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Upcoming Financial Policies Webinar s
NHMA will be hosting two complimentary webinars in June regarding the basics of financial policy for members of the New Hampshire Municipal Association.
The Basics of Financial Policy Webinar Series
NHMA has refreshed and updated The Basics of Financial Policy publication to provide New Hampshire town and city officials with an overview of basic financial policies.

In conjunction with this publication, NHMA’s Government Finance Advisor Katherine Heck has put together two introductory webinars for those municipal officials who are interested in pursuing an overview of these basic financial policies.
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Introduction to Developing and Adopting Effective Financial Policies
5:30 pm—7:30 pm
Monday, June 5, 2023
Financial policies are the framework for developing long term, strategic approach to financial management. There are compelling reasons to adopt formal written policies. Among them, adoption of financial policies helps to provide consistency, stability, and continuity in the financial operations of the municipality.
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Introduction to Internal Controls, Segregation of Duties, Fraud and Risk
5:30 pm—7:30 pm
Monday, June 12, 2023
Local governments are required to establish and maintain adequate internal controls for purposes of financial reporting, managing operations, and legal compliance. Learn about how to establish effective internal control as an integral part of a municipality’s governance system and ability to manage risk
For details and registration information, visit www.nhmunicipal.org under Calendar of Events
Questions? Call 603.224.7447 or email NHMAregistrations@nhmunicipal.org.
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Who in your municipality might be interested in taking these webinars?
Members of the Governing Body, Town Managers, Town Administrators, Budget Committee Members, Finance Officers, Treasurers, Town Clerks, Tax Collectors, Committee Chairs and Department Heads.