4 minute read


Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Success is most often achieved by those who know that failure is inevitable.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.

Live the life you love. Love the life you live.

It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

The Use Of Steroids And Their Negative Impact On Athletes

Steroids are a class of drugs that are used to build muscle mass and strength. They are often used by athletes who want to improve their performance. However, steroids can have serious negative impacts on athletes, both physically and mentally.

One of the most serious risks of steroid use is heart disease. Steroids can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by raising blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They can also damage the heart muscle.

Steroids can also damage the liver. They can cause liver tumors and cirrhosis, a condition in which the liver becomes scarred. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure.

Steroids can also damage the reproductive system. In men, they can cause infertility, impotence, and shrinking of the testicles. In women, they can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility, and clitoral enlargement.

Steroids can also cause mental health problems, such as aggression, depression, and anxiety. They can also lead to addiction.


Polyphenols are a plant compound that is found in vegetables and fruits. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help to support the body’s immune system and help fight toxins. Polyphenols can be harmful if consumed excessively.

However, it’s important to have a variety of different good and healthy nutrients to protect and improve our gut microbiome.

What are the benefits of polyphenols?

Polyphenols can boost health and longevity. They can also help reduce inflammation and have a positive effect on the body and the gut microbiome. They are also an excellent source of nutrients especially for our gut flora.

In addition, polyphenols improve the good bacteria which is the probiotic in the intestine area.

Where do we find polyphenols?

Polyphenols are found naturally in foods which are in:

● Fruits

● Vegetables

● Red wine

● Dark Chocolate

● Tea (Black)

● Berries, raspberry, strawberries, and blackberries

● Red grapes, (the compound that its called Reserverol found in red wine)

● Olive oil

● Coffee

There are 6 ways to add polyphenols into your diet which improves your gut microbiome:

1. Tea

Tea is a very important antioxidant. absorbing polyphenols, it releases and helps some strains of pathogenic bacteria in the gut microbiome. Black tea can help prevent obesity, due to its high concentration of polyphenols. Green tea also has similar benefits and also grasps the glucose within the body which helps to support weight loss.

2. Chocolate

Studies have shown that Dark chocolate is healthy and crucial for the gut as the cocoa within the chocolate contains prebiotic and it is an antioxidant. Moreover, Dark chocolate has 2 types of probiotic called bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. These bacteria have also proven to reduce cortisol levels.

3. Red Wine

Red wine contains polyphenols which help to promote gut bacteria. Studies have shown that drinking 1 glass of red wine per day for 4 weeks can help to reduce bad cholesterol which is LDL. On Another note, the polyphenols found in 2 glasses of red wine are equivalent to 2 cups of berries.

4. Coffee

Coffee contains a small amount of polyphenols and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, there are some polyphenols in the coffee that can help burn fats while sleeping.

5. Fruits and vegetables

The most efficient way to absorb polyphenols is by consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables. Apple, plum and citruses are good examples of fruits that contain polyphenols because they are rich in antioxidants and are anti- inflammatory. In addition to that, plums are full of Flavonoids.

6. Olives

Lastly, olives and extra virgin olive oil contain high level polyphenols. They are a good source of healthy fats and oleic acid. Moreover, olive oil is a great anti-inflammatory as well as it helps to reduce the bad cholesterol LDL in the blood due to its fermentation In the gut.


Neural networks are a type of network of biological cells that are responsible for processing information in the brain. They are made up of billions of cells called neurons, which are connected to each other by synapses. When a neuron fires, it sends an electrical signal down its axon, which then travels across the synapse and triggers another neuron to fire. This process is repeated millions of times every second, allowing the brain to process information and make decisions.

Neural networks are not fully developed at birth. In fact, they continue to develop and change throughout childhood and adolescence. This process of development is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experience. It is what allows the brain to learn and grow.

The development of neural networks is influenced by a number of factors, including genetics, environment, and experience. Genetics plays a role in determining the number of neurons and synapses that are present in the brain. The environment, including the things that a baby sees, hears, and touches, also plays a role in shaping the development of neural networks. Experience, such as learning to walk or talk, also helps to shape the development of neural networks.

Playing with the baby: This means playing games with the baby, reading to them, environment and responding to the baby's needs, development of their baby's neural

Here are some of the key things to remember about neural networks in Neural networks are not fully developed at birth. They continue to develop and change throughout childhood and adolescence.

The development of neural networks is influenced by a Parents can support the development of their baby's providing a stimulating responding to the baby's

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