Spring 2011
from the
A Publication of NEWIM, Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry
“...to strengthen women who minister to women…”
Return To Be Encouraged On February 26, two hundred and eighty-five women gathered at the CrossSERVING NEWIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Jackie Rettberg BOARD CHAIR Carolyn Shea
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Maureen Moore RECORDING SECRETARY Jill Austin BOARD MEMBERS Shirley Barber Luann Budd Cheri Dale Kim Lomakin Rhoda Stanley PRESIDENT EMERITUS Ginger Bertoni
roads Community Church in Bakersfield for an inspiring conference. The theme was A Heart That is Faithful from Isaiah 64:4: “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him” (NIV). Teri Thompson, Luann Budd and Jackie Rettberg were the featured speakers. Teri gave the theme message. She began by reviewing five miracles from the first six chapters of Exodus, reminding us the answers to our prayers often don’t look like anything we imagine. God is faithful and as we draw closer to Him, our hearts grow in faith toward Him and others. Jackie Rettberg, Executive Director of NEWIM, talked about “The Death of the Shoulds and the Beginning of Faith.” She referred to 1 Corinthians 3:16-18 to remind us that the effect of continually beholding the face of God is continual transformation. If we trust Jesus and don’t “should” ourselves to death, rather trust and rest in Him, He will change us. Our final speaker was Luann Budd, whose presentation was titled “Faithful to Love.” The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) tells us the question is not whom should we love, but that we need to be the neighbor with the heart of God. Luann talked about her transforming experience of providing a home and help to an immigrant young lady with no family and how it softened, broke and opened her heart in a way that brought the reality of loving our neighbor into sharp focus. Audio recordings of Teri’s and Jackie’s sessions are available to NEWIM members at www.newim.org. Unfortunately, Luann’s session was not recorded. The women enjoyed lively praise sessions led by the Crossroads praise team, and a delicious lunch in a lovely setting provided by the women’s ministry team. NEWIM staff was on hand to answer questions about the organization and the resources available to members and friends, including the Springs retreats, Creative Seminars, newsletters and our website. We hope you will return with us to be encouraged at the next Return, tentatively planned for early 2013.
NEWIM Fundraiser at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club NEWIM members and friends will gather at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club in Newport Beach on Thursday, September 29th, to raise funds for NEWIM’s Springs retreats and women’s retreats in South Africa. In recent years the funds raised through the NEWIM Bridge Day have enabled many women to attend our retreats who would have been unable to afford the cost of registration. If you’re not a card player, we encourage you to become a sponsor! Some of the costs associated with putting on the Bridge Day are: Flyers: $100 Food: $30 per person Table rentals: $15 each Cards: $15 each box Please consider being a sponsor by sending a donation to NEWIM at P.O. Box 866 Balboa, CA 92661. Please mark your donation “NEWIM Retreats Scholarship Fund.” All donations are tax deductible. Last year’s tournament raised approximately $3,000, which enabled NEWIM to sponsor a retreat for 100 women in Capetown, South Africa. Pleas e cont act R hoda Stanl e y (rhodarhoda@sbcglobal.net) for more information. Additional details will be available on our website, www.newim.org.
Have You Been to Our Website? Our website has been designed to be a valuable resource for you. Visit us today to see what’s available to help you grow in grace and knowledge of God, serve Him in your ministry and network with other women working toward the same goals. What we offer: monthly Food For the Soul articles, monthly words of biblical wisdom from our Director and other authors, ministry highlights from our members, an events calendar and Creative Seminars for your church or group. For members, listen to audio presentations from NEWIM conferences and access our online member directory. Members: your user name is FirstLast, no space; your password is “changeme” no space. Friends: click register and fill in all fields (please use your name, FirstLast, no spaces, as your user name). For help logging in, email info@newim.org. Page 2
Director of Women’s Ministry Forum NEWIM would love to serve you as you serve your women’s ministry! Several times a year, Jackie Rettberg, Executive Director of NEWIM, hosts a forum for directors of women’s ministry. We discuss our unique issues, network, eat lunch and have fun too! At our last forum on March 18, a group of women’s ministry directors gathered at Jackie’s home. After a devotional, Cheri Dale, NEWIM board member and a marriage and family therapist, gave a presentation on conflict resolution. The information she gave on the role of each team member and group dynamics led to lively discussion about how to better work together. Cheri provided handouts on growing Susan Booker and through conflict, helping women to emoJackie Rettberg tional and spiritual wholeness and how to analyze your conflict management style. The next forum will be held on Friday morning, July 8. Cheri Dale, NEWIM board If you are a director of women’s ministry in your church and member and marriage and family therapist. would like to participate in this exciting and encouraging forum, please contact us at info@newim.org or call 714-318-5432.
Become a Member or Renew Your Membership... ...online and save a stamp! Just go to www.newim.org and click the online store link. Choose your membership level and receive real benefits, including an online member roster, audio presentations and selected event discounts. Join today and we’ll post your ministry report in our Member Corner (all members are welcome to contribute). Your fee is tax deductible.
Join us on YouTube and Facebook! Meet the NEWIM team on YouTube. We’re posting videos to help you get to know us. Subscribe and meet everyone! We’re also on Facebook. We’d love to have you join us there so we can keep in touch.
Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech. —Author Unknown Page 3
The Springs Retreat South, April 2011 The theme for south Springs: Trusting in God’s Love and Provision “God is completely sovereign, infinite in wisdom, perfect in love and therefore worthy of our trust.” —Jerry Bridges, Trusting God
The Springs in southern California: April 18-20, 2012 (Wednesday through Friday) Cost: $250 Prince of Peace Abbey, Oceanside
“The Springs for me is the water of life. The serenity and solitude this place affords a person from the bells and whistles of everyday life.”
The Springs was like: “Jesus with his arms wide open welcoming you to His embrace of love, compassion, play, beauty and release of anything that bothers you.” “Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”
“Organized yet flowing and flexible. Casual yet God-focused. The gentle direction to help enjoy the experience; setting the tone. Very friendly team members. I like the small group feel.”
“The emphasis on quiet time to listen to God.” Page 4
The Springs Retreat North, April 2011 Psalm 84 was the focus of our Chapel meditations: “How lovely is your dwelling place, LORD Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God” (NIV).
“I thought the idea of a silent retreat was crazy. But oh, how wonderful it is to be with our Father in his beautiful nature, listening and journaling and meditating on His Word.”
“This retreat was such a sweet time with my Savior. So refreshing and encouraging. So nice to get answers and find some clarity, and be encouraged. I was so excited to come here and get away from all of the noise and distractions and just be loved on by my Abba. I can’t wait until I can come back again.”
The Springs in northern California: November 2-4, 2011 (WednesdayFriday) Cost: $255 March 9-11, 2012 (Friday to Sunday) Cost: $255 St. Anthony’s Retreat Center, Three Rivers
“I found a different way of journaling; taking the garbage that fills my mind and writing about it. As I write God reveals his perspective and the garbage loses its power over me. I need a journal that is for God and me alone. I have a new vision for quiet time that is focused on being with God rather than focused on Bible education, ministry to others, problems and decisions.”
“He reminded me that He alone is my perfect comfort when I am not comforted by people. The Springs is a time to become acquainted, or reacquainted, with how to hear God through Scriptures and live the spiritual life God created us to live.” Page 5
Creative Seminars For Your Church or Group NEWIM’s Creative Seminars ministry has provided eight seminars for churches and groups since its inception a year ago. It is designed for churches with limited resources and any group needing an affordable speaker. With an amazing number of seasoned NEWIM leaders, we have an extensive list of topics from which to choose. Are you planning a Saturday morning mini-retreat? Do you need a presenter for an evening event? How about a meeting just for your leadership team? Or would you love to have a one-on-one consultation with an experienced woman in ministry? The possibilities are unlimited. The topics are divided into categories:
Creative Seminars can help your small church or group put on the perfect event!
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Relationships Personal Growth Biblical Studies Leadership Training One-on-one Women’s Ministry Consulting
The best aspect of this ministry is that all the presenters have partnered with NEWIM to invest their time as a gift. Thus, your cost is nominal—a small administration fee and presenter travel expenses. It’s an incredible resource available at your fingertips. It’s easy to schedule a seminar. Visit our website at www.newim.org, choose a category and click on a speaker. You’ll see a list of her topics. Then click to schedule. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact the program administrator, Sherylynne Carriveau at sherylynne@lbac.org. She’ll be happy to help you create the perfect seminar!
May God bless you with the discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that you will live deep in your heart. May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people and the earth so that you will work for justice, equity and peace. May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer so you will reach out your hands to comfort them and change their pain into joy. And may God bless you with the foolishness to think that you can make a difference in the world, so you will do the things which others say cannot be done. —Franciscan Prayer Page 6
From the Director During a chat with a woman at a recent conference, I told her about NEWIM’S 48-hour retreat, “The Springs” and our half day retreat, “Make Space For God.” She said to me breathlessly, “Oh, I absolutely need those retreats but I am so busy at my church I wouldn’t have time to attend!” At that, she began to rattle off the amazing number of ministries she was heading up in her church. After about the eighth job she mentioned, I was able to interrupt her because she had stopped to take a breath and I said, “But when do you have time to spend with your Lord?” Her jaw dropped and she confessed, “Well that’s my struggle” and she hurried away with one last shout over her shoulder, “I’ll just have to pray more in my car!” I don’t know about you but I think the Lord would prefer I pay attention to my driving when I’m driving and give up a ministry or two to pay more attention to Him. Why don’t you take a moment to write down all the things you do for the Lord in your church, community and your home and don’t forget your time on the Internet? A long time ago I was taught my life with the Lord is like a pyramid. The wide base of the pyramid represents my relationship with Him and the time I spend with Him. The very small tip at the top of the pyramid represents the time spent in serving others. From time to time, it’s good to ask yourself if it’s possible your pyramid might be upside down. If your service is at the wide bottom of the pyramid and your relationship and your time with the Lord is at the top, it’s time to make a switch! Here at NEWIM we want to remind you to keep your pyramid right side up! Take a breath, slow down and spend more time with the Lord. And to that dear lady and many others like her we say: pay attention to your driving when you’re driving and more attention to the Lord when you’re not!
Pam Svalstad, a new member of NEWIM, and Jill Austin, a member of the NEWIM Board of Directors at the NEWIM table.
Keep your pyramid right side up!
The first annual Diocese of the Western Anglicans was held at Mariners Church in Irvine, March 18-19. The Dioceses of Western Anglicans is made up of 28 churches that have left the Episcopal Dioceses in order to stand for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. NEWIM has been asked to be a ministry partner with the Western Anglican Diocese and we are happy for the opportunity to support the women in that Diocese as we support women in ministry elsewhere. Page 7
Newsletter Editor: Tammy Tkach Email: tammy.tkach@gci.org VISIT US ON THE W EB: WWW. NEWIM. ORG
Need an instant seminar? Check out our Creative Seminars, available to your church or group for a small administrative fee. Click on Creative Seminars at www.newim.org to see a comprehensive list of topics. Schedule a seminar today for your leaders or your whole church, right from our website.
Is your email address correct? NEWIM is all about networking and we love to keep in touch! If you’re not receiving semimonthly email from us, please take a moment to update your email address. Don’t forget to add info@newim.org to your contacts list. We hate it when we go in your spam file! Email us or log in to update your contact info.
NEWIM P.O. Box 866 Balboa, CA 92661 (714) 318-4321 Address Service Requested
From the Heart