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The same power that raised Christ from the dead, now lives in you! You will overcome

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Sometimes the road God leads us on is more winding and bumpy than we would prefer. But it's in those parts of our journey that we become closer to Him. So, whatever you face today, He's with you through it, leading you to the exact spot He's planned for you. You can trust Him.

The battle is not against who we have been but who we are becoming. Keep pressing on! You are becoming everything God created you to be! Even the strongest fear is no match for our God! FEAR is a LIAR! What if disappointment could make you, instead of break you? What God has promised you, He will bring to pass. Do you believe it? Nothing can stop GOD-GIVEN DESTINY! Put everything in God's hands! Living to fulfill God’s plan for your life will bring you true success! Whatever is worrying you right now, release it. Take a deep breath, and trust in God! God Bless.

When you wait on The Lord it will be worth what He sends into your life.. I declare grace for your waiting process!

God will give you a new beginning. In the name of Jesus! Trust Him, seek His face, stand back and watch!

You can't sow negative seeds and reap a positive life!!

Whatever weapon formed against you won’t stand with God on your side! Face it with no fear!

Every person you encountered had a part in your journey! Even your enemies created reward & opportunities for you!!

If it’s a weight and it’s pulling you off your path... Let it go!!

The promises of God are the provisions of God. He can do it now. Has He helped you before? He can do it now. Has He provided for you before? He’ll do it again. Has He healed you before, He can heal you now. Has He opened closed doors for you before? He can open doors now! The Bible establishes that your success or failure is a direct result of your thought life. We call it an attitude. The point is, if you think you can, you will, if you think you can’t, you won't. If you think you’re beaten, you are. If you think you’ll fail, you will. If you think you can’t get through what you’re going through, you won't. It’s not what you’re going through; it’s what you’re going to that matters. If you’re in a storm, keep rowing. If you’re in a fight, right to win. If you’ve been knocked down, you’re not defeated until you stay down. Get up in Jesus’ name and fight the good fight and win. If God before you, who can be against you! God Bless.

‘You never get a second chance at a first impression’, goes the saying ,but social media profiles, online communities and virtual gaming provide, for some ,an opportunity to seek a second chance in life. Second Life is a virtual world. Over twenty million people have created a second Life character, through which they can live in this new world. They are looking for another chance in life. Second life describes itself as a place ‘to change yourself, to change your mind, change your be different ’. This is virtual world is clear evidence of the longing of so many for a fresh start. Yet , in reality, God is the God is the God of the second chance and third and many, many more. He give us countless chances to turn back to him and enjoy his love again. God doesn’t just give us a ‘second life’ - He comes to us and transforms our real life. God Bless..

Twitter newlife4_you

Why Does God Allow Storms in Our Life? NO ONE LIKES TURBULENT TIMES, but until we reach heaven, they will be a part of our life. The underlying foundation for understanding storms we encounter is found in Psalm 103:19. No matter what the apparent sauce is, God ultimately directs every situation, because His sovereignty rules over all. He use the storm to… BRING US TO REPENTANCE. Sometimes we create chaotic conditions with our own sinful choices. Yet like Jonah, we’ll discover that the Lord is always with us - even in our disobedience - drawing us back to Himself. GROW US SPIRITUALLY. Trails force us to rely on God’s strength rather than our own. We learn to endure, perseverance, and submit it to the Father so He can make us more like Christ. REVEAL HIMSELF TO US. Turbulent times give us a more accurate perspective of God and the way He works. Sometimes this understanding comes when we look back on a storm and see how He brought us through. Then we realize His strength was sufficient in His purpose was good. Take comfort in knowing that God controls your storm, and His Mighty Power and unfailing love govern whatever comes your way. God Bless..

In Touch Daily Reading for Devoted Living Thursday 28 May 2020

Like Jonah, maybe you are in dire need of a second chance. Maybe God has called you to a different “land” and a different “people” and your first reaction was to run in the opposite direction. Or maybe you are caught right now in a storm, crying out to God to forgive you and save you from the destruction your choices have caused. It doesn’t matter how you’ve arrived in your storm, what matters is what you do next. Learn from Jonah and cry out to God. All is not lost. There are some valuable lessons you can learn through the process as you turn back to God. Cry out to Him in your need and desperation and remember, He is the only one who can calm the storm and still the water. It’s not important where you were heading, what is important is Whom you are heading toward. Turn back to Jesus. • He is compassionate to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9) • His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) • He is slow to anger and abounding in love (Psalm 145:8) Don’t let past poor decisions keep you from making new good ones. Regardless of your past, Jesus can make all things new (Isaiah 43:19). That is the heartbeat of the Gospel. Jesus came for sinners like us. He came for you and for me. Imperfect people in need of a perfect God. What are you waiting for? GOD BLESS.

Jesus got beaten, crowned with thorns, spit at, talked about, and died for you. He took all that pain n suffering for you to have a second chance. Embrace Jesus today, Tell someone about Jesus today. God Bless.

He ordained you from the day you were born. He knows the length of your days and He knows the steps that you take. He placed you on earth for such a time as this. It’s not an accident that you are here. It’s not chance, it’s not fortune, it’s not fate. He brought you here on purpose! The God who created Heaven and Earth, He did that! Every blessing you have, God did that. Every battle you’ve won, God did that. Every breath that you breathe, God did that. Why? Because the Bible says, “All things work together” (Romans 8:28)! You don’t have to understand how God works to believe God, because His thoughts are far above ours! If you are going through a fiery trial, do not be discouraged. Look around. Jesus is just waiting for you to invite Him into the fight. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from all of them!

Moses failed but God gave him a second chance. Peter failed but God gave him a second chance. Likewise, the woman caught in adultery was given a second chance by Jesus. Hence, no matter how bad your mistakes, God has a second chance for you.

SECOND CHANCES IN THE BIBLE Both the Old and New Testaments bear witness to a forgiving God. Think of Moses, who murdered a man (Exodus 2:11-15); Jonah, who fled from God's command (Jonah 1); David, who committed adultery and had a man murdered (2 Samuel 11:14-17); Rahab, who was a prostitute in Jericho (Joshua 2); and Peter, who denied even knowing Jesus after spending three years with Him (Matthew 26:69-75, Mark 14:66-72, Luke 22:55-62, John 18:15-17 and 25-27). Each of these—and dozens of other men and women like them in Scripture—stand as monuments of God's grace (Hebrews 11).Do you want to change? Do you need a second chance, a gigantic do-over? You’ll need Someone Bigger and Stronger than you to do it and that person is JESUS, The king of Kings and the lord of lords, He is your only way out of life struggles. GOD BLESS.

Make a fresh start Psalm 85:1-7 Like so many of us, the psalmist wants an opportunity to make a fresh start in life. He cries out to God, ‘help us make a fresh start’ (v.6, MSG).

God is not wishy-washy. He hates sin. There is such a thing as righteous anger (v.5). It is one side of God’s love. But the psalmist knows that this righteous anger is not contrary to God’s unfailing love, and in this psalm we see both side by side.

God forgives: ‘You lifted the cloud of guilt from your people, you put their sins far out of sight … you cooled your hot, righteous anger’ (vv.2–3, MSG).

The psalmist knows that when we turn back to God he restores and revives us through his ‘unfailing love’ (v.7). He prays, ‘Restore us again … Will you not revive us again’ (vv.4,6).

Lord, thank you that you give me so many chances. Lord, would you have mercy on us, the church in this country. Restore us again. ‘Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?’ (v.6). God Bless..

No matter how far you have gone, or how numerous your mistakes are, God is willing and able to forgive you. He is able to give you a second chance. This is why He sent Jesus Christ!

Jesus is a God of second chances. He gave a second chance to Abraham, David, Jonah, Simon Peter, and John Mark. Never let your accuser become your convincer! Jesus will give you a second chance as well.

ARE YOU READY ? When you are ready to be used by God, God work things out for you, even if they seem impossible! As for Jonah and nineveh, when Jonah gave up and submitted to God willingly, God softened the heart of the people of nineveh to be able to hear and recive what Jonah had to say and offer. It was a hard message, that no one would want to hear or believe, people of nineveh did not know Jonah neither his God, they had no reason to believe. But, they only believed and repented because Jonah finally submitted to God to carry out His mission, and God worked out things for him. Nineveh repents and cries out to God Jonah must travel to the big city of Nineveh. The city is that big that it takes at least three days to walk through. The prophet hates the heathens but after his experience with God when trying to escape from his mission, he does not dare to do anything else but does exactly as he has been told to do by God. To say the least, it is not a nice message: ‘Yet forty days, Nineveh will be overthrown!’ But the message spreads through the city like wildfire. The people do not know the God of the prophet. They probably have never even heard something so clear from that God. But as they hear about it now, the incredible happens: they hear the message of the announced punishment and do believe it. The entire city, the first one was the king, put on sackcloth and a great fast begins. Everyone joins in: men, women, children, and animals. They start to pray loudly to God. Everyone is assigned to convert and to start a new way of living. Jonah 3:9 Who knows? God may turn and relent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we may not perish..

These people who neither know God nor commandment, start praying for dear life. They did not know God, but now they have heard of Him, they begin to move. All of them. It is going to be tight. Maybe there is no point in praying, but they take the chance that God might listen. He will notice their changed behavior and reconsider. Do you want to learn how to pray? Pray like Jonah did when he was in the belly of the fish in the depth of the seas. And pray as the inhabitants of this enormous city when they discovered who God was and heard the announced punishment. Pray as if your life depends on it. God seems to be less static as often is thought. God had resolved something, but he heard the prayers. God is able to change his mind. He hears every prayer we pray, everything that is cried out in fear, frustration or sorrow to him, even though you do not know who He is. God appears to be more graceful than you can imagine. He reconsiders his plan. God changes his mind. God relents. Well, that is quite a discovering, is it not?! God is able to change his mind. If you doubt God’s goodness, get involved in the story of Jonah and discover that God is so much better than you can ever imagine. God Bless You Abundantly. “My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins” James 5:19-20

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