Winter 2012 25th anniversary edition
from the
A Publication of NEWIM, Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry
“ strengthen women who minister to women…”
NEWIM Celebrates 25 Years of Ministry!
SERVING NEWIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Jackie Rettberg Assistant to the Director Sherylynne Carriveau BOARD CHAIR Carolyn Shea
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Maureen Moore RECORDING SECRETARY Jill Austin BOARD MEMBERS Shirley Barber Lisa Cappelli Bergstedt Susan Booker Luann Budd Cheri Dale Joyce Kinnu Teri Thompson Tammy Tkach Barbara Willett Dawn Wilson PRESIDENT EMERITUS Ginger Bertoni
In July 1987, Susan Kimes, a then newly appointed Director of Women at Calvary Church in Santa Ana, California, invited women leaders from about 45 churches in the Orange County area to come and encourage one another by sharing their lives, their ideas and resources. That small group of women embraced the idea of getting together to be spiritually enriched and encouraged. They realized their work had to come out of their worship and they had to take time to be renewed and refreshed in order to be fruitful in their ministries. As their numbers grew, the Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry was born. In the last 25 years NEWIM has continued to offer spiritual enrichment through the Springs 48-hour retreats, the Oasis one-day retreats and bi-annual conferences. Our website and chapters give women in ministry an opportunity to network and be encouraged and strengthened. The Oaks two-day seminars have offered training and support for Directors of Women’s Ministries. NEWIM leaders have been available as speakers for churches. As we look ahead we feel a continuing urgency to persevere in providing support for the women leaders in our churches and communities. They are ministry directors, pastor’s wives and administrators. They are children’s ministry directors, Bible study teachers and worship leaders. They are on the front lines, leading the fight to develop moral character, hope, faith and comfort in order to rescue a nation that is rapidly losing its moral compass. For these women we will continue to provide: The Springs, a bi-annual 48-hour retreat Alive in Christ, an annual 24-hour silent retreat Bi-annual conferences emphasizing biblical teaching Scholarships for our retreats and conferences Forums for Directors of Women’s Ministries Chapters and regional Meetings Ginger Bertoni, The Oasis Retreat DVD President Emeritus; Consulting for new ministry directors and mentoring Susie Kimes, Founder NEWIM Speakers NEWIM on Facebook Our website, If you would like to join us in our effort to support women ministry leaders we encourage you first and foremost to pray for the women leaders in your church and community and then to contribute to NEWIM at whatever level you choose. Thank you for your past support. We look forward to a bright future, as we continue to serve women in ministry.
NEWIM’s Bridge Day Fundraiser The atmosphere at the September 27 Bridge Day was upbeat and lively. It took place at a new venue, Big Canyon Country Club, which gave us more room and enabled us to fill 30 tables with 120 bridge players. Board Members Cheri Dale, Joyce Kinnu and Barbara Willett greeted guests and sold tickets for an “Opportunity Drawing.” Jackie Rettberg, NEWIM Executive Director, welcomed the players and explained that money raised from the event will provide 25 partial scholarships for ministry leaders to attend retreats here and in South Africa. To give as many tables as possible a chance for a winner, the player with the top score at each table was eligible for a prize. Ten bridge prizes were awarded to the following winners: Bobbie Felder 3440 Donna Clark 3460 Connie Grigsby 3620 Carol Setian 3800 Judy Shelton 3830 Mary Manno 3950 Janet Gianulias 4160 Jim Stanley 4390 Marilyn O'Rourke 4520 Marie Clemens 5090 Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone for making our fundraiser a huge success. We hope you will join us next fall for another fun day of bridge.
Online Hotline Do you wish you could talk to someone about ministry issues? The following NEWIM leaders are available whenever you need help: Shannon Reese: Luann Budd: Monica Brislawn: Susan Booker: Betsy Stowe: Beverly Amsbary Davenport: Jackie Rettberg: Go to and click Online Hotline for their areas of expertise. Page 2
Directors of Women’s Ministry Forum On October 26, a Forum for Directors of Women’s Ministries was held at the home of Jackie Rettberg in Newport Beach. Shannon Reese from Calvary Church in Santa Ana led the meeting and Karen Buchanan from Mission Hills Church in Mission Viejo facilitated a lively discussion on how to better assimilate women into women’s ministries and the church. We discussed some challenging issues: Are we turning women away from our church/ministry without knowing it; how can we create an environment where our women feel accepted and valued; how do we follow up with guests in order to help them return and get connected; and what type of training do our volunteers need in order to become a more welcoming community. We often hear how the forums are such a wonderful resource for information and fellowship because it can be lonely out there as a leader. We would love to have you join us for our next Forum on January 11, 2013. If you would like to attend please contact Jackie Rettberg at
Shannon Reese
Alive in Christ Silent Retreat Romans 8:1-17 served as the powerful guidepost for the October 19-20 “Alive in Christ” Silent Retreat in Rancho Palos Verdes. Eighteen women set aside the distractions of their busy lives and honored God with their attention and silence. A thick layer of fog literally and symbolically embraced the retreat center, reminding everyone of the Lord’s promise in Psalm 139: “You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.” The Lord truly laid His hand on each of the women present. While left mostly uninterrupted for their time with the Lord, the attendees gathered for three short meditation sessions during the retreat. Each session illuminated a life-giving truth from Romans. The opening meditation in Romans 8:1-8 stepped off with the bold assurance that we are not condemned but instead assured “life,” secured at the cross. This paved the way for a time of praise, reflection on life in Christ and asking the Lord to reveal areas of sin and death. As the day closed, a meditation in Romans: 8:9-11 celebrated the gift of life through the Holy Spirit. What a privilege that we illuminate the very righteousness of Christ both now and forever. The women awoke the next morning to Romans 8:12-17. They embraced the honor of being adopted as Christ’s children, co-heirs sharing in His suffering and His glory. The retreat closed with a rich time of sharing. It was clear God revealed in personal and intimate ways the promises of Romans 8. Each woman reflected on how God revealed the great assurance of His desire for us to live fully alive as His beloved children. —Lisa Bergstedt, Silent Retreat Co-Leader
Silent Retreat 2013 The 2013 Silent Retreat dates will be announced on our website, Contact Lisa Bergstedt at with questions or for more information. Page 3
The History and Heart of NEWIM By Susie Kimes, Founder of NEWIM
I wondered if women in other churches were going through similar experiences
Page 4
In the 1970s and 80s Southern California experienced a ground swell of turning to God. Some examples are the Jesus Movement, many people becoming missionaries, the birthing of para-church organizations and mega churches, with powerful teachers and preachers of the Word. Many came to saving knowledge of Christ and God’s people felt a hunger for His Word and a desire to know and serve Him more and in different ways. As part of this movement of God, many women felt a new stirring within to be able to exercise their gifts and serve other women in the church beyond the traditional roles of serving in the nursery, teaching children and serving in the kitchens. For many years, if women wanted to serve in other areas they needed to go outside the church. But some pastors saw the value of freeing up women to serve in new and various ways. Women started Bible Studies, missionary groups and other women’s ministries. It was a radical change for women to exercise their gifts in new and powerful ways within the church. And it was not always easy. Often, there was opposition within the church and some churches discouraged women from leaving the traditional roles. This is the church culture I was familiar with when I came to saving knowledge of Christ. In 1984 I was hired as the first Director of Women’s Ministry in a fast growing mega church. It was a paid staff position. I was overwhelmed and scared—and with good reason! I had come to faith in Christ in 1979 and attended the church sparingly the first year but with fear and trembling went to the women’s Bible study to try and learn about the Bible. From there I launched into a fast paced spiritual growth pattern, learning everything I could about the Lord. I was mentored, I prayed, studied the Word and was given many opportunities to serve in various ministries. To be given the privilege of serving as the first Director of Women’s Ministry was thrilling, until I realized I didn’t know how to do the job and there was no one at the church who could train me. I needed help! Every day I pleaded with the Lord to help me know how to interact with the various pastors (fifteen of them). I prayed for creativity, to know the needs of the women and to be able to offer real help for their spiritual lives that would spill over into their everyday lives, not just set up programs. I had more questions than answers. Then one day while sitting in my newly assigned office, I wept quietly, feeling the huge need of support and help from someone who understood the pressures and challenges of this newly created job. I wondered if women in other churches were going through similar experiences. The Lord answered by giving me the idea to bring women’s ministry leaders together to learn from one another, to share resources and ideas and to encourage and pray together! I remembered our church had a list of other churches in the area who participated in the 1985 Billy Graham Crusade in Anaheim Stadium. I asked for the list and used it to send invitations to 60 churches in the area, addressed to the attention of Women’s Ministry. I planned a light brunch, asked a speaker to talk about women in leadership and prayed God would bring the women. To my surprise, 45 women came to that first meeting. We were so excited to be together! About twenty of them Continued on page 5
NEWIM History (Continued from page 4)
didn’t want to leave after the last prayer so we walked across the street to have lunch. After we found each other we couldn’t wait to meet again. At first we met monthly at my church and then we began meeting at other churches as well. The hostess talked about her ministry and showed us her materials. We discussed various challenges or issues and prayed together. Then someone asked that we do a two day seminar on women’s ministry training. I volunteered to have it at my church and asked an experienced woman leader I knew to train us. It was such a profitable time the women wanted more. We decided to have a weekend conference the next year. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. That year I felt led to leave my position which meant I could not do a conference off campus without becoming a not-forprofit organization—again, something none of us knew how to do. I mailed away for information on how to legally start a nonprofit organization, then we met monthly to select a name, write a purpose statement and create a budget. I hired an attorney to file our legal documents and when the papers came through, I opened a bank account in the name of NEWIM—Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry—the name the women selected at one of our many meetings. We became a real 501-C3 and we could have a real weekend conference. We chose Biola University as our location and invited Anne Graham Lotz to be our speaker. Our conference theme was Lotz on Leadership—wasn’t that clever? NEWIM was created out of my great need but over the years it developed into a ministry to many. As women’s ministries and their needs changed, NEWIM changed and is going strong today with our God-chosen leadership. I praise God for all the past and present leadership and your continued faithfulness to see that NEWIM remains true to our calling and purpose and for the hard work of serving so many. Thank you all! And thank You, Jesus, for the gift of NEWIM to help women in leadership learn to depend on You more, and to create life giving ministry, not just programs. You Lord, have blessed us and given us opportunities that have exceeded any dream or desire within ourselves. I pray we will serve You and others well, that we remain dependent upon You to guide and direct us and remain faithful to the end. We praise You for Your abundant supply of all our needs in Christ Jesus. Amen.
NEWIM was created out of my great need but over the years it developed into a ministry to many
Praise for NEWIM: “Thank you, NEWIM, for your heart for the Word and your commitment to encourage women to not just to draw closer to our Lord but how to!” “The Springs retreat will change your life. It changed mine because now (I know) I have a Father in heaven who loves me. I have never felt that before.” “At the Springs retreat the Lord used this time to rest me in His presence. He is the lover of my soul and I needed rest for my soul. We had a lovely time together!” Page 5
Reflections on NEWIM Ginger Bertoni:
NEWIM became my life line
Twenty-five years ago I was serving on my church staff as the first Director of Women’s Ministry. I believed the Lord had called me and I was trusting Him to develop the ministry...but I had so many questions. I needed someone to talk to who understood some of the struggles of developing a new ministry. That is when I was introduced to Susie Kimes and the beginning of NEWIM. NEWIM became my life line: a place to go to connect with other women in ministry who understood my struggles; a place to go for encouragement, support and to network for ideas and resources. I soon became part of the NEWIM team. I have so many precious memories of how we watched God meet our needs as only HE can. How He brought ideas for new ministry and the women to develop them. How He reminded us that our ministry comes from our relationship with Him. How He helped so many of us not only grow in our positions but to grow in our relationship with Him. I will be eternally grateful to God for the friendships I made with the wonderful women I will remain friends with for all eternity. I thank Him for NEWIM and the privilege he gave me to me serve in a ministry I loved and to serve with women who unselfishly gave of their time, resources and God-given giftedness Ariana, Ginger Bertoni, Sarah to make NEWIM the organization it is today.
Praise for NEWIM: “NEWIM’s mission is so important. Working in ministry is hard and if we didn’t have anyone to pray for, encourage and edify those in ministry, ministries would simply die. NEWIM is like Aaron holding up Moses’ arms in a great spiritual battle for hearts and souls to be healed and saved.” “I’m so grateful for the Women’s Forums. It is lonely out there in ministry!” “Thank you for a great time at the Oasis. Thank you for a precious space to rest my soul on Him.” “I love your ministry! Thank you for directing me in a new way to study God’s Word!” Page 6
Reflections on NEWIM Sara Jo George: I was a new Women’s Ministry Director, no experience in that arena, and the lady I replaced had moved out of state about four months before I came on board. The office had been stripped, painted and updated. There were boxes on the floor and nothing in the files, so I began going through boxes to see what was there and how I would get organized. This was in September and we were scheduled for a major retreat in March. Praise God for a great W.M. Team. The retreat came and if it weren’t for the team, it would have been a disaster. I began to feel God had made a major mistake in placing me in that position. About two weeks after the retreat I received a flyer from NEWIM for the Springs Retreat. It sounded too good to be real, however God had promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. I signed up and went to my first Springs Retreat. That was probably around 1996, Oh my! What an experience it turned out to be. The love, caring, teaching, the QUIET time, the prayer times, the Chapels; I never wanted to leave. I wound up attending twice a year and many of the team members joined me time after time. That experience changed me and my focus for Women’s Ministries. God was so faithful and He did great things the entire time I was on board. Our Women’s Ministries attended many of the Conferences NEWIM held at many different places. The speakers were so filled with the Holy Spirit and gave such wonderful teaching from God’s word I couldn’t help but feel the hand of Jesus reaching out to me. The ones we attended in different locations (Fresno and the Rose Bowl to mention a couple) were so special it is hard to believe there could be another better. At one of the conferences in Bakersfield, a speaker talked about her Mentoring Program. It sounded like something for which I had been looking for many months. I bought the program and prayed God would give me His woman to head up the ministry. After much prayer, that special lady said yes and our long awaited mentoring program began. NEWIM and the Springs became a must for so many ladies and it was amazing how God ministered in a multitude of ways. I praise God for NEWIM and all they do to support women in the area of ministry to which our Lord God has called them. They are dedicated to getting the Gospel message out and to helping build up women who will lead women to become conformed to the image of Christ. Thank you all. May God continue to bless you.
My first Springs Retreat: The love, caring, teaching, the quiet time, the prayer times, the Chapels; I never wanted to leave
Jackie Rettberg and Bev Amsbary Davenport Page 7
Reflections on NEWIM Janice Marshall:
I was drawn to their vision of
As a brand new Women’s Ministry Director in 1988, I was looking for anyone to guide me in the ministry. Fortunately, the Lord led me to a small group of women’s leaders who were eager to help. First, I was impressed with their experience and backgrounds; but most of all, I was drawn to their vision of networking Christian women in ministry for training, fellowship and spiritual growth. That was exactly what I needed! Happily, they invited me to join them in this new venture! As we continued to meet by faith, the Lord directed our steps until we had a board of directors, a name (NEWIM), a newsletter and our first women’s conference! I was truly amazed to see what God was doing. Undoubtedly, He blessed the commitment, faith, vision and prayers of Susie Kimes, our President. One of God’s greatest gifts to me was the privilege of ministering with Susie and all of the other godly members of the NEWIM board. Janice Marshall
networking Christian women in ministry The Springs Retreat Thirty-four women attended the Springs November 14-16 in Three Rivers, California, and had a wonderful time of connecting with the Lord and spending time together. The meditations on Colossians helped them focus on new life in Christ. The Springs gives you time to be quiet and alone with God and is a great opportunity to deepen your personal relationship with him. Make plans now to attend the next Springs Retreat, April 17-19, (Wednesday through Friday), Luann Budd, 2013. You may register online at Director of the PayPal is available. Springs and Visit the Springs page on our website for more one of the first information and connect with us on our Facebook page and blog, members of NEWIM Page 8
From the Director What’s So Great About Perseverance? Have you noticed how many verses in the Bible mention the importance of perseverance? There must be something to it! James writes in chapter 5, verse 11, that the disciples considered those who had persevered were blessed. The writer of Hebrews in chapter 11, verse 27, writes that Moses persevered because he saw Him who is invisible. Then you have Paul and Luke talking about: • Diligence (1Timothy 4:14-16) • Continual prayer for the saints (Ephesians 6:18) • Continuing to do God’s will • Persevering while under persecution (2 Thessalonians 1:4) • Running your race with perseverance (Hebrews 12:1) • Persevering to produce a good crop (Luke 8:15) • Persevering in love (I Corinthians 13:7) But how do we become people who know how to persevere? Second Thessalonians 3:5 offers hope the Lord will direct our hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance! We are encouraged to learn from Him how to persevere. So often when I read about persevering, my fallen mind immediately thinks I need to work harder and trust the Lord or try harder and trust the Lord or go longer and trust the Lord. I have such an inaccurate view of how to persevere. I have learned the first thing I have to do is give up my concept of what persevering looks like and trust the Lord to show me what His way of persevering looks like. Now look at Hebrews 10:35-39... Four thoughts stand out: • Don’t throw away your confidence (in the Lord) • Do the will of God • My righteous one will live by faith • We are those who believe and are saved It’s time to take another look at perseverance and be sure you aren’t just grinding it out, thinking the Lord will bless your efforts. It may be time to take a step back, ask the Lord what His will is and then trust Him to teach you how to persevere!
Trust God to teach you how to persevere
—Jackie Rettberg
Save the date! Christmas Event—December 7, 2013 This special event in Orange County will feature award winning writer and national speaker Cindi McMenamin, speaking on Women on the Edge. Join in singing Christmas carols, enjoy a wonderful lunch and enter a raffle to win one (or more) of more than twenty four-foot Christmas trees, beautifully decorated with merchandise and gifts. If you would like to help with this event please contact Joyce Kinnu at Page 9
Newsletter Editor: Tammy Tkach Email: VISIT US ON THE W EB: WWW. NEWIM. ORG
Come to the Springs April 17-19, 2013 Wednesday through Friday St. Anthony’s Retreat Center, Three Rivers, California For more details and to register online, visit us at
Is your email address correct? NEWIM is all about networking and we love to keep in touch! If you’re not receiving email from us, please take a moment to send your email address to Don’t forget to add to your contacts list. We hate it when we go in your spam file!
NEWIM 10004 Cork Oak Circle Oakdale, CA 95361 (714) 318-4321 Address Service Requested
From the Heart