New Hampshire Town and City Magazine, September/October 2021

Page 30

UP CLOSE & In the Field



elcome to Up Close and Personal – In the Field, a regular column in New Hampshire Town and City dedicated to giving readers a closer look at staff from New Hampshire municipalities and other political subdivisions. In this issue, we hope you enjoy meeting Robert “Bubba” Ellis, Public Works Director and Road Agent in the Town of Groton.

Editor’s Note: We occasionally receive requests from members asking us to bring special recognition to hard working officials in their town or city. Recently we received such a request from Robert “Bubba” Ellis, the Public Works Director and Road Agent in the Town of Groton: “Sara Smith is our Administrative Assistant for over six years know and has really brought us in to the 21st century, including all the grants she has brought in and dealing and working with FEMA and (Department of Homeland Security) DHS associated with 2017 flooding and 2019 flooding. I really don’t think the towns people realize what a great resource she has become. Thanks Robert [Bubba] Ellis DPW director Groton NH.” I called Sara Smith to see if she might be interested in this profile piece and she immediately asked if Bubba could be recognized too. Sara explained that tackling the flooding challenges brought her close to Bubba and a better understanding of the infrastructure needs of the town. She and Bubba worked long and hard, collaboratively as a team, a dynamic duo of sorts, to secure the necessary funding from federal and state resources to fix the town’s roads and bridges. We love the spirit of teamwork and respect these two have for one another and we are impressed by what two people can do to improve their city or town. These are ordinary people doing extraordinary work!

TC: What are your duties and responsibilities as Public Works Director/Road Agent? BE: As the Public Works Director/Road Agent, I am responsible for planning and organizing all functions of the Highway Department, including all summer and winter maintenance of streets and highways in accordance with goals set forth by the Select Board and consistent with funding allocated in the approved budget. I supervise and direct all department personnel, delegating work to employees as necessary, and handle the evaluations and personnel issues and concerns. TC: What is your biggest challenge in performing your duties? BE: One of the biggest challenges that I am sure all Road Agents are faced with are the budgetary constraints and having enough manpower to complete all projects. TC: How has NHMA helped you to do your job? BE: The classes and materials NHMA provides including, “The Hard Road to Travel” have been a big help and something that I refer to frequently. Also, NHMA is always available to answer any questions the Town may have. TC: Give us an example of a problem you solved or a dilemma you faced and overcame in the line of duty? Robert “Bubba” Ellis BE: There have been a few storms which caused devastating flooding in the Town which I had to respond to quickly and immediately begin work to repair the damages, with the help of the Town employees and contractors that live in Town. TC: What lessons about human nature have you learned in your role? BE: That sometimes people are just wanting to have someone to listen to them and everyone reacts different when faced with stressful situations. TC: What advice would you give someone who would like to follow in your footsteps into this job? BE: Be prepared to be ready at any time to respond to a situation or call from a resident. This job is really a 24 hour on-call position, so you need to be prepared at all times. TC: Do you dislike any aspects of your job? Which ones? Why? BE: I dislike when people are so irate and ignorant that you cannot have a conversation with them until they calm down. TC: Anything else you would like to discuss about your job? BE: I very much enjoy working with the Townspeople and building relationships with them. I also love working with the people I work with. 28


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