lntroduction Reasons for our Hope is a short Bible Study designed for the purpose of strengthening our faith, hope, and love. There are seven short lessons tailored to be used in home study groups, Sunday School classes, or one on one weekly Bible Study. The questions can be sent home for individual biblical research and soul searching answers, Notes can be used as guidelines or to be given out afler a lecture or session. The emphasis is on what the Bible affirms about our God, Savior, and Spirit from attributes of each one, promises made by or related to each one, and evidence from the Scriptures as to affirmations and supports for our Faith in God and His Word. ln the process we are able to learn in what ways we have been created in the image of God and of His etemal plan to make us'one with Him" one day. (John Ch. 17)
REASONS FOR OUR HOPE CLASS OUTLINE Prologue: Reasons For Our Hope holds as a basic Bible Truth thal salvation is by laith and faith alone. lt also holds that we as believers have been given the responsibility to understand the rational reasons for our Christian nature of laith, hope, and love and to pass them on. Purposeful Themes: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason {or the hope that you have. (l Peter, 3:15) Faith is being sure ol what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...(Heb. 11:1)
Key Verse: Without faith it is impossible to please God, because any one comes to Him must believe that
He exists. (Heb. 11:6)
First Week: First lesson: The Descriptive Attributes of God A. He is alive, He exists. He revealed Himsell to man B. His existence is seen in His sufficiency as a First Cause
Second Week: Second Lesson: The Personal Attributes of God A, His Personal and lmmaterial Attributes B. His intelligence and Emotions C. His Votitional Attributes: Causing and Allowing
Third Week; Third Lesson: The Eternal Purpose: Atonement Shadows A. Old Testament Shadows; Sacrifices, Passover Lamb B. Old Testament Shadows: The Annual Atonemenl Sacrilices (Azazel Lamb) C. Old Testament Prophets: lsaiah's Chosen One; Jeremiah's New Cov.
Fourth Week: Fourth Leseon: The Eternal Purpose: Realities A. Christ- The Lamb ol God Who Takes Away.... (The Azazel, John 1:29) B. Christ- Our Passover Lamb, lnitiator of New Covenant-Luke 22:20
Fifth Week: Fifth Lesson: Full Assurance ol Our Faith A. From the Promises, Proofs, and Privileges in Family of God B. From The Testimony ol Disciples
Sixth Week: Sixth Lesson: Full Assurance From lndwelling of Holy Spirit A. The Day of Pentecost: Holy Spirit taking up residence on earth. B. Holy Spirit: Christ in us, our living in Christ-John 17 Seventh Week: Seventh Lesson: Final Consummation of eternal design A.God's Saving a Remnant of Man (Noah) and remnant of Creation. B. New Heaven and New Earth: lsa. 65,66; Revelalion Ch.21-22 C. Eschatology of Paul: Romans 8:18ff; I Cor. 15: 41-44, 53