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New Jersey Legislative Bills
A525 – Jimenez (D32), Murphy (D7)
Waives certain professional and occupational licensing fees for veterans and spouses of veterans.
New Jersey Realtors® Position: MONITOR
We are monitoring this bill in the event it is amended to include licenses granted by the Real Estate Commission as currently it only applies to boards located in the Division of Consumer Affairs.
Bill History: 1/14/2020– Introduced in Assembly and referred to Assembly Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee
A2523 – Vaineri Huttle (D37)
Sets maximum contaminant level and requires private well testing for PFOA and PFOS.
New Jersey Realtors® Position: OPPOSE
We oppose this bill that will make it more expensive to purchase a home with a private well as there is no funding for homeowners provided and could lead to delays in home sales due to concerns over the number of labs that could process these types of tests.
Bill History: 2/3/2020 – Introduced in Assembly and referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee
S709 – Addiego (D8)
Exempts certain surviving spouses and surviving civil union partners of certain disabled veterans from components of the realty transfer fee.
New Jersey Realtors ® Position: STRONG SUPPORT
We strongly support this bill as it will decrease the realty transfer fee for certain spouses and partners of disabled veterans.
Bill History: 1/14/2020 – Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee