NHCC Tarzan program

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Friday Saturday Sunday

April 19 April 20 April 21

7pm 7pm 3pm

Friday Saturday Sunday

April 26 April 27 April 28

7pm 7pm 3pm

This main stage production of TARZAN速 THE STAGE MUSICAL would never have been possible without the generous support of our Premium Sponsors.



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elcome to New Hope Christian College’s production of Disney’s Tarzan® The Stage Musical! I invite you to leave the concrete jungle behind as you enter a world different from our own. Join us on this journey as we transport you to a place far away into a beloved story of self-discovery and the power of love!

At first glance, Tarzan can seem to be just a simple romp in the jungle with a bunch of apes accompanied by a beautiful musical score, creative costumes, choreography and dazzling sets. However, as you take a closer look, you find a story rich with powerful human emotion. I invite you to fully experience this story about a young boy’s struggle with his identity and his journey to discover who he truly is as he becomes the man he was meant to be. Come away with us and be moved by the intense power of a mother’s heart, by the life-changing values of friendship, loyalty and love and by the powerful bond of this thing we call FAMILY. This journey and these emotions are ones that can deeply touch our hearts as we each relate to them in one way or another. Strap on your safari hat and join the expedition as we discover what it means to be a family and how love has a way of bringing people together.

Cindy Kenny Director


(in order of appearance)

Father............................................................................................................................... ISAAC FRANK Mother..................................................................................................................... LAUREN TAYLOR Kala............................................................................................................................ NATALIE PRUETT Kerchak...................................................................................................................JACOB THIESSEN Leopard..............................................................................................................................KYLIE SAITO Young Tarzan.............................................................................................. ISAAC SUTHERLAND Terk............................................................................................................................ CHRIS KIRIAKOS Snake..................................................................................................KYLIE SAITO/SIGNE TAPERT Tarzan.............................................................................................................................. ISAAC FRANK Jane......................................................................................................................CHRISTINA BROWN Porter......................................................................................................................... LARRY KENTON Clayton...............................................................................................................................ZACH ROPP Snipes......................................................................................................................... SIMON ARNOLD Ape Tribe (listed alphabetically)...................................................................... ALYSON CLEMENTS, MILLIE FREEMAN, ALYSSA GUILLEN, BRITTANY HREHA, CHRIS HUNTOON, JASMYN KAHAWAI, DANIEL MALUYO-GILMAN, NORA MERCIER, ZACH OROSCO, LYDIA RICO, LAUREN TALAMaNTEZ, SIGNE TAPERT, LAUREN TAYLOR, SCOTT THOMPSON, RACHEL URE, DANIEL WOLFE Ape Dancers (listed alphabetically)..........................BRIANNA CRUZ, MILLIE FREEMAN, JASMYN KAHAWAI, NORA MERCIER, AMANDA PRUSSAK, LIZ STRANG, LAUREN TALAMANTEZ SIGNE TAPERT, BRITTANY TORRICER, RACHEL URE

SPECIAL GUESTS Hosanna Dance Studio Dancers Eden Lininger, Mikki Hayashi, Christin Chandler, Carrie Ann Strong, Brookly Alexander, Jessamyn Van Den Elzen, Sarah Dahl, Marissa Jensen, Kelsey Winter, Kyndra Morgan, Kendra Ellioit, Jessica Higgins



“Prologue”............................................................................................ Orchestra “Two Worlds”....................................... Father, Kala, Mother, Kerchak, Apes “You’ll Be In My Heart”................................................................... Kala, Apes “Ten Years Pass”............................................................................................. Solo “Odd Man Out”............................................................................................ Band “Who Better Than Me”...................................................Terk, Young Tarzan “No Other Way”........................................................................... Kerchak, Kala “I Need To Know”....................................................................... Young Tarzan “Son of Man”.................................................................Terk, Kala, Tarzan, Apes “Sure As Sun Turns to Moon”.............................................Kala, Kerchak “Human Invasion”.......................................................................... Female Solo “Waiting For This Moment”............................Jane, Ensemble, Male Solo “Creature Attack”............................................................................ Orchestra “Different”......................................................................................... Tarzan, Jane

~ 15-minute Intermission ~

ACT II “Trashin’ the Camp”............................................................................Terk, Apes “Ape Exodus”......................................................................................... Orchestra “Sketchbook”....................................................................................... Orchestra “Like No Man I’ve Ever Seen”....................................................Jane, Porter “Strangers Like Me”............................................................ Tarzan, Male Solo “Terk and Kala”.................................................................................. Orchestra “For the First Time”...................................................................... Jane, Tarzan “Flower Shower”............................................................................... Orchestra “Who Better Than Me” (reprise)............................................Terk, Tarzan “Meeting the Family”...................................................................... Orchestra “Everything That I Am”....................... Young Tarzan, Tarzan, Male Solo, Kala, Ensemble

“You’ll Be In My Heart” (reprise)...........................................Tarzan, Kala “Daddy’s Little Girl”....................................................................... Orchestra “Man vs. Ape Man”............................................................................. Orchestra “Sure As Sun Turns To Moon” (reprise)............................Kala, Tarzan “Goodbyes”............................................................................................ Orchestra “Two Worlds” (finale).......................................................................Ensemble

~ ORCHESTRA ~ Keys 1/Conductor: Stephen Kenny Keys 2: Corinne Neuschwander Keys 3: Dylan Neuschwander Guitars: Winston Arblaster Bass: Dusty Carlson Drums: Ryan Tapert Percussion 1: Merlin Showalter (19, 20, 21, 28), Grayson Siske (26, 27) Percussion 2: Oscar Watson Trumpet/Flugal: Zac Tendick Horn: Stephanie Hamilton (19, 20, 21), David Ward (26, 27, 28) Trombone: Seth Arnold (19, 20, 21), John Church (26, 27, 28) Flute: Cathy Patton Oboe/English Horn: Clara Terrell Clarinet/Sax: Richard Johnson


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Isaac Frank

Christina Brown

Jacob Theissen

Isaac Sutherland

Natalie Pruett

Chris Kiriakos

Larry Kenton

Kylie Saito

Zach Ropp

Simon Arnold

Lauren Taylor

WHO’S WHO IN THE CAST Listed Alphabetically Simon Arnold - Snipes/Assistant Director

Springfield, OR • Sophomore • Concentration-Creative Arts – Drama • 3rd Production at NHCC. He attended the Springfield Academy of Arts and Academics where he played Raul in Extremities by William Mastrosimone. Simon has performed at Cottage Grove Theatre and in previous NHCC productions of Godspell and Bus Stop, playing Virgil Blessing.

Christina Brown - Jane

Nanakuli, HI • Senior • 2nd Production at NHCC • Concentration-Creative Arts – Music Christina is no stranger to the stage or television. She advanced from among 1000s of auditions in a national audition process to land in the top six contestants in ABC television’s High School Musical: Get in the Picture. Christina is also a featured performer in Hawaii on several cruise lines. She grew up performing with New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii and has appeared in Children of Eden-Narrator; A Christmas Carol-Narrator; Charlie Brown-Sally Brown; and Prince of Egypt-Miriam.

Alyson Clements - Ape Tribe

Eugene, OR • Junior • 2nd Production at NHCC Previously was the Assistant to the Director for Godspell • Concentration-Creative Arts – Music

Brianna Cruz – Ape Dancer

Honolulu, HI • Freshman • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Christian Counseling

Isaac Frank – Tarzan/Father

Park City, MT • Senior • 3rd Production at NHCC Previous Productions: Godspell, Bus Stop • Concentration-Creative Arts Isaac has performed in musicals at Laurel High School, including Once Upon a Mattress, Anything

Goes and Bye, Bye Birdie. He was the Tin Man in the Billings Studio Theatre’s The Wizard of Oz in 2007. He has acted in several commercials, was recently an extra in the show Leverage and had a speaking role in the independent film, Speak. Isaac played Jesus in New Hope Christian College’s 2012 Spring musical, Godspell and most recently was Dr. Lyman in the Fall production of Bus Stop.

Millie Freeman – Ape Tribe/Dancer Boone, IA • Freshman • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Creative Arts - Vocal

Alyssa Guillen - Ape Tribe

Kapolei, HI • Freshman • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Christian Counseling

Brittany Hreha - Ape Tribe

Medford, OR • Sophomore • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Creative Arts - Music

Chris Huntoon – Ape Tribe

Springfield, OR • Senior • 2nd Production at NHCC Previous Production: Finding Joseph • Concentration-Youth Ministry

Jasmyn Kahawai – Ape Tribe/Dancer Honolulu, HI • Senior • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Pastoral Studies

Larry Kenton – Porter

A fairly recent transplant to the Eugene area has given Larry opportunities to perform again after many years of working as an orchestrator/ conductor for motion pictures, video games, and TV (Up, Ratatouille, Mission Impossible, Star Trek, Skyrim, World Of Warcraft, Medal Of Honor, Academy Awards Show). Locally, you may have seen him at VLT in Follies, at the Shedd in Sound

Of Music, at Cottage Theatre in Gypsy, or at Actor’s Cabaret Eugene in Side By Side by Sondheim. But Tarzan The Musical is the “swingin-est” show he’s ever been in, and he’s loving it!

Christopher Kiriakos – Terk

Honolulu, HI • Senior • 2nd Production at NHCC Previous Production: Godspell • Concentration-Creative Arts - Music Since the age of thirteen he has been involved in theatre. He has performed the role of Linus in You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown and Mr. Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life, as well as being a dancer and ensemble member in Children of Eden, A Christmas Carol and Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat with New Hope Youth Performing Arts Center. Chris is active as a musician, singer, actor and dancer.

Daniel Maluyo-Gilman – Ape Tribe Wahiawa, HI • Freshman • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Interdisciplinary Studies

Nora Mercier – Ape Tribe/Dancer Yakima, WA • Sophomore • 2nd Production at NHCC Previous Production: Godspell • Concentration-Creative Arts - Vocal

Zach Orosco – Ape Tribe

Honolulu, HI • Junior • 2nd Production at NHCC Previous Production: Acts of God • Concentration-Interdisciplinary Studies

Amanda Prussak – Ape Dancer Curitiba PR, Brazil • 1st Production at NHCC

Natalie Pruett – Kala

Salem, OR • Sophomore • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Creative Arts Natalie is an outstanding vocalist who is excited to take on the role of Tarzan’s ape mother. She is a member of the Momentum team and travels frequently representing the College.

Isaac Sutherland – Young Tarzan

Isaac Sutherland is 12 years old and a recent transplant to Eugene. Prior to living here, Isaac resided in Redmond, Oregon where he performed in The Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever and The Emperors New Clothes. He is currently cast in the role of Gavroche in the Actors Cabaret of Eugene’s production of Les Miserables’.

Zachary Ropp – Clayton

Springfield, OR • Junior • 2nd Production at NHCC Previous Production: Bus Stop • Concentration-Creative Arts – Drama Zach has been seen in HomeSource productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing, as well as with AHHA in You Can’t Take It With You and A Father’s Choice. Zach was the Assistant to the Director for William Inge’s Bus Stop.

Lydia Rico – Ape Tribe

Waianae, HI • Freshman • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Creative Arts –Vocal

Kylie Saito – Leopard/Ape Tribe

Ewa Beach, HI • Senior • 2nd Production at NHCC Previous Production: Godspell • Concentration-Creative Arts – Dance Kylie began her dance education at the age of 10 studying hip hop, jazz and lyrical at various dance studios in Hawaii (Honolulu Dance Studio, and Hypersquad). This is Kylie’s 6th musical; others include: Children of Eden, Prince of Egypt, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and A Christmas Carol.

Liz Strang – Ape Dancer

Spokane, WA • Junior • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Christian Counseling

Lauren Talamantez – Ape Tribe/Dancer Waverly, IA • Junior • 2nd Production at NHCC Previous Production: Bus Stop • Concentration-Interdisciplinary Studies

Signe Tapert – Ape Tribe/Dancer/Snake Seattle, WA • Graduated from Inglemoore High School • Was a competitive figure skater for 13 years

Lauren Taylor – Tarzan’s Mother/Ape Tribe Springfield, OR • Sophomore • 4th Production at NHCC Previous Productions: The D-Force, Godspell, Bus Stop • Concentration-Creative Arts – Drama

Jacob Thiessen – Kerchak

Triangle Lake, OR • Freshman • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Creative Arts – Vocal Jacob recently received the “Outstanding Freshman Vocalist” award at NHCC. He brings a tremendous level of physicality to the role of Tarzan’s ape father. A natural athlete with a strong and dynamic vocal range, Jacob is honored to make his musical theatre debut with NHCC.

Scott Thompson – Ape Tribe Troutdale, OR • Junior • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Creative Arts

Britiny Torricer - Ape Dancer

Lodi, CA • Junior • 1st Production at NHCC • Concentration-Christian Counseling

Rachel Ure – Ape Tribe/Dancer

Inverness, Scotland • Junior • 5th Production at NHCC Previous Productions: Acts of God, D-Force, Godspell, Bus Stop • Concentration-Creative Arts

Daniel Wolfe – Ape Tribe

Waverly, IA • Senior • 4th Production at NHCC Previous Productions: D-Force, Godspell, Bus Stop • Concentration-Creative Arts

PRODUCTION TEAM Cindy Kenny - Director

is an experienced singer/actress/vocal and drama director. Here in Eugene, she was most recently seen playing Lady Thiang in the Shedd production of The King and I as well as Mother Abbess in The Sound of Music. She has also performed such roles as Nellie in South Pacific, Marion in The Music Man, Hodel in Fiddler on the Roof, Mrs. Jefferson in 1776, and Grace in Annie. She has also performed with Hawaii Opera Theatre in the roles of Barbarina in The Marriage of Figaro and Javotte in Manon, among others. For this production of Tarzan, however, Cindy has stepped off the stage and into the role of Director, making her musical theatre directorial debut. She holds a Master’s degree in vocal performance, with an emphasis in Musical Theatre and Opera and teaches private voice/ drama and Creative Arts courses at New Hope Christian College. She is married to one of the most talented men on this planet and is the mother of four amazing children.

Jennifer Knight Dills - Choreographer

has performed extensively in five Western states and the UK, both as an independent performer and with modern, ballet, and opera companies. She has been featured in solo and leading roles in works of world-renowned choreographers Doris Humphrey, Valerie Bettis, Kay Bardsley, Gilbert Reed, Bryan Hayes, and David Parsons. In 2000, she formed “The Performers Project,” and has produced her own work and that of guest dance artists and musicians in regional concert projects. She received her MFA degree in Dance from the University of Oregon, specializing in dance techniques, choreography, analysis, and dance history. She has served on the faculty at the U of O, Lane Community College, and New Hope Christian College and has been teaching ballet, modern, jazz, and ballroom dance freelance for over a decade.

Stephen Kenny - Producer/Music Director received a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. An accomplished pianist, conductor, and arranger, he is no stranger to the world of musical theatre, having worked with Cameron Macintosh Productions on Miss Saigon and Les Miserables, and with Hawaii Musical Theatre Company, Hawaii Opera Theatre, and Honolulu Theatre for Youth. In 2010, Stephen was invited to design a new Creative Arts program for New Hope Christian College.

Kyle Anderson - Audio Designer

is the co-founder, president, CEO and Principal Audio Designer of Anderson Group International. AGI, Inc. is a Christian owned and operated organization dedicated to helping churches communicate better specializing in audio, visual, lighting, acoustics, and installation services. Kyle began working in professional audio following high school and went on to receive a degree in Physics, Mathematics and Organic Chemistry from the University of Oregon. With over thirty years of experience in the audio industry, Kyle has mixed live sound for national artists such as Kathy Troccoli, Point of Grace, Bryan Duncan, Phil Keaggy, and has spent equal time behind the console as a recording engineer.

Kelly Baum - Lighting Designer

has a degree in technical theater from the University of Oregon. Kelly has been a resident lighting designer for The Eugene Ballet Company since 1994. During that period of time, he has lit works for recognized choreographers such as Toni Pimble, Anna Marie Holmes, Bruce Marks, Lynne Taylor-Corbett, Paul Vasterling, Jill Eathorne Bahr, Bruce Steivel, Jessica Lang, Gillmer Duran, and Eloy Barragan. Kelly’s work has also been featured in a national touring production of Alice in Wonderland, dozens of

productions for Ballet Idaho during a company partnership, and a Kennedy Center production of Alice In Wonderland with the Washington Ballet.

Karen Scheeland - Stage Manager

has had a many faceted theatre career which includes teaching acting at Lane Community College, drama director at Willamette High School, production manager for Oregon Repertory Theatre and the general manager of the Eugene Festival of Musical Theatre for whom she acted and stage managed at the Hult Center for the Performing Arts. A long time member and former president of the Very Little Theatre, Karen continues to stay active as a director, actor and voice over talent. Although she studied Dramatic Art in England, Karen’s degree is in Theatre Arts from the University of Oregon.

Jonna Hayden - Costume Designer

providing design services and costume construction for the Eugene Opera, Eugene Ballet, the Eugene Vocal Arts Ensemble and the Eugene Symphony, as well as a myriad of other smaller organizations. During the school year, Jonna is an Adjunct Faculty member at The Academy of Arts and Academics, a charter high school in downtown Springfield where she teaches Theatrical Costuming.

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Kelly Baum

Alyson Clements

Bri Cruz

Jennifer Knight Dills

Millie Freeman

Alyssa Guillen

Brittany Hreha

Chris Huntoon

Jasmyn Kahawai

Daniel Maluyo-Gilman

Nora Mercier

Zach Orosco

Amanda Prussak

Lydia Rico

Karen Scheeland

Liz Strang

Lauren Talamantez

Signe Tapert

Scott Thompson

Britiny Torricer

Rachel Ure

Daniel Wolfe

Hosanna Dance Studio Dancers

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CONTACT 541.636.3439


Production Team Director.........................................................................................................................Cindy Kenny Choreographer....................................................................................Jennifer Knight Dills Producer/Music Director............................................................................ Stephen Kenny Light & Stage Design..................................................................................................Kelly Baum Stage Manager..................................................................................................Karen Scheeland Costume Director................................................................................................Jonna Hayden Audio Designer......................................................................................................Kyle Anderson Technical Directors................................................... Nathan Delaney, Everett Smith Assistant Director.............................................................................................. Simon Arnold Choreographic Assistant................................................................ Aubrianne Anderson Assistant to the producer............................................................................Jazmine Pasion Props.............................................................................................................................. Shannon Peet Stage Crew.....................................................................Cameron Anderson, Max Casarez, David Kenny, Aaron Sutherland, Jacob Waldo Vine Making Team.......................................................Kristy Barbusca, Bridgette Bates, Keenan Baum, Wesley Baum, Mercedes Moore, Sanjuanita Moore, Melissa Norland, Laurynda Northway, Mikayla Northway, Piper Northway, Obadiah Northway, Shannon Peet Costume Team............................................................................. Amanda Prussak, Gail Rapp, Lita Thomas Hair..........................................................................................................................Heather Jackson Make-up.............................................................................................................................. Kandy Huff Hair & Make-up Team..................................................... Kayleigh Benzie, Baylee Dorris, Jessica Higgins, Marely Gross, Ashley Pyle Light Board................................................................................................Christopher Brown Master Builder.......................................................................................................... Alex Fontain Set Team..................................................................... Simon Arnold, Christopher Brown, Kandy Huff, David Kenny, Daniel Rethwill, Everett Smith, Bryson Victorino Stage Set-up Crew.....................................................................Chad Luna, Chris Kiriakos, Jonathan Stolk Metal Fabrication/Welding.................................................Dan Dills, Chris Kiriakos IT/Web Support................................................................................................... Peter Thourson Graphic Design..................................................................Ryan Bluebaugh, Gary Hisaoka Box Office Manager.....................................................................................................Deb Tilson Front of House Manager.............................................................................Kristy Barbusca

Weekdays at 5am, 6am, Noon, 5, 6 & 11pm News anytime at KVAL.com

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Special Thanks Adele Grimes Al Stewart & Eye Beam Event Services Anderson Group International Arizona Broadway Theatre Erie Playhouse Eugene Ballet Eugene Opera John Johnson of Johnny Fix-it Construction Lane Community College Theatre Department Marist High School Music Department Mikala’s Fitness Pastor Aaron Sutherland & New Hope Eugene Ron Coble Sandi Green & Creswell High School Steve Maricle & First Baptist of Eugene Tiesse Morgan & Hosanna Dance Studio Tuacahn Amphitheatre Weapons of Choice

The NHCC Creative Arts Department would like to thank the following Sponsors: PREMIUM SPONSORS - $5,000 Anderson Group International Bi-Mart Bourland Printing IP Services KVAL Television New Hope International / New Hope Eugene UNDERWRITERS - $2,000 Absolute Fitness Eye Beam Event Services SUPPORTERS - $1,000 Pacific Region Open Bible Churches Reed & Cross - Floral & Gifts Altered Appearance The Mac Store PATRONS - $500 Hope 107.9fm

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