4 minute read
Don't fall into Satan's trap of being negative. Don't believe when he tells you your past is really not past and your future is bleak. Choose to believe God and get ready to receive the wonderful gifts He is waiting to give to you. Go to sleep meditating on this thought: Something good is going to happen to me! Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, Psalm 30:11
God doesn’t allow His people to walk in the desert without a Promised Land waiting for them in the end. God didn’t allow the disciples to find themselves in the middle of a storm without Him right beside them to calm it with just one word. God didn’t allow Joseph to spend years facing hardship from betrayal by family, to slavery, to imprisonment without a plan to bring him out and help him rise above to be one of the greatest men in his time. So no matter what place you find yourself in today, God is still in control. He has not abandoned you. He has not forgotten you.You may have a few hard chapters in your life. You make walk through the desert for a little while. You may face a few storms.But that’s not going to be your whole story.So don’t worry about what tomorrow will bring.God doesn’t leave His children.GOD Bless You Abundantly / newlifef4you@gmail.com
For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. You may be in a difficult valley today .But we don’t have to settle for fear, even in the valleys, because our Shepherd is with us.When fear focuses on the shadows, faith focuses on the Shepherd. When fear sees only the dark of the valley, faith sees the light of the Shepherd. “Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4) God Bless You Abundantly Twitter- newlife4_you
Lord's Promises
You say: "It's impossible" God says: All things are possible! Luke 18:27
You say: "I'm too tired" God says: I will give you rest! Matthew 11:28-30
You say: "Nobody really loves me" God says: I love you! John 3:16, 34
You say: "I can't go on" God says: My grace is sufficient! Psalm 91:15
You say: "I can't figure things out" God says: I will direct your steps! Proverbs 3:5-6
You say: "I can't do it" God says: You can do all things! Philippians 4:13
You say: "I'm not able" God says: I am able! 2 Corinthians 9:8
You say: "It's not worth it" God says: It will be worth it! Romans 8:28 God Bless.. INSTAGRAM- Newlifeforu
Do you ever feel like giving up? Perhaps you're discouraged about your finances or you're facing problems with your health, your marriage, or your children. Sometimes problems seem so overwhelming that the road ahead seems too steep to climb.
We all go through these times. I've wanted to give up and quit many times through the years. But when I realized I had nothing interesting to go back to, I determined to keep pressing on.
Even though continuing to move forward is sometimes painful, it is far better than giving up and sliding backwards. God is doing a good work in you so He can do more for you and through you. So ask Him to fill you with holy determination tonight and keep moving in the right direction. Don’t Give up. God Bless..
After Jesus's death, the disciples were terrified, behind locked doors, confident everything had ended. But nothing is impossible with God. With God all things are possible. Without God all things are horrible.
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
—Matthew 19:26
— You may have big problems, but we serve a big God.— That sickness may look impossible, but God can do the impossible.
— That mountain may look permanent, but one touch of God’s favor will thrust you into freedom.
Stop worrying. Start worshipping. God is saying all is well. In your health all is well — come to me, in your finances all is well — come to me, in your marriage all is well — come to me, in your career all is well — come to me. It may be night right now, but morning is coming. It may be weeping through the night, but the joy is coming in the morning.
You’re going to see what God has been doing behind 2 the scenes. Do you believe?..God Bless. www.newlife4you.xyz/Missions Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NEWLIFEINCHRIST2k17/