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Executive Summary

NewGlobe Education has built a strong reputation with governments in Africa, India and China working in partnership with teachers and communities to help build capacity and capability in government school systems and enabling significant improvements in school attainment levels in underserved, low income communities in regions with low infrastructure and limited participation. Unique to the NewGlobe methodology is their collaborative approach, working with existing government teachers and government schools to drive up attainment levels. NewGlobe operates as a technical partner, providing training, materials and technology to support existing teachers improve their practice, underpinned by research and informed by a wealth of data and insight which has led to the development of an approach that meets local needs and delivers exceptional results at scale and at pace. This report has been prepared by Cairneagle Associates as an independent analysis of independent impact studies, internal reports and metrics. It explores how the NewGlobe methodology has been successful in driving up education outcomes in low infrastructure communities around the world and considers the feasibility of achieving similar levels of improvement in educational attainment and GDP improvements in other locations with similar challenges. This includes analysis of existing independent impact assessments conducted on NewGlobe’s work in a number of countries, as well as internal studies and reports conducted by the Measurement & Evaluation division at NewGlobe. Cairneagle also reviewed and evaluated NewGlobe’s own data on operational, impact, academic and other core data sets, some of which are included in the appendices. The partnering approach embedded in the NewGlobe Methodology, the case studies and other evidence reviewed, alongside the analysis undertaken as part of this review, all point to a robust and research driven approach to school improvement, underpinned by the unique experience and expertise of NewGlobe Education in delivering significant improvements in education outcomes and offering good value for money.

An Introduction to NewGlobe and the NewGlobe Approach

NewGlobe was established in 2007 specifically to challenge and change the quality of education available to children in underserved, low income communities. Their approach is reflected in the recent shift in emphasis by the United Nations which saw a move from measuring enrolment in the Millennium Development Goals of 2000, to a focus on social justice through inclusive and quality education as set out in the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. The NewGlobe Platform and Methodology is unique and proprietary and has been developed through scientific research on learning and pedagogical practice, experience gleaned first-hand through the analysis of billions of education data points, the observed practice of the top performing teachers and a relentless focus on insight driven continuous improvement at the classroom, school, local and national level. No other education intervention has been able to deliver the same level of system intervention, delivering large and fast learning outcomes at such large scale in emerging markets.

The NewGlobe Approach to Delivering Sustainable Improvement in Education Outcomes

Building on experience of education transformation at a systems level at scale and at pace in countries including Nigeria, China, Kenya, India and Liberia, the NewGlobe methodology includes all aspects of school improvement and has been designed as a full 360-degree support ecosystem that works at every level from classroom to national government. The programme engages existing schools and government teachers, invests in them, builds their confidence, their capability and their accountability to deliver a step change in education outcomes. The NewGlobe approach is a powerful vehicle for social justice, ensuring that, regardless of a child’s location of birth, the income or education levels of their parents, all children of Sindh have the opportunity to reach their full potential. The programme is comprehensive, providing everything from a unique and proprietary technology platform, teacher training and supervision to inspection, lesson plans, textbooks and test papers as well as all of the supporting infrastructure and data needed to manage a scale programme at every level. While the government remains in full control of the education system and continues to employ the teachers and keep the building open and maintained, NewGlobe provides the government with comprehensive technical support, across all aspects of this quality transformation. It is effectively a comprehensive support to, rather than in place of, the relevant government agencies. The programme works alongside the existing infrastructure at all levels including: • with individual teachers o training government teachers already working in the schools in modern, scientifically based pedagogy in the English medium, supported through continuous professional development and coaching using research developed lessons plans for every subject and every class for every year group o providing the technology the teacher will need to access the lesson plans and to record key data points that will inform supervisors of the progress being made and areas were support is needed • with children o placing them in classes that are age and capability appropriate so that they are able to progress through the curriculum o ensuring all pupils have access to high quality educational materials that lead to accelerated and continuous improvement of learning gains that will close the learning gap through remedial interventions • at the school level o data driven needs-based support visits to schools where support is flagged o web based toolset that delivers real time information about each school in the region o continuous improvement and evaluation with schools inspected daily, combined with cloud enabled technology that allows everyone to respond what is happening on the ground quickly o technology integration in even remote classrooms such that technology and data to drive student learning gains through use of technology

• within the region o universal access to dashboards showing data on key metrics including attendance, accountability, lesson delivery, inspections etc o principals and ministry support officers are able to carry out regular academic monitoring and utilise knowledge and tools to support teaching and learning in the schools.

The Benefits Case

The NewGlobe approach sees existing government schools transformed into powerful public schools. By targeting communities with the highest numbers of children, the NewGlobe approach maximises impact at pace and at scale. The approach to identifying which schools and which teachers participate in the programme is underpinned by a well-considered set of criteria that has been developed and refined through previous projects to secure the best outcomes. Our analysis concludes that the NewGlobe Platform and Methodology: • is unique and proprietary and drives exceptional educational outcomes in some of the most marginalised communities and regions (Section 1) • delivers significant learning outcomes in low socio-economic communities. (Section 2) • works successfully inside of existing government schools with existing government teachers and structures (Section 3) • delivers at the scale and speed to drive momentum in school improvement and impact children today (Section 4) • successfully operates in low infrastructure environments (Section 5) • delivers learning gains in environments with low levels of initial English fluency in teaching force (Section 6) • works in communities with challenging levels of insecurity (Section 7) • in particular increases enrolment and learning levels for girls (Section 8) • and demonstrates Value for Money, Socio-Economic benefits and high Return on Investment for the country (Section 9) Because NewGlobe works within the existing education system and offers a full 360 degree support ecosystem, the NewGlobe solution has been able to demonstrate significant impact and value for money. Although the education and socio-economic benefits can be quantified and valued in different ways, much of the value to society and to individuals is intangible. Nevertheless, a financial return investment can be calculated using a range of methods developed by the OECD, UNESCO, and numerous independent academics. The general conclusion of the research is simple and unequivocal: improvements in the quality (as opposed to the quantity) of schooling increases the cognitive ability of the labour force, which directly translates to greater productivity and higher economic output for a province or country. More specifically, the work correlates and quantifies both improvements in education outcomes (on the ‘input’ side) and the corresponding increases in GDP growth (on the ‘output’ side).

Contents Contents

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................. 0 An introduction to NewGlobe and the NewGlobe approach .................................................................. 0 The NewGlobe approach to delivering sustainable improvement in education outcomes .............................. 1 The benefits case .................................................................................................................... 2

About the Firm/Authors ............................................................................................ 6 Introduction...........................................................................................................7

Purpose and structure of this report ............................................................................................. 7 Report outline ........................................................................................................................ 8 Section 1: The NewGlobe methodology..........................................................................9

1.1 - NewGlobe Education Academies............................................................................................ 9

1.2 – The NewGlobe ethos.......................................................................................................... 9

1.3 – Unique and Proprietary NewGlobe platform, technology and methodology .......................................10 1.4 – Delivering improved education outcomes at a systems level.........................................................11

The Teacher Guides, at the cornerstone of NewGlobe’s methodology ................................................11

Data-driven continuous improvement .......................................................................................11

Increased students’ learning time............................................................................................12

Section 1.5 – Misconceptions about NewGlobe Methodology ................................................................12 Section 2: Feasibility of delivering significant learning outcomes in low socio-economic communities ........................................................................................................ 14

2.1 – Introduction: Global context ...............................................................................................14

An evidence-based response to education policy priorities..............................................................14 The Global context ..............................................................................................................15

2.2 – NewGlobe Education Academies are teaching students in low socio-economic communities ..................16 2.3 – NewGlobe delivers significant learning outcomes in low socio-economic communities .........................17

Learning Gains Proven by Research Studies of NewGlobe programmes implemented in other similar socioeconomic contexts...............................................................................................................17

Section 3: Feasibility of delivering with existing government school teachers ........................ 24

3.1 - Introduction ...................................................................................................................24

3.2 – Increase in public school enrolment ......................................................................................25 3.3 – Reduction in teacher absenteeism ........................................................................................26

3.4 – Teacher feedback ............................................................................................................26

Section 4: Feasibility of delivering at the scale and speed required..................................... 28

4.1 - NewGlobe track record in delivering at scale and pace ...............................................................28 4.2 – EdoBEST roll-out plan........................................................................................................28 Section 5: Feasibility of working in low infrastructure communities.................................... 29

5.1 – NewGlobe’s methodology : Efficacy in overcoming low infrastructure-related challenges .....................29

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