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Steps to Achieve a BUILT TO SAVE® Certification
A Builders’ Guide to Building A Superior Energy-Efficient Home
Projected Energy Efficiency Analysis
As the first step in the BUILT TO SAVE® process, a licensed home energy Rater reviews the home’s plans, including elevation and floorplan blueprints, Manual J, energy-saving items like ENERGY STAR® appliances, and heating and cooling information. The Rater enters the data from these documents into specialized software that produces a projected Home Energy Rating System (HERS) score. The HERS score is recognized nationally as a good predictor of a home’s energy usage once it’s built.

NOTE: Doing a projected analysis before the home is built helps you make any necessary adjustments to achieve the targeted energy score easier and at a lower cost, compared to doing them once construction is underway.
Review of the Manual J Calculation
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) contractors prepare a Manual J by entering the home’s blueprint information into a specialized program. This program calculates the heating and cooling loads of a home and recommends the proper size air conditioning unit based on the home’s specifications. The software is adapted to the particular climate the home is located in. Manual J also accounts for other factors, such as the amount of heat and humidity that each occupant of the home will add to the interior.
NOTE: A properly sized heating and cooling system is critical to energy savings and—more importantly—to the home’s comfort. An oversized system will waste more energy, have more maintenance issues, reduce comfort by cycling on and off before it has a chance to remove humidity from the home, and cause moisture and mold issues over time.
BUILT TO SAVE® is a regional energy efficiency program that awards high-performance certifications to new homes built to standards that surpass minimum building code requirements. The homes are inspected during construction and tested after completion by a licensed, independent third-party home energy Rater hired by the builder. Builders participating in this voluntary program represent an elite group of professionals who take pride in their work and value the superior benefits the BUILT TO SAVE® program provides to their homebuyers. Here is a step-by-step guide on how a BUILT TO SAVE® certification is earned.
NOTE: Builders must apply for membership into the BUILT TO SAVE® program in order to request certification for their homes. Visit https://www.builttosave.org/ registration/builder for the application.
About The Builder
Building a home is a major decision that can have far-reaching implications for years to come. That’s why it pays to go with a trusted builder like Bellissimo Builders, a local custom builder that ensures your home is built with quality and attention to detail. Clemente Gonzalez and Rick Garza, the company’s two partners, embrace the core principles of the BUILT TO SAVE® high-performance home program, constructing homes that are superior to those built to minimum building codes. Bellissimo’s homes are notable for their attention to detail— especially when it comes to energy efficiency, durable construction, and overall comfort. Find out what makes them the ideal builder for a home built uniquely for you. See more online.

Initial Inspection
Thermal Inspection (After Insulation but Before Drywall)
A home energy Rater performs a thermal inspection after the insulation is installed and before the walls are put in place. The Rater visually inspects all areas of the home to check that the insulation is installed correctly and has the proper R-values. Insulation that has been compressed by force between the studs or into crevices loses its R-value and will not insulate the home adequately. Even spray foam insulation can be poorly installed. Bubbles formed during application can create voids inside the foam that reduce its efficiency. The Rater gives special attention to areas that could allow cold air to escape into the attic or to the outside.

NOTE: According to the Department of Energy, a typical home has about a half-mile of crack and gaps throughout. This can increase annual heating and cooling costs by 20-40% due to air leakage. A thermal inspection performed by a third-party Rater can help assure the homebuyer that the home was sealed properly and give them peace of mind.
Moisture Control
The Rater inspects the home’s envelope—including the outer walls, ceiling, and windows—and looks for areas that could create moisture problems in the future. Since the window manufacturer’s labels are still in place at this point as required by the law, the Rater makes notes to ensure that their values are as required by code and that they relate to what was specified in Manual J. The Rater also checks areas behind bathtubs located near an exterior wall to ensure that a waterproof backing will be used to avoid moisture issues caused by condensation from changes in temperature.
NOTE: Although moisture management is not a factor in energy efficiency, protecting the home against moisture problems is included in BUILT TO SAVE® inspections as part of the program’s wholehouse approach to providing a healthy home environment.
Tight construction is required for superior energy efficiency. But as the home becomes tighter, it is critical that a proper fresh air system is installed to allow the home to breathe. The Rater’s visual inspection ensures ventilation systems are placed properly. Having properly installed ventilation is especially important if the home has spray foam insulation, which has extremely high sealing characteristics. A variety of humidity-controlling devices are available on the market today that can greatly enhance the comfort level of a home.
NOTE: Proper mechanical ventilation is key to ensuring the quality of indoor air. Ventilation is nothing more than replacing stale air with fresh air. It is crucial for tightly constructed homes that can trap dust, pollen, and unhealthy air resulting from day-to-day activities, such as cooking, bathing, and even the occupants’ breathing.

Company Facts
Founded: 2008 Price Range: $250’s - $700’s+
Areas Served: Valleywide
Construction Type: Residential
BUILT TO SAVE® Member Since: 2014
ENERGY STAR® Member Since: 2009

EPA Indoor airPLUS Member Since: 2016
2-10 Home Buyers Warranty: Available