7 minute read


WyantenuckCountryClubisseeking: BARTENDERS,DISHWASHERS



Positionsavailableimmediately.Weoffera competitivepaywithflexibleshiftsonweekdays and/orweekenddaytimeoreveningshifts.

Pleasesendresumesto: brandon@wyantenuck.org call413-528-0350orstopbyinperson

LOOKING FOR job security?

Generator sales have soared over the past few years and has become one of the fastest growing industries!

Generator Technicians are in high demand. Andrus Power Solutions, Inc. has immediate openings and with paid training and certification. Knowledge of small engines is a plus and a valid driver's license is a must. Email resume to office @andruspowersolutions.com

HELP WANTED: Small organic vegetable farm in Richmond. 3 mornings per week 9-12. Call (413)-537-1471.


Wyantenuck Country Club is seeking Bartenders, Dishwashers, Line/Prep Cooks and Waitstaff. Positions available immediately. We offer a competitive pay with flexible shifts on weekdays and/or weekend daytime or evening shifts. Please send resumes to: brandon@wyantenuck.org Call 413-528-0350 or stop by in person.

WANT TO WORK pool side?

Seeking Lifeguards for outdoor pool at Wyantenuck Country Club. Flexible hours. Call 413-528-0350, email jenwcc@verizon.net or stop by in person.

RECEPTIONIST: Full time position available for busy contracting company. 3 yrs minimum experience required.Needs to be proficient in Quickbooks, Microsoft Office and email. Must have good work skills and a multi-tasker. Pay and excellent benefit package depending on experience.Send resume to:719 No Main St., Sheffield, MA01257 or Mtcavanaughinc@gmail.com


Mason Helper. Seeking a smart, neat, reliable, physically fit hard worker. Clean driving record, reliable transportation, great references, zero substance issues required. You are at least 21, mature, able to communicate effectively with customers. Full-time, year-round work with a great team of craftsmen. Mechanical ability, and ability to learn new skills quickly a plus. We offer paid vacation, and health insurance. Please send resume to montereymasonry@ gmail.com

READER-For vibrant 86 year old man with sight impairment who loves listening to articles/books about politics, history, and general interest stories. 2 hours once or twice a week. Competitive hourly rate. Call Lisa 917-373-4307

THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.

VACCINATED, Non-smoking driver with own car wanted for local appointments. If interested, please call (413)-232-7875 9am-7pm. Don't call on Sundays.

HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., (413)-441-3320.


WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet). No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)-243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org

SalesClerk forPaintDepartment

CaligariHardwareinLenox,MAhas anopeningforafull-timesalesclerk inourpaintdepartment.

Wearelookingforacustomer-oriented person,noexperienceisnecessary,willtrain therightperson.Mustbeabletolift50lbs.and havebasiccomputerknowledge.Retailsales experienceisaplus.OccasionalSundays. Benefitsincludehealthanddentalinsurance, 401K,vacationandemployeediscount.

Applyinpersonto ColleenFoisy,StoreManageror mailresumeto:CaligariHardware, 224HousatonicStreet,Lenox,MA01240 Caligari’s HARDWARE

224HousatonicSt Lenox,MA 413-637-0488 Mon.-Sat.7:30-5:30;Sun.9-3


SWEEPER OPERATOR wanted: Full-time, MondayFriday. Must be 18 years or older to apply. Must have reliable transportation. Please apply to Adams Trucking Co.,Inc., 22 Newark St, Adams Ma. No phone calls please.


13FORDESCAPESEL AWD,4cyl,lthr,sunrf,likenew,#3893 $14,995

12CHEVYSILVERADO Ext.Cab,Z71,#3861.......................... $17,995

11JEEPGRANDCHEROKEE Sport,6cyl.,leather,#3905...... $14,995

08TOYOTARAV-4 4cyl,76k,rustfree,#3913........................ $11,995

06GMCSIERRA Ext.Cab,2WD,5.3L,8’bed,87Kmi,#3888




Servingthe Berkshires for25Years STUMPREMOVAL&CLEANUP

GARDEN DESIGN, Maintenance, Restoration serving Berkshire and Litchfield County over 30 years. Experienced, reliable and reasonable. Specializing in smallscale fine gardening, pruning, and restoration of perennial and shrub borders (413)-717-1306

GRAVEL DRIVEWAY repair/installation and lawn hydro-seeding. Call or text BPM for a free estimate 917-833-0743. Servicing Southern Berkshire County

GROW CANNABIS? If you are interested in growing your own this year, come to Glass and Grow! We carry seeds, starts, nutrients, lights, and everything else you need for an amazing grow this season. For more info visit either of our two locations in Great Barrington, or call us at (413)-717-4009.

BUSH HOG 2103 9" & 4"

Augers orig. owner, Lightly used. 91 8' x 4" PT Posts. Auger $1,600 Posts $1,200 Andy 518-325-3527.

TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.

FOR SALE: Frontier rake LR2060L $795 and Rotomec PHD 200 $745 both fit John Deere 1026R tractor. Like new. 518-329-1033.

KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, renovating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients. Gift certificates available. Call (413)-528-1387.


Forallyour landscaping needs!


(413)298-5112 www.pillinglandscaping.com

IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a hard worker, occasionally, to help maintain your property for a reasonable price, call Tim. I will help with gardening, weed-whipping, brush cutting, tree work, pruning, power washing, raking, and more. Just ask! (413)-717-7372. References.

SPRING CLEANUPS & weekly & bi-weekly mowingscheduling now- Mulching, Garden Maintenance & Tree Work. Call for All Your Outdoor Needs. Professional Work for Reasonable Rates. Owens Services. 518-521-7787 or oliverowensservices @gmail.com

MULCH AND SOIL delivery. Call or text 917-833-0743. Delivering to the Southern Berkshires. Premium dye mulch and natural mulch.

READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com

MOWING: Now Scheduling Weekly & Bi-Weekly Mows. Free Estimates. Owens Services. 518-521-7787 or oliverowensservices @gmail.com.


Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.

THE RICK CURTISS Perennial Flower Ranch, 635 Clayton Rd, Ashley Falls Ma is now open for business. All perennial pots are still only $10 ea. No exclusions. Plus much more. Open Tues thru Fri, 2pm-5 pm, Sat+ Sun 10 am-5 pm.

HAVE YOU GONE DIGITAL with your advertising? We can help with that, too! For more about digital advertising call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.

TREE SERVICE: Residential Tree Work. Professional and safe, very skilled and efficient climbers. Busch Tree Service, (860)-307-7254. Free Estimates.

Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-229-0260.

CARPENTER /BUILDERDavid Valyou serving MA CT NY for 20+ years .Renovations & Repairs Kitchens, Baths, Studios .Old Houses & Barns my specialty (917)-538-1617 davidvalyou @yahoo.com Based in Canaan Ct.


Services. Plumbing- faucets, showers, sinks. Kitchen and bathroom cabinets, install windows, doors, paint, tiles. Carpenter. Let us know what you need. Small jobs no problem. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to ituango25@gmail.com Great references, honestly.

Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com









(413) 329-3906

PINE & SPRUCE TREES: $100. Nice trees for screening, view, blocks property lines. Planted, guaranteed. (860)-485-4330.


ScottWodecki (413)528-3344

30yearsexperience 175PixleyRd. GreatBarrington,MA01230

SMALL JOBS DONE WELL Retired carpenter available for all types of interior/ exterior repairs. 845-444-0015.

ByGerRonan YankeeHomeFounder DearAmerica,

Therearecertaindayswhenwefeelourlives changeprofoundly,dayswerememberfora lifetime.Thedayyouholdyourfirst-bornchild inyourarms(thismonth29yearsago).Theday youwalkyourdaughterdowntheaisle,(only3 monthsagoandwhatagloriousdayitwas).The dayyousetfootonAmericansoilforthefirst time(thismonth43yearsago).

Theyearsmayhaveflownby,butmygratit udehasn’t.Thosepro-founddays happened because youopened yourdoorsto a humble Ir ish im migrantwith a d ream, aworkvisaand $80 inhis pocket

UnderstandI’mnotcomplain-ingwhena contractorranoffwitha$2,500depositfora newroof.ThatgavemetheideatostartYankeeHome, a companywherepeoplewould n’t havetowor r y aboutthathappeningtothem. Now 15years later,with84team members and

9,472satisfiedcustomers,themostamazing partofthejourneyisthatwehavebecomea multi-generationalcompany.Morethanhalfthe compa-nyemploysfamilymembersandfriends, includingmydaughterMollywhohelpsrunthe shownowthatIamsemi-retired.

Thankyouforhavinginspira-tionalindividualslikeOfficerJimBarrett,BobCharland andRuthWillemaincrossmypath.Towitness thesesamazingselflesscitizens,goaboveand beyondtoservetheircommunitiesisawe-inspiring.JimadvocatingforHartford’shomelesspopulation,“BobtheBikeGuy”sending bikesaroundtheworldforunderprivilegedand specialneedschildren.Ruthwhohadadream tobuildahomewhereterminallyillpeople couldliveoutthelastfewdaysoftheirlives withdignity.Ourteamhelpedmakeherdream areali-ty.IwasluckyenoughtopresentRuth withanAARPcitizenoftheyearawardbefore shepassed.Iknowsheislookingdownproud ofallthevolunteersthatmadeherdreamcome trueastheone-of-a-kindHarmonyHousewill openthisfall.

Iknowyouarenotperfect;nocountryis.This yearIwatchedasanotherwell-knownlocal contractorwentoutofbusinesstakingplentyof hard-earneddepositswiththem.ENOUGHIS ENOUGH.Idecidedtodosomethingaboutit.If anyonegoogleshowmanycontractorsmakeitto the10-yearmark,theywilldiscoverit’sonly4%. Itpainsmetoseepeoplegettingtakenadvantage ofoverandover.IcreatedaFREEwebsitecalled askGer.comtoem-powerAmericanstoaskthe rightquestionsbeforeanyworkstarts.Iknow whatit’sliketoloseadepositandIwanttodo everythingIcantomakesureitdoesn’thappen again.Nowpeoplehaveanexactblueprinton howtohireANYONEforANY-THING,so folkscangetthejobtheydeservefromthe4%of contractorsthatstickaround.BOOM.



G Ronan GratefulImmigrant

Mainstreet Commercialspace Forrent







413-243-1519(cell/text) hahagenah@gmail.com

Fairhousing Actnotice

Discrimination Inadvertising

Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.


402ParkSt.,Housatonic,MA 413-274-5065 housatonicrealestate.com

FORSALE-BECKET: ShawPondCottage, 1BR/1BA,twominutewalktowaterandparkyour kayak.Thishomehasbeencompletelyrenovated includingnewappliances.Theatticcanbefinished. Househasa3bedroompassingTitle5. $299,000 ListedbySuzannWard413-329-3031.

FORRENT-HOUSATONIC 2Bedroomapartment.$1,800/month. CallSuzannWard413-329-3031.

BEAUTIFUL, LARGE office space on Main Street, GB. Sublet up to 5 days/week. High-low treatment table, parking, reception room, AC, quiet and spacious. Text (413)-644-9474. Serious inquiries only.

CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com

GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringtonj unkremoval.com



Welcometo 10RamseyAvenue, GtBarrington

NestledintheheartofSouthCounty.Enjoytheconvenienceof walkingtotown&theserenityofhavingEastRockMountainas yourbackyard.Don'tmissoutonthisopportunity.


August 1. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths in quaint country setting of South Egremont. Dramatic living space with vaulted ceilings. All utilities included. Private parking . Year lease. $3500 mos. Inquiries sent to : laurelgoss4 @gmail.com

SEEKING PEACEFUL housing. I am moving to the area to become a Waldorf teacher and looking for an apartment or cottage for just myself. Close proximity to Hawthorne Valley preferred. Flexible budget & excellent references. 541-210-0349.

NEWLY RENOVATED colonial house in Housatonic. 3 bedroom/ 2 bathroom year round rental. Set back from the street, private and woodsy. Giant wrap around flagstone porch. Eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room. Updated appliances. $3000/ month. Water, Plow, Lawn & Garbage included. Tenant pays electric & propane. First, Last and security. housatonicrental@gmail.com

FOR RENT: Fully refurbished office, third floor corner Main and Railroad Street, 292 Main Street. Heat included. Lease and security. $550 per month. Call (413)-329-7950.

FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.

WINDFLOWER INN: Fully furnished one bed/one bath suites available at well cared for residential Inn on South Egremont Rd. in Great Barrington. Shared kitchen, living room, dining room and outdoor patio. Utilities providedincluding heat and electric, water/sewer, parking, snow and garbage removal and internet. Minimum of one month stay required. Please refer to Constructberkshires .org for online application or call (413) 528-1985 for more information.

SEEKING RENTAL: Reliable couple with excellent references needs a furnished, longterm house or quiet apt. with 2 bedrooms, office space, 1-2 bathrooms in Southern Berkshire County or Salisbury, CT. Airbnb, Vrbo home owners, if you are tired of dealing with many guests, please consider the steadiness and ease of renting to us. (413)-429-6147.

FOR RENT: in Canaan, CT. Large studio apartment with kitchen and bath. Private entrance and deck with nice yard. No pets, no smoking. Utilities not included, lease required. $1100 per month plus security deposit. Call (860)-248-1410.

HOUSE FOR RENT: Great Barrington, MA. 3 bed, 2 bath, 10 minutes from town. Greenhouse, privacy, lovely gardens, cleaning and mowing included. 413-429-5989. Thea.



Separatewaitingroom-hardwoodfloors 2ndFloor-includesheat&electric 305sq.ft.-$825/month

Partitionseparatesspaceinto2offices 413-528-9841option1

FOR RENT: Situated in the very heart of the So. Berkshires between South Egremont and Great Barrington, a completely renovated 2 story Dutch colonial farmhouse is available for rent. It is situated on an 80 cre farm surounded by barns and cornfield. Five bedrooms, 2-1/2 bathrooms, full cellar, front and rear porches, oil heat, town water, upgraded septic system, kitchen and pantry, dining and living rooms with fireplace. Separate two car garage. $4,000/month plus utilities. References. Call (413)-626-3770.


MONTEREY: Seasonal rental, 1920s Bungalow. Fields and woods, six rooms, 3 baths, furnished, porches, fireplace, private. (413)-650-2016.

ONE BEDROOM fully equipped apt. Sitting on 15 private acres but just two miles from Tanglewood. Available by the week ($1,400) or weekend ($500) More Details? Send me a text for photos. Call 413-446-3161.

THE RICK CURTISS Perennial Flower Ranch, 635 Clayton Rd, Ashley Falls Ma is now open for business. All perennial pots are still only $10 ea. No exclusions. Plus much more. Open Tues thru Fri, 2pm-5 pm, Sat+ Sun 10 am-5 pm.

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