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CamelMoving&Storageisafull-service,owner-operated, referral-basedmovingcompanywith30yearsofexperience. CentrallylocatedinBerkshireCounty,weprovideboth localandlongdistancerelocationservicesinwestern Massachusetts,NewYorkCity,Boston,Philadelphia,Portland andothercitiesthroughouttheNortheast.

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Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.

FOR RENT: Situated in the very heart of the So. Berkshires between South Egremont and Great Barrington, a completely renovated 2 story Dutch colonial farmhouse is available for rent. It is situated on an 80 cre farm surounded by barns and cornfield. Five bedrooms, 2-1/2 bathrooms, full cellar, front and rear porches, oil heat, town water, upgraded septic system, kitchen and pantry, dining and living rooms with fireplace. Separate two car garage. $4,000/month plus utilities. References. Call (413)-626-3770.

HOUSE FOR RENT: 4 bedroom/2 bathroom, two story house with a two car garage in Great Barrington. Private fenced in yard. Hardwood floors downstairs with an open living room and lots of sun. Ample closet space throughout the house. Washer and dryer. $4000/month includes all utilities, garbage and snow removal. Apply at constructberkshires.org for an online application or call (413) 528-1985.

FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.


Reliablecouplewithexcellentreferencesneedsa furnished,long-termhouseorquietapt.with2bedrooms,officespace,1-2bathroomsinSouthern BerkshireCountyorSalisbury,CT.Airbnb,Vrbo homeowners,ifyouaretiredofdealingwithmany guests,pleaseconsiderthesteadinessandeaseof rentingtous.(413)-429-6147.

ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, tastefully furnished (but will consider unfurnished). All utilities, your own private laundry, AC, heat, electric, hot water, internet, cable, HBO Prime, Showtime, Netflix, Prime, your own parking on premises. 1BR apartment, queen sized bed, one block from Great Barrington, near PO, library, Coop and river walk. Large LR can sleep another person, dining area, small e.i. kitchen, newly renovated bathroom tub/shower. No smoke, no pets. Elliptical equipment available. Sit on porch, watch and listen to the river go by. $1475 a month. Starting June 1. Call (413)-329-7568.

FOR LEASE: "The Bungalow", a self-standing structure, located at 119 South Main St (Rt 7), Sheffield MA 01257, 1/2 mile to town center. Two bedrooms, half bath, separate shower room with laundry hook up, greatroom/ kitchen/ screened summer porch. No pets or exotic pets, indoor cat ok. Free outdoor parking for two normal size cars. Rent $2,500 per month (first, last, and security) provides heat, hot water, electricity, backyard space and driveway maintenance. Not included: trash removal and internet (wired for Spectrum TV and internet), excellent cell phone service. The Bungalow currently occupies, available May 1, 2023. Call David (413)-229-3445.

FOR LEASE: House in Sheffield, MA. "The Bungalow" is an 1,100 sq ft open plan LR/ kitchen; dining/ office space, 2 bedrooms, 3/4 bath (shower only) plus screened summer porch. On site parking for two cars, all utilities included, except trash removal, cable TV, internet. Great cell phone service, walk to Sheffield town center, close to hiking trails. Indoor cat OK. Laundry hookup, bring your own washer/dryer! $2,500/mo. Available very soon. (413)-229-3445.

SEEKING RENTAL: Reliable couple with excellent references needs a furnished, longterm house or quiet apt. with 2 bedrooms, office space, 1-2 bathrooms in Southern Berkshire County or Salisbury, CT. Airbnb, Vrbo home owners, if you are tired of dealing with many guests, please consider the steadiness and ease of renting to us. (413)-429-6147.

MONTEREY: Seasonal rental, 1920s Bungalow. Fields and woods, six rooms, 3 baths, furnished, porches, fireplace, private. (413)-650-2016.

AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com


NewMarlboroughhousehas3bedrooms,2baths, bigrenovationsmadethroughouttheentire house.LocatedintheVillageofMillRivernear KonkapotRiver,walktogeneralstoreandlibrary. Callformoreinformationifneeded. Asking$370,000,offersarealsowelcome. 413-644-6295


4/2furnishedanddecorated, fiberopticavailable






WhenyouscheduleregularcleaningservicesfromFreshStart,yourhomecan havethatpolishedsparkleyear-round.Aprofessionalcleaningservicefrom FreshStartgoesbeyondthebasics.We’lldeepcleanyourwalls,cabinetsand closets.Therewon’tbeanydirtinsightoncewe’vedusted,sweptandmopped. ScheduleaprofessionalcleaningservicefromFreshStartinPittsfieldorLenox, Massachusettsnow.Yourhousecleaningservicemustbescheduledeithera weekortwoweeksinadvancetoensureavailability.

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