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Stratford shoppers contribute £1000 to earthquake appeal

Stratford and Newham shoppers have been big-hearted in their response to the devastating earthquake and humanitarian disaster in Turkey and Syria.

Customers at Morrison’s in Stratford donated more than £1000 in a special appeal to help the survivors of the earthquake in which at least 50,000 were killed and millions displaced from their homes.


Store manager Tarek Rahman said: “Our customers are always ready to respond. I feel proud that as a community we have played a small part and created a platform for our customers to show their support and solidarity.”

“It was just a fantastic response,” said Lutfa Begum, the store’s Community Champion.

The store contribution was part of a national effort. In the first week of the appeal which is co-ordinated by the Disaster Emergency Committee more than £50000 was raised in donation from Morrison’s customers. Q

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