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Home Designs for the Zodiac Signs
Does your zodiac sign match up with your home preferences? Here are some traits each sign is known for according to astrologyzodiacsigns.com and astrology.com.
AQUARIUS January 20 – February 18
Color: Blue
Qualities: artistic, independent, original

Aquarius’ are known to be artistic and progressive, therefore modern decor is more up your alley than antiques. Consider very sleek designs with silver accents, lots of mirrors or glass doors, and open space. To channel the artist in you, add a pop of color with an interesting piece of art or accent pillows.
PISCES February 19 – March 20
Color: Aquamarine
Qualities: compassionate, creative, homebody
Pisces are the most introverted of all the signs so it makes sense that their home makes them feel cozy, safe, and allows them to dream. As a Pisces, make sure to fill your space with comfortable furniture, warm light, and all your favorite things. As a homebody, your home is full of comfortable items that make it hard for even guests to leave. Your family and friends will want to spend time at your home, which may or may not be a good thing.
ARIES March 21 – April 19
Color: Red
Qualities: enthusiastic, confident, determined

As a fire sign, Aries are very bold, and their home design is no exception. Eccentric colors and funky patterns scream your name and neutrals can take a hike. You need your space to reflect your energy and personality so fun accent chairs, bright colored walls, or interesting art pieces make your place feel the most home.
TAURUS April 20 – May 20
Color: Green
Qualities: reliable, practical, stable
As the opposite of the Aries, you like your space to be neutral and classic. All white rooms with hints of color are your idea of a dream home, and details matter. Your pieces all match and you like to have everything orderly. Since Taurus don’t like change, make sure you invest in high quality furniture that lasts through the times and trends.
GEMINI May 21 – June 20
Color: Yellow
Qualities: affectionate, curious, adaptable

Geminis are very social and love to have good conversations, therefore your house is the place to be. Your hosting skills are top-notch, and you have an epic outdoor area specifically for entertaining family and friends. Geminis always have a lot on their minds and their style is always changing, therefore adding accent pieces is the smart choice since they aren’t permanent and can easily be switched with your mood.
CANCER June 21 – July 22
Color: Silver
Qualities: imaginative, loyal, nurturing
Cancers are major homebodies and sentimental. Their idea of the perfect home decor is walls and tables filled with family photos, memorable art, or nostalgic pieces. Cancers also thrive in bright, light-colored rooms that feel very airy. They have a hard time letting go of things so their homes are usually full of trinkets and family heirlooms.
LEO July 23 – August 22
Color: Orange
Qualities: cheerful, humorous, warmhearted

Leos love to be the center of attention and their home is no exception. With bold colors and abstract art, they like to express themselves and experiment with their furniture and be as loud and the sign’s roar. Being very social, Leos’ love hosting and sharing their space with others. Leos are also considered the royalty of the zodiac signs, so their home also reflects that with expensive furniture and lavish touches.
VIRGO August 23 – September 22
Color: Brown
Qualites: analytical, hardworking, practical
Virgos like their space to be clean therefore neutrals, shelving, and organization are their best friends. Virgos aren’t overly social, they would rather spend their time at home reading, cooking, or watching tv. The best investment for a Virgo would be minimalist furniture or a sturdy bookcase that functions as organizational and decorative.
LIBRA September 23 – October 22
Color: Pink
Qualities: gracious, fair-minded, social

Libras thrive in the outdoors, therefore having a great entertainment area in the yard is a must-have. The sign of Libra is a scale so home decor balance is key for this air sign. Simplicity over clutter will make your house feel like a home, as well as a balance of neutrals and colors. Libras are open-minded and like all colors which can make a space too hectic. Try to focus on one color scheme and base decor off that.
SCORPIO October 23 – November 21
Color: Black
Qualities: resourceful, powerful, brave

While Scorpios are quite confident, they are also very private and appreciate their alone time. Scorpios need to have space to unwind and recharge, like a reading nook, cozy bedroom, or an office space just for them. Scorpios are also attracted to dark colors and luscious materials like velvet and satin. A statement piece for a Scorpio would be a dark velvet couch in their area that makes them feel comfortable and cozy.
SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21
Color: Purple
Qualites: generous, sense of humor, idealistic
Sagittariuses thrive on adventure and travel, filling their home with their memories and travel experiences reminds them of all their getaways and inspires them for their next. This fire sign also does not like neutral colors and instead is drawn to statement pieces, unique finds, and one-of-a-kind items they probably found while traveling. Sagittarius are lively and their home is a representation of that.
CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19
Color: Gray
Qualities: responsible, disciplined, ambitious
Another sign that is a homebody— Capricorns love to stay in and be cozy. A Capricorn’s home is probably minimalistic yet homey and has a good mix of traditional and modern pieces. Capricorns are very practical, so knickknacks, tchotchkes, and any form of clutter are out of the question. They are also very family oriented so time spent with loved ones at home is something Capricorns cherish.