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New Opportunities?

New Opportunities?

M.Y.S.E.L.F. is an acronym that we use to categorize the areas of our lives, all of which should be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Mental: Have you trained your mind to think critically and know God and His Word accurately and intimately?

phYsical: Is the care for our physical selves surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus? (This includes diet, exercise, sleep/rest cycles, hygiene, and purity.)

Social: Jesus also wants to lead us in how we relate to one another. Are our relationships spiritually healthy? Do we need to make amends with anyone?

Emotional: We should submit our emotions to the authority of Jesus. Do we express sorrow for what grieves God and find joy in what brings Him delight?

Leadership: Are we living to expand His Kingdom in the areas of responsibilities, vocation, employment, and the development of our giftings and callings?

Finances: Are our resources surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus? Are we living according to His instruction in the area of tithes, offerings, spending, saving, and patterns of generosity? What about how we spend our time, perhaps the most valuable resource?

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