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Approx.4000sqft-RetailorOfficeSpace 1stFloor-IncludesParking


FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.

HOUSATONIC: Sunny and clean 3 bedroom apt. for rent, $1,950/monthly, no utilities included. No pets. Available June 1st. Call for appointment (413)-429-5771.

MONTEREY: Seasonal rental, 1920s Bungalow. Fields and woods, six rooms, 3 baths, furnished, porches, fireplace, private. (413)-650-2016.

ONE BEDROOM charming pied a terre in quiet West Stockbridge neighborhood 5 miles from Tanglewood for summer rental. 413 281-0720.

PITTSFIELD: Beautiful 1BR apt. 2nd Floor. Sunny and spacious with hardwood floors & porch. $950+ Visit www.OffSouthStreet.com for more info. Cats ok. 413-329-3847.

SEEKING RENTAL: Reliable couple with excellent references needs a furnished, longterm house or quiet apt. with 2 bedrooms, office space, 1-2 bathrooms in Southern Berkshire County or Salisbury, CT. Airbnb, Vrbo home owners, if you are tired of dealing with many guests, please consider the steadiness and ease of renting to us. (413)-429-6147.

GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!


WEOFFER: CompleteWildBirdDepartmentwithSeedsandFeeders•CompletefeedlinesofNutrena, Purina,BlueSeal,PoulinandTripleCrown•CarryingHay,Straw,PineShavingsandotheranimalbedding WecarrymostmajorbrandsofPetFood•ManyFrequentBuyersClubs•PropaneTankRefills. Mustpresentcouponattimeofpurchase•Whilesupplieslast•Somequantitiesmaybelimited•Notresponsibleforprintererrors.

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