2 minute read
Across Media Marketing, LLC
Jose Vielma
Barbara Zapffe
Jose R. Vielma
Bobo Adanwen
Ken Sabe
Nadine Sabe
Trained to Verify High-Performance
Independent third-party inspectors are the key to verifying the energy efficiency of BUILT TO SAVE® and ENERGY STAR® homes.
2023 Leading Energy Efficient Builders

Meet an elite group of builders who certify their homes in the BUILT TO SAVE® and/or the ENERGY STAR® High-Performance Home Programs. Their commitment to superior construction is exemplary.
4 Steps to Acheiving BUILT TO SAVE®
See an illustrated view of the steps to a BUILT TO SAVE® High-Performance Home Certification.
AEP Texas Honors 3 Local Builders
AEP Texas recognizes the top performers in its HighPerformance Homes Program for superior energyefficient construction in the Rio Grande Valley.
Insulation Basics–What You Should Know

Find out why choosing the right insulation contractor is as important as choosing the right insulation.
7 Reasons for a BUILT TO SAVE® Home
How can you be sure your home is energy-efficient? It’s easy. Read this and you will know.
Cover Feature
THE 2023 MARKET LEADERS IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONSTRUCTION. Meet the builders leading the industry in building superior homes that outperform homes built to minimum code. (See page 8)
Homebuying Tips
Homebuyer Checklist for 2023
Check all the boxes and you’ll be on your way to your dream of a new home in the new year.
Shopping for a Home Mortgage FAQs
Find answers to common questions about home loans to help you compare loans and get the best deals.
Sierra Title Annual Tamalada
Sierra’s 41st annual Tamalada continues its tradition after a pandemic-induced pause.
Matt’s Building Materials Groundbreaking
The Rio Grande Valley’s oldest lumberyard rebuilds after a devastating fire on New Year’s day in 2022.
Texas Energy Code HERS Index Workshop
RESNET, Texas Association of Builders, and the Rio Grande Valley Builders Association present a class on House Bill 3215.
Affordable Homes of South Texas Fairs
Attend AHSTI’s Home Buyer Fairs offering bi-lingual education and countless exhibits.
New Home Community Map
Color-coded maps with the most up-to-date listings of new home communities in the area.
New Home Communities
Look at everything you need to know about some of the finest new home communities in the Valley. Go online to download lot sheets and brochures.
THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY AREA NEW HOMES GUIDE (NHG) is a quarterly publication of Across Media Marketing, LLC. Unless otherwise noted, all photography, artwork, and editorial content printed in NHG are copyrighted material and may not be duplicated or reprinted without express written permission. NHG and Across Media Marketing, LLC. are not responsible for typographical or production errors, or for the accuracy of information provided by the advertisers. Opinions expressed by writers and contributors do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher. NHG reserves the right to cancel or refuse any advertising which we deem unsuitable for our publication, conflicts with other existing agreements, or if advertiser is not in good standing.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES AND INFORMATION: (956) 778-3590 www.RgvNewHomesGuide.com /rgvnewhomesguide @rgvnhg @rgvnewhomes VOL.31 ISSUE 1 — FEB / MARCH / APRIL 2023 2023L eading ENERGY-EFFICIENTBuilders 8 13 38 2
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