Jefferson United Methodist Church December 18, 2021
New Hope United Methodist Church December 19, 2021
December 21, the Winter Solstice, is the longest night of the year. As we sit in the darkness and wait for the light, we name the pain many of us feel during the holidays. Whatever you are feeling tonight, there is room for you here. Together, we look for light in the darkness.
In Christ Alone I Can Only Imagine “We are here,” by Rev. Sarah Are Speed
In the Bleak Midwinter In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, in the bleak midwinter, long ago. Our God, heaven cannot hold him, nor earth sustain; heaven and earth shall flee away when he comes to reign. In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed the Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ. What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; if I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; yet what I can I give him: give my heart.
God, we do not have night vision. The sun has set on the world as we know it and we do not have night vision. So today we come to your Word hoping that this ancient truth found in scripture will feel like a hand in the dark. Guide our feet. Move us through this wilderness season. Tilt our heads upward to see the stars. And let your Word be a blanket in the cold, a light on the horizon, and a friend to walk with us. We do not have night vision, but we know we have you. Move through us. Move among us. Be with us, even in the dark. Amen.
Lamentations 3:21-24 Silence for reflection.
Psalm 121 Silence for reflection.
Good Good Father
Use this space to write, draw, and pray. When invited, please join in the sung refrain: O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
All are welcome at Christ’s table. When you are ready, come forward to receive a piece of bread and a small cup of juice. After receiving, you are invited to light a candle. May its light shine in the darkness to remind us all of the hope on the horizon. O Come to the Altar You are invited to remain in this space as long as you need. One Thing Remains
Rev. Katie O’Hern Hamilton, Lead Pastor Rev. William Carpenter, Associate Pastor Chris Greenwood, Worship & Music Director, New Hope UMC Noah Hawes, Jefferson UMC
Blessing for the Longest Night by Jan Richardson All throughout these months as the shadows have lengthened, this blessing has been gathering itself, making ready, preparing for this night.
It has practiced walking in the dark, traveling with its eyes closed, feeling its way by memory by touch by the pull of the moon even as it wanes.
You will know the moment of its arriving by your release of the breath you have held so long; a loosening of the clenching in your hands, of the clutch around your heart; a thinning of the darkness that had drawn itself around you.
So believe me when I tell you this blessing will reach you even if you have not light enough to read it; it will find you even though you cannot see it coming.
This blessing does not mean to take the night away but it knows its hidden roads, knows the resting spots along the path, knows what it means to travel in the company
So when this blessing comes, take its hand. Get up. Set out on the road you cannot see. This is the night when you can trust that any direction you go, you will be walking toward the dawn.
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. Lamentations 3:21-22