1 minute read

Best of Britain: how nurse Nuru made Newham a champion for treating mums



Nurse Nuru Clark has been awarded the British Journal of Nursing

2023 Award for diabetes nursing.

Nurse Clark has been recognised for her work supporting women with diabetes from preconception, through their pregnancy and after they’ve had their baby. In her role, she supports all aspects of her patient’s health and well-being by tailoring the management of their diabetes to each individual’s needs, including addressing fertility issues and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

The incidence of type 2 diabetes is among the highest in the country in Newham, but it is also one of the most deprived and most diverse communities in the country.

According to Bart’s Health website, only 28 percent of babies born to women with diabetes under Nurse Clark’s care were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, compared to 45 percent nationally.

Her manager Anne Claydon, a diabetes nurse consultant who was awarded a BEM in the 2021 New Year Honours, described Nurse Clark as “a lynchpin between midwifery, obstetrics, perinatal mental health and primary care teams who has transformed the service beyond recognition”. Nurse Claydon added: “She cares deeply about the

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