe’vedusted,sweptandmopped. ScheduleaprofessionalcleaningservicefromFreshStartinPittsfieldorLenox, Massachusettsnow.Yourhousecleaningservicemustbescheduledeithera
Project House 1.5 Acres 1861 1500 square foot homestead, 30 by 60 barn foundation only, new 200 amp electrical service, New 400 gallon propane tank, new well and water lines, New septic. Great neighborhood beautiful views needs roofing siding and plumbing. 150K Firm. 203-687-6159
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringtonj unkremoval.com
1 BDRM: Egremont, in town, Cute & Cozy! $1200 plus utilities. Snow plowing included. Email only — rentalsgbma@gmail.com
3 BEDROOM, 2 BATHROOM house with solar, downstairs den, wood stove, 2 car garage and deck on 1.3 acres in South Egremont. Will be ready to rent May 1st. Call Nick at 413-854-7086 for more information.
APARTMENT FOR RENT on The Hill Great Barrington. 2-floor duplex, 2-1/2 bedrooms, high ceiling, large living room, work spaces, fireplace, spacious and light. Business internet & trash included, $1950 plus heat/electricity. References required. Email castlestreet @gmail.com.
CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com
FOR RENT: Totally renovated 2 bedroom apartment in Lee. Large yard, gas heat. Call (413)-243-1246 or (413)-281-9385.
FAMILY OF FOUR desperately seeking permanent housing. We are currently living in motels. At least a two bedroom apartment or house rental, preferably in or around Great Barrington. Maximum rent $1,500 per month. We need a safe place to raise our six month old baby boy. Call Amy (518)-751-0610.
FOR LEASE: "The Bungalow", a self-standing structure, located at 119 South Main St (Rt 7), Sheffield MA 01257, 1/2 mile to town center. Two bedrooms, half bath, separate shower room with laundry hook up, greatroom/ kitchen/ screened summer porch. No pets or exotic pets, outdoor cat ok. Free outdoor parking for two normal size cars. Rent $2,600 per month (first, last, and security) provides heat, hot water, electricity, backyard space and driveway maintenance. Not included: trash removal and internet (wired for Spectrum TV and internet), excellent cell phone service. The Bungalow currently occupies, available May 1, 2023. Call David (413)-229-3445.
FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.
HOUSATONIC - Cozy 1BR on 2nd floor. Available May 1. Includes utilities (except electric); heat, water, garbage, off-street parking. No pets. 518-653-3058 for appointment.
MONTEREY: Seasonal rental, 1920s Bungalow. Fields and woods, six rooms, 3 baths, furnished, porches, fireplace, private. (413)-650-2016.
PITTSFIELD: beautiful 1BR apt. 2nd Floor. Sunny and spacious with hardwood floors & porch. $950+ Visit www.OffSouthStreet.com for more info. Cats ok. (413)-329-3847.
JUST BRING YOUR PHONE Entire second floor tastefully furnished 1 BR apartment, one block from GB. Near PO, Library, Coop and River Walk. Large LR, dining area, small Ei kitchen, newly renovated bathroom, tub/shower. All utilities: AC, heat, electric, hot water, internet, cable, HBO Prime Showtime, Netflix, etc. Laundry, parking on premises, no smoke, no pets, elliptical equipment available. Slightly different rates for monthly/ seasonal. Call (413)-329-7568.