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Drink & Dine
in Southern Vermont
Outdoor dining is back in swing at the Mount Anthony Country Club’s restaurant, The Grille, in Bennington. Beer on tap and the lobster roll are popular orders. Club members pictured clockwise from center are, Johnny Bombard, owner of The Man of Kent Tavern in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., Scott Hurley, owner of Hollis Hill Flooring in Shaftsbury, Sue Rice, and Ann Slattery.

Outdoor dining is back in swing at the Mount Anthony Country Club’s restaurant, The Grille, in Bennington, open to the public everyday for lunch or dinner and Sunday brunch.

180 Country Club Drive Bennington, VT 05201
802-442-2617 mtanthonycc.com/grille
Vermont Country Owner, Maru Leon, second from left, serves a lobster roll, while her son, Andrew Griffin-Leon serves a cosmopolitan to Scott Hurley, Sue Rice, second from right, and Ann Slattery, right.