5 minute read






Everyone has God-given dreams and desires. We all have goals we want to accomplish and situations we are believing will be turned around. Sometimes, it seems to take longer than we originally thought.

At that time I will bring you in, at the time when I gather you together; for I will make you renowned and praised among all the peoples of the earth, when I restore your fortunes before your eyes," says the LORD. ZEPHANIAH 3:20

It appears David was in a dark time in his life. He asks "how long". But he never stopped trusting God and his steadfast love. Even in the dark moments David had hope "my heart shall rejoice in your salvation."

God is good all the time but he wants us to come to him with however we feel, even when out life feels like a mess. It's okay to cry and lament asking God "why" or even "how long". God can turn our problems (sorrow) into rejoicing if only we keep the faith (trust). God promised Joshua and his leadership that "[the LORD your God] will NEVER leave you or forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6). We are called to cast out all fear to our Loving, Saving God even in times of suffering And difficulty. Only these times of difficulty will make us stronger if we trust God.Keep on keeping on!GOD Bless You Abundantly / newlifef4you@gmail.com

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. God has called us to a life of victory. God's word is the key to a victorious life. If you walk in the word of God you will be victorious in all areas of your life.God Bless. Twitter- newlife4_you 1

Sometimes things don't work out the way we planned, and it's easy to lose enthusiasm. If we're not careful, we'll get discouraged and end up just settling where we are. But God doesn't want us to settle. He wants to take us higher. Many times, people miss out on God's best simply because they give up too soon. They don't realize how close they are to their victory.

Don't let that be you today. Don't give up just because things seem hard. You've invested so much, and you never know, just a few more days of believing, another few weeks of doing the right thing, another few months of staying in faith, and you could see that situation turn around.

Remember, God is on your side! Keep standing and keep believing because you are closer than you think to fulfilling every desire He's placed inside of you! Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu



Mark 11:23 He says, .....that whoever says to this mountain. Underline this. This refers to the specific mountain you desire to remove. Let us understand about mountains. God did not create mountains. When God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a low-lying plane. It was filled with shallow rivers, streams, and springs. The oceans were very shallow. There was no rain upon the earth. There was no erosion. The earth was watered by the dew. Man sinned. God sent the flood. When the fountains erupted from beneath, and the rains descended from above, the crust of the earth heaved and writhed in pain. Mountains shot up. The floors of the oceans dropped. When the flood ended, the earth was filled with mountains, rearing their heads in the barrenness that followed God’s judgment. Mountains came into the earth as the result of sin and the judgment of God. You will find that mountains serve no good purpose. You cannot farm mountains, and it is difficult to build houses on mountains. Mountains interfere with the movement of the clouds. They create deserts because the clouds will not pass the mountains. The last thing that the Lord will do when He comes the second time, before His 1,000 year reign begins on the earth, is level the mountains (Revelation 16:20). Mountain in this verse refers to our problems or needs.

The first thing you must realize is that God did not create your problems. Satan has created your problems. You have created your problems. Possibly Satan has created your problems through other people, but God did not create your problems. God did not make you a sinner. He did not make you lost. He did not make you sick. He did not make you confused, nor poor, nor

ignorant. God did not create your mountains. The second thing you need to do is recognize what specific mountains stand between you and your doing the will of God. What needs to be changed? What is standing between me and God’s meeting that need? What are your mountains? Identify your mountains.

Third, understand that you remove mountains one at a time.Generally speaking you do not cast the entire chain of your mountains into the ocean at once. Sometimes we do, but that is not the normal procedure. You identify them one at a time. You deal with them one at a time with the Word of God. You speak to them with the Word of God. You remove them from your life. Then Great things are happening in your life.. God Bless You Abundantly.. INSTAGRAM- Newlifeforu

When God allowed Satan to test Job, He had given strict warnings saying 'Do not stretch out your hand against him' (1:12), 'Spare his life' (2:6). Satan could do only what God had allowed him to.

All our sufferings have a boundary that is set by God. No trouble can bother us more than the time that God has set. Often we question ourselves, 'How long?' The answer is, only till the time God has allowed. Amen.God Bless. https://t.me/NEWLIFE4_YOU

In Matthew 17:20 note the grain of mustard seed. Planting the Word of God in your heart brings great results like the mustard seed. The mustard seed is so small, yet it produces such a great tree. So the Word of God seems so small, but in your heart, in your mouth, and in your actions, it produces astounding results. In order to successfully speak with authority to your needs, you must plant the seed of the Word of God in your heart.When we confess our desires to God in prayer, according to His Word, we are to believe that we have received it in Him. It is already ours. We received it when we believed, regardless of how long it is before we have it in our hand. It will be mani- fested to us to us at the right time and place.God bless you abundantly www.newlife4you.xyz/ missions/

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