5 minute read
Rest for the weary (Matt. 11:28) We forget that Jesus was human as well as divine. He had calluses on His hands. If the chisel slipped and cut His finger, His blood was red and warm like ours. He knew what it meant work long hours, to come in at night tired and weary. That is one of the reasons Jesus could say with such appeal, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).
Do you know what else is just one sunrise away? Lamentations 3:23 tells us that God's mercy is available every single morning. Not just once a year, not just on special occasions, but His mercy is new with every sunrise. New mercy means that you haven't received it before. It's empowerment that you haven't experienced yet. It's greater levels of favor, grace and anointing to equip you to fulfill what He's called you to. Mercy doesn't just save us from punishment that we do deserve, it empowers us to receive blessing that we don't deserve!
Today I want to encourage you, as you write your resolutions, goals and dreams, meditate on the fact that God is a good God. He is with you and for you. His mercies are new every morning. Always remember, no matter what happens, no matter how many times you fall, He will empower you to get back up again. Any time you need a new beginning, simply call on His name. You don't have to wait for the New Year to have a new start with God! Because of the blood of Jesus, every day, you can receive His mercy, hope, love and forgiveness and be empowered to embrace the life
of victory He has for you! God Bless You Abundantly.. @ newlifef4you@gmail.com
For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood 1 of Jesus.
When we are exhausted and hurting, we can take comfort from the fact that Jesus knows what it is to be exhausted and hurting also. But the greatest work Jesus did was not in the carpenter’s shop, nor at the marriage feast in Cana where He turned the water into wine. The greatest work Jesus did was not when He made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, nor even the dead to rise. What was His greatest work? His greatest work was what He accomplished through the Cross and Resurrection. There the burden of our sins was placed on Him, and there He won our salvation. And that is why we can come by faith to Him, and He will give us rest. Amen shalom
Protected By The Blood Of Jesus“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” Rev 12:11 NKJV
Irene Park became a committed Christian. Her story is remarkable. She was once a high witch in the state of Florida, seducing boys and girls into occult activities. She stated that the children she could never reach were those whose parents protected them by praying over them in the name of Jesus, standing on the merits of Christ’s atoning blood. Today the occult has made its way into some of our public school systems under the guise of “pluralism” and “free speech.” If you’re a parent, you should be concerned! It’s wise to give your child a cell phone or pager so they can stay in touch with you. But the most powerful defense you can give them is praying over them in the name of Jesus and standing on the merits of His shed blood. Jesus defeated Satan at the cross. And today He’s saying to you, “My victory is your victory, and My authority is your authority—use it!” You must acknowledge the existence of the Devil, but you must not be afraid of him because “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1Jn 4:4). To deny the existence of Satan or underestimate his power gives him the advantage over you. But God has given you the key to overcoming Satan’s power in your life: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” Start declaring what the blood of Jesus has done on your behalf. When you do, you’ll begin to walk in victory. God Bless..Instagram- newlifeforu.
“Precious Blood—Precious You!”
“It was the precious blood of Christ.” 1Pe 1:19 NLT The Bible says, “The ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ” (vv. 18-19 NLT). You must come to a place in your life where you are secure in who you are “in Christ”; where you don’t allow your sense of worth to be based on the opinions or actions of others. Stop trying to find your worth in how you look, or in what you do for a living, or in how people treat you. Your worth in God’s eyes is incalculable because Jesus shed His blood for you. “Precious blood, precious you!” Yes, you have faults. Yes, there are things about you that need to be changed, but God is working on you just as He is on everybody else. Don’t let somebody else dump their issues on you. You’re a blood-bought child of God! Don’t allow them to make you feel worthless or useless because they don’t know how to treat you right, or love you as you deserve to be loved. Don’t spend your life trying to win their acceptance or approval. You’ve already been accepted and approved by God, so make sure your validation and sense of worth come from Him. You’re redeemed by Christ’s blood, covered by Christ’s blood, and accepted through Christ’s blood. And since His blood is “precious,” that makes you precious too! Satan, who’s called “the accuser,” would like you to forget that and see yourself only in the light of your flaws and failures. Instead, get up every morning, look in the mirror, and announce, “I am precious, because I have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus!” God Bless You Abundantly Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu
When we get to heaven, Daniel is going to say it was not easy to be thrown into the den of starved lions. John the revlater is going to say it was not easy to have eyes pluked off & left on Patmos island. NOAH is going to say it was not easy to build the ark.
Abraham is goin to say it was not easy to raise a knife against my own son on the alter.
What will your testimony be wen we get there? Lets endeavr to build testimonies that will shake heavens, & angels will say; these are they that came out of great tribulation & have washed
their robes white with the blood of JESUS. God bless
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