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To accept Christ into your life and be saved, please say this salvation prayer.

Behold, [in the restored Jerusalem ]I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace [prosperity, security, stability] and truth. Jeremiah 33:6 AMP

Father I come to you today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and I cannot save myself. I believe in my heart that Jesus died, was buried and rose again for me. I invite you Jesus into my heart. Be the Lord and savior of my life. In Jesus name Amen

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Jesus raised people from dead, cast out demons, and healed the sick.He still performs miracles.Healing still occurs.The Bible clearly says that it is the will of God to heal His children, experience His healing touch and enjoy the blessings of divine health according to Jeremiah 33:6

Our God is indeed an awesome and mighty God and is able to perform a miracle for you as you believe in His mighty power and healing touch.No matter what you are going through and what type of suffering you are experiencing right now.Acknowledge His miracle working power.He will surely heal you! Have a blessed day n Jesus Christ..May God bless you abundantly..GOD Bless You Abundantly / newlifef4you@gmail.com

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. God is always working on your behalf, even behind the scenes where you can’t fully see. In that place where you see no way out, in that struggle where you see no solution, in that problem where you have no answer, lay it before Him. Every worry. Every care. Be reminded that He is with you today, He knows your way, and has a plan. Trust Him. God Bless You Abundantly Twitter- newlife4_you




Can you see the “brand new thing” God is doing in your life? Sometimes it’s easy to see the hand of God moving, and sometimes the storms of life can cloud our vision. But no matter where you are in life today, meditate on this truth that God is working even when you can’t see Him. Like a seed buried deep in the ground, it may seem dark and lonely and there may be dirt all around, but that is place where life springs forth. Trust that God is doing a new thing! You can trust Him because He is faithful!

His plan for you today is blessing. His plan is to give you a future and a hope. His plan is to do a new thing in your life. Let go of the thoughts of the past and open your heart to what God is doing today. Ask Him to show you what He’s doing. Ask Him to reveal it to your heart. Seek Him and you

will find Him and see the brand new think He’s doing in you!! God Bless You Abundantly INSTAGRAM- Newlifeforu

Paul gave his life, and he gained Christ’s life. He traveled the known world spreading the gospel, as the Holy Spirit strengthened him in his severe physical suffering. In prison he chose not to worry.Paul learned to trust God with today’s troubles. He faced tomorrow’s worries as they became today’s. Trusting God today trumps tomorrow’s worries. When your faith is weak, do you forget this and worry??Do you worry about future finances, worry about future health issues, work opportunities and family challenges to come. Where you become anxious when you obsess over future scenarios. When we are weak,God is strong. When we are faithless,God is faithful. When we are anxious,God is calm.God Bless.

I’m amazed at Ruth’s ability to leave her future in God’s hands. She willingly followed Naomi to an unknown country and faced an uncertain future. Ruth 2:3 says, “And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz...” Ruth headed out to work, and “happened” to end up in the field of a Boaz, one of the few people who could provide a better life for Ruth and Naomi. God knew exactly which field He wanted Ruth to be in, and He guided her there. His plan for taking care of her was already at work, even when she had no clue about what was happening. Just so in our lives, every step is planned, every circumstance is orchestrated. Even when we can’t see or understand the direction our life is taking, He is working behind the scenes to direct us in the way He wants us to go. God Bless.

We are living in a world that is in a great upheaval. Your future may seem like a blur when you are uncertain how to take the next step. Take a leap of faith. Now is the time to let the world know who you belong to. Show your faith in action believing in your heart that God is enough to help you. Anyone can claim to trust God when things are going well. But it is in the time of battle that the worth of your faith is being proved genuine.If you belong to Christ, all that you endure is part of the unspoken plan that has been designed for your victory. You have reason for hope because Christ lives to intercede for you every second of the day. God will not fail to take you through the troubled seasons of your life. Every one of your tears is precious to him. There is not a step you take or a thought in your mind that is not seen and guided by Christ. He is the light on your path to glory. God Bless. https://t.me/NEWLIFE4_YOU

For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope Jeremiah 29:11 If God is MAKING YOU TO WAIT,He is doing something “EXTRAORDINARY”.Think about it this way:If someone starts a project today and finishes it today THE PRODUCT LACKS.But the crafter takes months on this project HE PERSUES EVERY DETAILS without rushing which entails his best work that he TRULY ADMIRES.GOD IS THE ULTIMATE CRAFTER.Don’t be discouraged if things are not happening on your timetable.KEEP PRAYING & KEEP BELIEVING because GOD IS AT WORK IN YOUR LIFE. God bless www.newlife4you.xyz/missions/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/NEWLIFEINCHRIST2k17


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