3 minute read
Highvolume. PleasecallTerryorChris. 413-528-1421
Restaurant&Bar oldmill
Allshiftsavaiable. Hoursofoperation: Weekdays:6:00AM –9:00PM • Weekends:8:00AM –8:00PM
TheTownofGreatBarringtonisurgentlyhiringfor part-timevandrivers.Thedriverswillprovideearly morning,eveningandweekendtransitservice.The positionisupto19-hoursperweek,withflexible schedules,andapayscaleof $20.00-$24.00per hour dependingonexperience.NoCDLnecessary. Drugtestandphysicalrequired.Applytodayby emailing:tcoleman@townofgb.org
TheTownofOtisseeksapplicantsforafull-timelaborer/ equipmentoperatorpositionwiththeHighwayDepartment. CDLClassB,with2Bhoistinglicenserequired.Compensation$27.18perhour.Theidealcandidatewouldliveclose enoughtobewithina30minuteresponsetime.Afulljob descriptionandapplicationareavailablebycontactingthe Administrator’sOfficeat townadmin@townofotisma.com
PleasesubmitanemploymentapplicationtotheTownof Otis,ATTN:TownAdministrator,P.O.Box237,1NorthMain Road,Otis,MA01253.Formoreinformationcontactthe HighwaySuperintendentat(413)269-0106.Positionwill remainopenuntilfilled.
INDEPENDENT PHARMACY in downtown Lenox looking for a p/t cashier for 15+ hours a week. Person should be dependable and timely. More hours can be added for other positions. Questions can be answered at 413-637-4700 x 112 ask for Joe.
PART TIME SEASONAL retail help needed. Including Saturdays. Now through December 31st. No experience necessary. Friendly working environment. Email info @stockbridgecountrystore.c om or call 413-854-7285.
HOUSEKEEPING POSITION: Berkshire School has a fulltime opening for an early morning housekeeping shift: 4:00am-11:30am. This position requires some heavy lifting, initiative, and the ability to work as an effective member of a team. Some weekend and holiday hours are mandatory. This yearround position has excellent benefits. Interested parties should contact Carlos Taborda at ctaborda/l @berkshireschool.org 413-229-1336.
LOOKING FOR A RELIABLE Caregiver, male or female, on Sundays only for a 62 year old man with Parkinson's Disease. There are three options available. 9am-4pm, 4pm-10pm or 9am-10pm. Must have basic cooking skills to prepare breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. Patience and kindness are a must and experience is a plus but will train to meet our needs. Excellent pay for the right person. References required. Please call: 413-854-4121 if you're interested.
HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox.
Temporary Preschoolleadteacher
SunshinePreschoolisseekingatemporaryfull-time licensedleadteacherforafulldayprogramserving childrenages2yrs&9mo-5yrsold.Positionis expectedtobeapproximately8-10weekswith animmediatestartdate,pendingverificationof licensure.Programhoursare8:30a.m.-5:30p.m.
CandidatesmusthavePreschoolLeadTeacher certificationorhaveoutofstatecertification thatmeetsMArequirementsthroughtheMA Dept.ofEarlyEducation&Care.Thisposition requiresexcellentleadership,organizational,and communicationskills,andhands-onimplementationoftheearlychildhoodeducationprogram.
Thecandidatemustdemonstrateadvanced understandingofthegrowthanddevelopment ofchildrenandmustuseknowledgeofthevalue offamilyengagementtosupportfamiliesand children.Abilitytoworkwithateamtomeet theindividualneedsofthechildrenisessential. Bilingualcandidatesareencouragedtoapply. $19-$21perhour.
Seefullpositionlistingsat berkshiresouth.org/employment Allemployeesgetafreemembership!EOE.
NO EXPERIENCE necessarywill train. All aspects of carpentry and property management. Text 413-269-1219 for more information.
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. (413)-822-0985.
ads over the phone. We do accept them online at shoppersguideinc.com or by mailing this form to the address at bottom. Thank you!
ONCE UPON A TABLE is looking for a professional FT/PT line cook and dishwasher in small bustling restaurant in the heart of Stockbridge. Hours: 30-35 per week, Wednesday through Monday. Email us hello @onceuponatablestockbridg e.com or call to schedule an interview. Competitive wages based on experience.
WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org
Forallyour landscaping needs!
3 POINT AUGER, Bush Hog. Orig. owner, lightly used. $1,600. Andy 518-325-3527.
THE RICK CURTISS Perennial Flower Ranch, 635 Clayton Rd, Ashley Falls Ma is now open for business. All perennial pots are still only $10 ea. No exclusions. Plus much more. Open Tues thru Fri, 2pm-5 pm, Sat+ Sun 10 am-5 pm.
Servingthe Berkshires for26Years www.pillinglandscaping.com
GARDEN DESIGN, Maintenance, Restoration serving Berkshire and Litchfield County over 30 years. Experienced, reliable and reasonable. Specializing in smallscale fine gardening, pruning, and restoration of perennial and shrub borders (413)-717-1306
FullyInsured Freesitevisit andestimate
Care LLC would like to let everybody know we have added stone work to our services. We can build/repair stonewalls, walkways, patios, etc. We are fully insured and take great pride in our work. Call/Text Tyler at 413-854-3230 for free estimates.
IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a hard worker, occasionally, to help maintain your property for a reasonable price, call Tim. I will help with gardening, weed-whipping, brush cutting, tree work, pruning, power washing, raking, and more. Just ask! (413)-717-7372. References.
SPRING CLEANUPS & weekly & bi-weekly mowingscheduling now- Mulching, Garden Maintenance & Tree Work. Call for All Your Outdoor Needs. Professional Work for Reasonable Rates. Owens Services. 518-521-7787 or oliverowensservices @gmail.com
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
MAHINDRA 3616 HFX Tractor Enclosed cab, Air conditioned, Heat & Stereo. Bucket, Fork lift, York rake & Brush hog included.3 cyl. diesel only 100 Hrs. Climate controlled storage since new until last fall. 860-689-4233.
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.
MOWING: Now Scheduling Weekly & Bi-Weekly Mows. Free Estimates. Owens Services. 518-521-7787 or oliverowensservices @gmail.com.
MULCH HAY for your garden. $4 at barn. $6 delivered. 413-229-2523 eves.
WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org
Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
TREE SERVICE: Residential Tree Work. Professional and safe, very skilled and efficient climbers. Busch Tree Service, (860)-307-7254. Free Estimates.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com