2 minute read

theArt of Mentorship

When I was applying to colleges as a high school student, I knew I wanted to go to a Bible college where I could be mentored in my graphic design skills. It had been a dream of mine for a long time to have a job in graphic design, and it was important to me that I could pursue that dream in a Christian environment where I would be pushed to grow in my faith and understanding of the Bible. After researching, I knew New Hope Christian College would be the best option. My name is Jazmine, and I am honored to now call myself a graduate of the NHCC Creative Arts program.

As a freshman, I was really nervous about starting college. Finding mentors on campus who were more than happy to share their experiences and knowledge was a game changer for me. Through the Creative Arts program, I was enrolled in private lessons where I met with a professional, Gary Hisaoka, and was trained in graphic design. What started as a weekly private lesson eventually transformed into a mentorship where I worked alongside Gary throughout the week on various projects. He often quoted the verse, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17), and gave me plenty of opportunities to grow and be sharpened. Through my time on the graphics team, I grew to love the synergy and creativity that comes from bouncing ideas off each other.

In addition to my private lessons in graphic design, I also learned photography and videography from other mentors on the media team. On a personal level, I learned valuable wisdom from others, such as my life group leader, who advised and guided me on how I could grow as a child of God. As a graduate, I can appreciate how valuable these mentors were for me both as a person and as a professional. Now, I have the opportunity to mentor and teach others, and I could not be more excited to pass on what I have learned as a student at NHCC.

-Jazmine Grafton (Class of 2022)
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