From the heart summer 2013

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Summer 2013 A Publication of NEWIM, Network of Evangelical

from the

Women in Ministry

“ strengthen women who minister to women…”

What is NEWIM? The Network

SERVING NEWIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Jackie Rettberg Assistant to the Director Sherylynne Carriveau BOARD CHAIR Carolyn Shea

CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Maureen Moore RECORDING SECRETARY Jill Austin BOARD MEMBERS Shirley Barber Lisa Cappelli Bergstedt Luann Budd Cheri Dale Joyce Kinnu Teri Thompson Tammy Tkach Barbara Willett Dawn Wilson PRESIDENT EMERITUS Ginger Bertoni

of Evangelical Women in Ministry is an international, non-profit membership organization. Our purpose is to provide resources, spiritual enrichment and networking opportunities for women in ministry. Our three-pronged purpose came out of the experience of women who found themselves in leadership positions and who needed support in these areas. Resources: women in any kind of ministry need help! NEWIM offers several resources to help you: Director of Women’s Ministry forums where directors can share ideas, challenges and solutions. If you need a speaker, seasoned ministry leaders offer their time and expertise at no charge to your small church or group. Our leadership mentors are available to anyone in need of ministry advice or just a listening ear. Spiritual Enrichment: NEWIM is well known for its contemplative and silent retreats. The Springs is a wonderful time of refreshing with the Lord and is offered twice a year in central California. Our new silent 24-hour retreat is also offered twice a year in southern California. You will find more spiritual enrichment on our website in the form of Bible studies, Food for the Soul and articles from our Director. Networking: we have four chapters (see pages 3-5) where women come together for fun, fellowship, problem sharing and solving, speakers, prayer and refreshments. You are invited to attend a chapter near you and participate with other women who love ministering to women. Our conferences are also a great place to network with other like-minded women and to hear encouraging speakers and inspiring praise music. Our website is available to you twenty-four hours a day and is updated regularly with articles, event information and registration, books and booklets in our online store, chapter news, member ministries, audio downloads for members, links to helpful websites and this newsletter as PDF. We are on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (newimtweets). You can catch up with all things Springs on NEWIM is and always has been dedicated to ministering to women who minister to women. We invite you to partner with us in our continuing efforts to serve these women by becoming a member, making a donation, participating in our Bridge Day fundraiser or by attending any of our events. We invite you to get to know us through our “About Us” page and on YouTube. Our Board is ready to serve you and would love to hear from you.

Gather a Foursome! The

NEWIM board is planning another Bridge Day at beautiful Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Beach. It will be held on Thursday, September 19th from 9:30 to 1:30. Registration forms will be available in August. Friends are asked to “Gather a Foursome” and register together. The Bridge Day fundraiser provides scholarships as needed for ministry leaders wishing to attend a Springs Retreat or a Silent Retreat. To date, we have provided over 50 scholarships so women can take time out of their busy schedules and reconnect with God. Bridge Day, 2012 If you need a break to spend time with the Lord, go to for details, testimonies and more about these wonderful retreats. The next Springs will be November 13-15 (Wednesday to Friday) at St. Anthony’s Retreat Center in Three Rivers, California. The next Silent Retreat, “Prayers of the Saints,” Honoring the Power and Privilege of Prayer, will be held at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center, Sierra Madre, California, October 25-26. Registration is open for both retreats on our website. We hope to fill lots of tables with enthusiastic bridge players. We’ll have a great lunch, great prizes and lots of fun! See you there! Enjoying silence and reflection at the Springs

Leadership Mentoring Do you wish you could talk to someone about ministry issues? The following NEWIM leaders are available whenever you need help: Shannon Reese: Luann Budd: Monica Brislawn: Betsy Stowe: Beverly Amsbary Davenport: Jackie Rettberg: Go to and click Leadership Mentoring for their areas of expertise. Page 2

NEWIM Chapters NEWIM’s chapters are part of our three-pronged purpose to bring women in ministry together to network—to share ideas, challenges, discuss trends in society and the church and to help each other grow in the Lord. Our four chapters are spread out over California: Orange County, San Diego, Kern County and the Central Valley. If there’s no chapter near you, we invite you to talk with us about starting one.

Orange County Chapter During the summer of 2010, the Orange County chapter of NEWIM restructured from its former style of meeting on the campus of Vanguard University in Costa Mesa (approximately nine to ten times per year) to a three-times-peryear discussion format meeting in the home of our Executive Director. Our target audience in this current format is Directors of Women's Ministries, hence the title Directors Forum. Shannon Reese (Director of Women at Calvary Church of Santa Ana) is the overall facilitator of this Forum. However, several women have prepared presentations which provide a springboard for lively discussion. We invite the Directors from the Orange County area and beyond to come to share from their Shannon Reese experience in their churches and to engage in idea-sharing, problem-solving and encouragement. The networking among the women provides much-needed Biblical fellowship which encourages each one every time we meet. Topics we have addressed in this forum include: • Conflict Resolution • Waiting on the Lord • Assimilating Newcomers (First Impressions) • Discipleship Ministries • Burnout We hope you'll plan to attend. You will be refreshed and your participation will serve to refresh others (Proverbs 11:25). Contact Jackie Rettberg at or Susan at for more information. Susan Booker

Silent Retreat, 2013 You are invited to get away for twenty-four hours of silence, prayer and reflection. Join us October 25-26 at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center, Sierra Madre, California. The theme will be “Prayers of the Saints,” Honoring the Power and Privilege of Prayer. Registration for the 2013 Silent Retreat is open on our website, Contact Lisa Bergstedt at with questions or for more information. —Lisa Bergstedt, Silent Retreat Co-Leader Page 3

San Diego Chapter The

twenty women attending NEWIM San Diego in February heard Darlene Barber share from her 20 years of experience as Women’s Ministry Director at Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon. She spoke to us about passion and clear vision for ministry, heart preparation, waiting for God to reveal the next path for our “assignments” and stepping out in faith. Darlene detailed how her own Women’s Council works. (1) Her Council is currently made up of 10 “Overseers” of various ministries. (2) Meetings, held twice a month, include prayer, a brunch and old/new business. (3) They discuss books like Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala, Prayer by David Jeremiah and Leadership by J. Oswald Chambers. (4) Each council member is an overseer of one or more women’s ministries and reports to the council what God is doing. (5) Darlene said it is important to start on time and spend time sharing and investing in each other’s lives. She suggested ten goals for ministry: glorifying God (the main goal); building a foundation of prayer, Bible study and discipleship; loving the ministry; waiting on God’s timing and choice of leaders and ministries; loving others with your whole heart; training leaders monthly; being a cheerleader for council members; staying on the cutting edge of technology and other ministry tools; never compromising your stand for righteousness; and, if necessary, confronting a person in love. Appreciation is important. Remember council members’ and ministry team leaders’ birthdays and celebrate holidays and special events with inexpensive gifts and/or notes. Spend time with the leaders—take them to lunch, one-on-one. Know their needs and pray for them. Stay involved in their lives with retreats and shared wisdom from books. Visit their area of service and give affirming feedback; share what God is doing through them. Seek their opinions regarding ministry. One of Darlene’s personal goals is Keep Ministry Fun! “Find out what you love to do,” she said, “and you’ll never have to work another day in your life.” —Dawn Wilson, President, San Diego Chapter

The Springs Retreat The Springs gives you time to be quiet and alone with God and is a great opportunity to deepen your personal relationship with him. Make plans now to attend the next Springs Retreat, November 13-15, (Wednesday through Friday) 2013. You may register online at PayPal is Luann Budd, available. Director of Visit the Springs page on our website for more in- the Springs formation and connect with us on our Facebook page and NEWIM and blog, Board member Page 4

Kern County Chapter The NEWIM Kern County chapter had its last meeting at Sue Sabaloni’s house. Her message on the need for rest and was a real blessing. Three women who were just getting started in women’s ministry in their churches attended. In February, the chapter held the Kern County Christian Women’s Conference. About 500 women from the area attended. The theme for the conference was “Relationships Matter.” We shared about the importance of an ongoing relationship with Jesus and how growth comes from time with Him and in His Word. We went from there with messages about the importance of our relationships with others, being at peace with all people if at all possible and the ability to extend forgiveness when needed. It was an awesome day, filled with the Spirit of God. About 60 women were added to our roster from the conference. Our chapter is growing! We invite you to come to a meeting and get to know us. Contact Teri for information about future meetings. —Teri Thompson, President Kern County Chapter

Central Valley Chapter The heart of our chapter meetings is encouragement and building up as it says in 1 Thessalonians 5, verse 11: “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” As women involved in all areas of ministry, coming from different churches and backgrounds, we need each other’s encouragement, ideas and relationships. Our chapter meetings are a unique opportunity to network and meet new friends with similar goals. Invite women on your team or a friend in ministry and bring resources and ideas or announcements to share. If you aren’t on our mailing list, let us know so we can keep you posted on upcoming events. Email Elaine at to be added to the list or for information regarding future meetings. About the president: Shirley has served as Director of Women’s Ministries at Peoples Church for 25 years. She also serves on the Board of NEWIM. —Shirley Barber, President Central Valley Chapter Page 5

Karla Downing, NEWIM Speaker Karla Downing offers relationship help as a speaker, author, Bible study teacher, and

My years in the desert have been replaced with a ministry that is rebuilding the desolate places in my life

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licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Her passion is to see individuals, marriages and families set free from the chains of dysfunction, misunderstanding and emotional pain both personally and relationally. Her messages provide practical and biblical truths that bring balance and clarity to life and relationship issues from her personal and professional experience. She also desires to equip ministry leaders to help Christians in emotional pain from difficult relationships. Karla’s passion arose from her personal experience. As the oldest of four children in a home with an alcoholic father, she watched her mother struggle with being a Christian in a difficult marriage. With the exception of her mother’s refusal to submit to her husband’s demand that she not take the children to church or bring her Bible into the home, she tolerated the rest of his abusive and addictive behavior. Her father got sober when Karla was seventeen years old and committed his life to the Lord. Believing the problems were behind her, she married her husband whom she met in church with the plan to have a Christ-centered home. Much to her shock and dismay, the marriage was difficult. She struggled for over twenty years with how to deal with the problems in a way that would please the Lord and bring change. Much of what she read in Christian books contradicted what she was learning in support groups that helped. Believing God had to approve of things that were healthy, she searched the Word and found the Bible promotes principles that support mutual respect, boundaries, speaking the truth, self-worth, self-responsibility, personal consequences and self-care. Karla’s experience as a counselor also reinforced her belief that the misunderstandings Christians have about what the Bible teaches about relationships makes them ill-prepared to respond to the problems. Karla’s first book, 10 Lifesaving Principles for Women in Difficult Marriages, was released in 2003 and was re-released in an expanded and revised version in March, 2013. The principles include: Reach Out; Understand Scriptural Truths; Change Yourself, Not Him; Detach with Love; Nurture Yourself; Face Your Fears; Speak the Truth in Love; Set Boundaries; Prioritize Your Children; and Enter God’s Rest. This book offers women exactly what they need: biblical and practical help for their complex daily relationship dilemmas that meets them right where they are. She is the founder of which offers articles, audio and video studies and an e-newsletter featuring a relationship truth, prayer, challenge and Scripture meditation. When asked about how she feels about her ministry, Karla’s response was “I consider it an honor and privilege to be able to share what I have learned in my journey in difficult relationships. God is faithful. He promises to restore what the cankerworm and locust have destroyed. My years in the desert have been replaced with a ministry that is rebuilding the desolate places in my life and others’ lives.” You can reach Karla at Her website is Karla is available to speak at your next event through

From the Director Alice in Wonderland In Lewis Carroll’s story of Alice in Wonderland, Alice has an interesting conversation with Humpty Dumpty regarding the word glory. Humpty Dumpty sneers at Alice for her protest at finding that when he said glory, he meant a nice knock-down argument. “‘When I use a word,’ said he scornfully, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean neither more nor less!’” We laugh at this because it is so outrageous. We wouldn’t put up with it if our friends made words mean whatever they wanted them to mean and we never were quite sure what they were talking about! It is currently popular but an outrage in our society to be like Humpty Dumpty and change the meaning of words to fit the political climate. To be politically correct simply means people change the meaning of their words to mean whatever they want them to mean so what they say will not offend anyone. They think doing this will keep them from being held accountable because no one really knows what the words mean anyway! It is also an outrage that in some Christian churches today there are those who are tempted to change the meaning of God’s Word from time to time in order to not offend anyone nor be held accountable for what they say. But God is always intent on communicating clearly with us and never changes the meaning of His Words! Holiness will always mean separation, not trying to be better than my neighbor (Romans 6:19). God’s Love still means God’s perfect actions toward us and not a warm fuzzy feeling (John 3:16). Sin is still lawlessness and rebellion against God ending in death and not just mistakes we make (Romans 6:23). Grace will always mean God’s unmerited favor toward mankind, not a reward for service (Ephesians 2:8-10). Salvation will always mean spiritual and eternal deliverance granted to all who accept His conditions of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16, 1 John 5:11-12). Glory can never mean anything but the radiance of God’s glorious character (Hebrews 1:3). It is my hope we will not be like Humpty Dumpty, changing God’s words to mean whatever we would like them to mean! We must become more like Alice, outraged when God’s Word is ignored and twisted, and we must speak the truth of God’s Word when we are confronted with ignorance and deception. Remember Humpty Dumpty was just a little cracked egg! The Word of God has been given to us that we might know God and the Savior in the fullness of His glory! Through our knowledge of Him we receive grace and peace multiplied and divine power to live a life of godliness (2 Peter 1:2-3). Your Word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens (Psalm 119:89, NIV).

The Word of God has been given to us that we might know God and the Savior in the fullness of his glory

—Jackie Rettberg Page 7

Newsletter Editor: Tammy Tkach Email: VISIT US ON THE W EB: WWW. NEWIM. ORG

Come to the Springs November 13-15, 2013 Wednesday through Friday St. Anthony’s Retreat Center, Three Rivers, California For more details and to register online, visit us at

Is your email address correct? NEWIM is all about networking and we love to keep in touch! If you’re not receiving email from us, please take a moment to send your email address to Don’t forget to add to your contacts list. We hate it when we go in your spam file!

NEWIM 10004 Cork Oak Circle Oakdale, CA 95361 (714) 318-4321 Address Service Requested

From the Heart

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