4 minute read
oftheTri-StateBerkshires www.petpartnersberkshires.org
ReducedRateSpay/Neuter AssistancewithBasicVeterinaryCareCosts
Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat www.petpartnersberkshires.org or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266 Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals.
ForhelporinformationcallthePetPartnersOffice: Faith(518)781-0362
Find Your New Best Friend
From cats and dogs to small mammals and birds, Berkshire Humane Society is the place in Berkshire County to adopt your next companion
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call (413)-528-8227, email us at yh.book @verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
WE CLEAN HOMES in Great Barrington and surrounding towns. "A clean house makes angels dance!" Call Cony (413)-429-7018.
WEIGHT BENCH w/Lat Tower. 2 long and 4 short bans, various size weights total 260 lbs. $100 obo. lerace @verizon.net
WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet). No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)-243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org
MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget!
Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service.
(518)3923883 673Route203,Spencertown,NY www.MadsenOverheadDoors.com
Servingthe areaforover 65Years!
BerkshireHumaneSociety CommunityCatProgram Trap/Neuter/Return 413-447-7878x143 214BarkerRd.,Pittsfield,MA www.berkshirehumane.org
Tovolunteer,donateor reportferalcatspleasecall 413-447-7878x143 facebook.com/ BerkshireAnimalDreams/ www.instagram.com/ communitycatberkshirehumane/
FOR SALE: Hay: good quality round bales. Special: haylage round bales, $45/bale. 413-528-4091.
HAY BALES: First cutting 40-45 pounds quality organic hay. $4 at barn. $6 delivered. 413-229-2523 eves.
Lost & Found and Free pet ads are no charge for 20 words and can be placed for 2 weeks. Place your ad online at shoppersguideinc.com or stop by the office at 271 Main St., Suite 4, Gt. Barrington.
INSERT ADVERTISING: We handle that, too! Circulars, restaurant menus, special events, store coupons, promotional post cards. More info on our website www.shoppersguideinc.com
HAY FOR SALE: 40-45 lb square bales $6.50 each first cut. Call (413)-446-2446.
ADORABLE RESCUE kittens! Fostered with love. Please call 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY
If you’d like to meet Luna, call the shelter today! 413-447-7878
Ext. 126
This beautiful girl with the smiling face is Luna. A 7-years-young American Pit bull terrier mix, Luna is one of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet. As sweet as she is, she has been shown very little interest from our potential adopters. If given the chance, she could surely show anyone how wonderful she truly is. Some of Luna’s favorite activities at the shelter include; meeting new people, going for walks, romping around the pen and soaking up all the snuggles and kisses she can receive. Luna could live with absolutely anyone and be the perfect girl. Small children and their fast movements do tend to make her a little nervous, so a home with kids aged 10 years or older would be best. Luna has wonderful leash manners and is fully housetrained. Her only flaw; she is not a fan of other animals.
214 Barker Road, Pittsfield, MA • 413-447-7878 www.berkshirehumane.org
LearnaboutGreatBarringtonarchitectureandhistorywitha complimentarytourledbyNickGreenefromClarkGreen+Bek ArchitectureDesign.
Nickwillleadparticipantsonastrollthroughhistoricdowntown GreatBarrington.Discovertherichhistoryofthetown,itsformer andcurrentinhabitants,theirlivesandthebeautifularchitecture theycalledhome.
•Friday,July7th—9to5 ($10EARLYBIRDFEE9-12)
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
WEBER GRILL: Never used, has original cart & gas cylinder $225 (In stores at least $450). 413-229-2294.
OwnerPeterS.Karpenski 222ElmStreet,Pittsfield (cornerofHolmes&Elm)
Hours:Mon.-Fri.9:30-5:30;Sat.9:30-4 413-499-1400 www.berkshirehillscoins.net
Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/ Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio (413)-248-1309. Mobile (203)-856-1337. www.TroyFineArt.com
DAVID J. LeBEAU M.F.A. Antiques appraised. 413-229-3445.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
GARAGE/BASEMENT sale every Sunday
ThePreservationandRestorationofOilPaintings WorksonPaper,ObjectsofArt
Craig Kay craigkayalford@outlook.com
ANTIQUES WANTED: berkshirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, advertising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair and friendly. Mike (413)-717-2561.
130NorthEgremontRoad Alford,MA01230 (413)528-2452
ART CONSERVATION. The restoration of oil paintings and works of art. Museum quality, reasonable pricing. Berkshire based. Craig Kay 413-528-2452. E-mail: craigkayalford@outlook.com
FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845-444-0015.
GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!
FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407.
AVOID SCAMS! Deal locally, face-to-face. Never give out financial info. That “amazing” deal may not exist!
Friday July 7 & Saturday July 8. Hours 9-3. 53 Van Deusenville Road Housatonic. Milwaukee tools, Milwaukee Pack Out Boxes, Sewing Machine, Furniture, Housewares, Pictures, Windows, Leather Jackets, Shoes, Books, Clothing, Antique Dish Sets, Books, Electric Stove, 1999 Plymouth Breeze and much more! Rain dates Saturday July 15 & Sunday July 16. No Early Birds!
TAG SALE AT 960 South Undermountain Rd Sheffield on Saturday July 8, from 10 AM to 2 PM. China & kitchen items; antiques, garden tools, furniture (cherry writing desk, chairs, audio equipment). No early birds.
TOO LAZY TO SELL IT on Ebay yard sale. Cash only. Saturday, July 8th, 9 to 5pm, rain or shine. Midcentury furniture, art, crystal, housewares, yard tools, Big Green Egg, riding mower and so much more Cool Stuff!1724 Hartsville New Marlboro Rd.
BARN SALE: Gt Barrington Historical Society, July 8 and 9. Antiques and more. Jewelry, collectibles, 9-5. Rained out last week.
Sorry, we do not take classified ads over the phone. We do accept them online at shoppersguideinc.com or by mailing this form to the address at bottom. Thank you!
DEADLINE FRIDAY, 11 AM regular classified rate above.
SECTIONS AVAILABLE: Antiques & Auctions, Animals, Arts & Entertainment, Business Services, Dining, General, Health & Wellness, Help Wanted, Home Improvement, Lawn & Garden, Summer Camps, Real Estate, Tag Sales, Transportation, Wanted
TaylorRentalCenterinGreatBarringtonhasa FullTimeSeasonalPositionopenimmediately
Wearelookingforanenergetic,responsibleand mechanicallyorientedperson.Thepositionwill includedeliveries.Goodcustomerserviceskillsa must.Acurrentdriver’slicenseisrequiredand mustbeabletodosomeheavylifting.
Pleasestopby7HighStreet,GreatBarrington,MA orcallPeterat413-528-1770