1 minute read
Conscious Aging
By Nancy Hemesath
because it is the veneer of our lives. When my friend said her ego is diminishing, I think she meant the externals were meaning less and less to her as she grows older. She fusses less about how she looks, how much money she takes in or, most importantly, what others think of her. As we grow in awareness of our true self, the false self loses power. Even physical diminishments of aging cannot touch our soul.
Opposite the false self is the “true self.” The true self is our grounded self, who we are in our essence. Some would call this the “soul.” It is who we are within, that which is real despite any changes in external circumstances. This implies a divine spark, a quality that goes beyond all that is transitory.
The ego is transitory
Ironically, as we detach from the ego of the false self, the health of our psychological ego strengthens. We have a healthy sense of self at our core. There is no room for egotism. We are entirely comfortable in our skin because it houses our true self.
(Hemesath is the owner of Encore Coaching. She is dedicated to supporting people in their Third Chapter of Life and is available for presentations. Contact her at nanhemesath@ gmail.com.)