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Dear Colleagues and Racket/Paddle Professionals:
At our Annual Spring Conference last month I was able to do something that meant a great deal to me. I said thank you to my mentor, Kirk Anderson, by awarding him the USPTA New England President’s Award.
In what now feels like 100 years ago, Kirk made me a member of the USTA’s National Workshop Faculty. We delivered 6-hour Recreational Coaches Workshops, 3-hour Schools Workshops, 3.5-hour 10-and-under Workshops all around the country. Oh… and we did the Arthur Ashe Kid’s Day too.
In an effort to ensure the best possible experience for our attendees, Kirk brought together an incredible group of people that included some of the best tennis professionals in the country. I’ve done workshops with the likes of Butch Staples, Mike Carter, Tom Fey, and Kirk Anderson himself. Heck, I even stood in for Kirk twice — once at a USTA New England Schools Summit, and once at the National AHPERD (Physical Education) Congress.
I learned so much by spending time with this group of tennis professionals. We all openly shared our experiences, our struggles, our successes and, most of all, our passion. We weren’t competing with each other. We all just wanted to be better. Which is as it should be.
When I handed Kirk his award after telling 2 or 3 stories about him that had inspired me along my journey, he stepped up to the microphone to say a few words to our attendees. As usual, he kept it very simple, but what he said really resonated with me. “When we start out as tennis professionals, we’re hoping to teach tennis. But as we grow in our careers, we realize that we’re really hoping to teach people — to effect them in a positive way.”
NE Executive Director: Pam Dodman pamela.dodman@uspta.org
Kirk certainly did that for me, and I know there are countless others around the country that feel exactly the same way. I was just lucky enough to be in a position to do something about it. For that, I’m very grateful to our New England Division.
I’m also very grateful to our National USPTA Association for recognizing Kirk’s contribution to our sport and our profession. At this year’s World Conference, Kirk will be inducted into our USPTA Hall of Fame alongside Chris Evert. Given all of his accolades, the fact that he flew from Portland, OR to attend our regional event still boggles my mind.
As for the conference itself, it was wonderful — even if we only attracted 50 or so pros. I know it was great for several reasons:
Tracy Almeda-Singh, the USPTA National Board member in attendance, told me so.
Kirk Anderson, now completely retired from teaching, sat in the front row of every session riveted, while taking notes.
Greg Patton, one of our featured speakers told me the following: “I speak at a lot of Conferences around the country. What you are doing here in New England is magic.”
When I walked into the pickleball certification course (which I took) after the conference had officially ended, I received a standing ovation from the pros who had attended our weekend event.
While I wish more of our members were able to attend, I know we put together a great event. Our entire New England Board worked very hard to make it happen, and our awesome Executive Director, Pam Dodman, was relentless in her efforts to keep us all organized and on track. I can’t thank each of them enough.
All The Best, Mike Kolendo;
President 413-374-9738 m_kolendo@charter.net

New England State Presidents:
Connecticut: Paul Coorssen pcoorssen@gmail.com
Maine: Wilbur Shardlow shardlowtennis@roadrunner.com
Massachusetts: Stu Lehr stuartklehr@gmail.com & Phil Hayman hayman.phillip@yahoo.com
Rhode Island: Nestor Bernabe nestortennis@gmail.com
Vermont: Joyce Doud jdoud@edgevt.com