6 Tips For Passing The Audition Of A Music School Enrolling yourself in a prestigious music school is not as simple as it sounds since you have to pass a difficult audition at the first place. And in order to pass the audition you have to have that hunger for learning music as you need to prepare a lot for it. In fact, clearing the music school audition is so demanding or arduous that half of the people don’t even try it fearing that they will never be able to pass it successfully. You have to take out the time from your busy schedules for rehearsals and should try to upgrade your music skills. When it comes to preparing for music school audition, it does not matter how young and old you are, since all you have to do is enhance your knowledge as much information as possible on different types of instruments, rhythms, and music notes etc. A lot of it also depends on what kind of music school are you taking admission at, for example, if you are planning to join a music school like New York Jazz Academy, you do not have to struggle that much to pass the audition. On the other hand, if you are thinking of joining a performing arts school and want to clear audition for it, you have to put a lot of efforts.
While giving the audition you have to prove your talent, and that can only happen if you have sufficient knowledge of music.In addition to that, the person taking your audition should be convinced that you are extremely serious about learning music. It’s your responsibility to make them feel that you are a fantastic candidate, by showing your talent and skills. Here are some momentous tips on how to prepare for your audition
1. Learn to play at least one musical instrument Before you present yourself in front of the judges or the admission committee it is better if you can learn to play at least one musical instrument among guitar, piano, trumpet, violin, cello, harp, drum, and accordion. If you can play even one of them during your audition, the judges will definitely believe that when you are given proper training you can improve a lot.
2. Prepare yourself to sing something Apart from showing that you have enough knowledge of musical instruments, it also important to win the hearts of the judges by your vocal performance. Prepare yourself to sing at least two beautiful songs in front of the members of admission committee so that they get impressed by it. And yes, it would be great if you can sing a song in a foreign language, it shows that you have enough potential to learn anything.
If you are thinking of performing two different songs, make it sure that you can show variation in that as far as music genres are considered. Singing two songs of same style and genre won’t be effective. In that way, you cannot show your versatility to them. On top of that, if you want to perform flawlessly you must memorize the songs.
3. Don’t forget to engage your audience If you want to steal the hearts of judges, nothing can prove to be more advantages than proving yourself a great performer during the audition. A good performer is the one who can rock the stage and can have the fans on their feet throughout his/her performance. In short, when you start performing the audience should enjoy your performance like anything and you should look enough confident. Just remember that confidence is one of those thinks which can take you a long way.Add a little bit of body text
4. Collect enough information about your audition requirements There is no denying the fact that different music schools have different requirements when it comes to judging a person giving an audition. And if you are preparing for scoring high in your audition, it’s important that you have a fair idea of those requirements. For example, you must know in advance that how long will you have to perform on the stage, and is there any specific genre for which you need to prepare.
In addition to that, having an information of how many members will be there on the judging panel also helps a lot when it comes to giving a highend performance.
5. Prepare yourself for sight-reading If sightreading is one of the requirements of your performance, then make it sure to do a vigorous practice. It is always good if you can practice different pieces of music. In that way, you can prepare effectively for your performance.
6. Take proper rest before the audition When you perform in front of the judges you should not look tired and nervous, as that creates a bad impression about you. Hence, it is better to take proper rest before you come for the audition so that you can give your hundred percent. music school So if you are desperately looking forward to passing the audition of a , don’t forget to keep these points in mind.
SOURCE URL : http://www.musicthinktank.com/mtt-open/6tips-for-passing-the-audition-of-a-music-school.html