6 minute read
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3: 5 & 6)
Its not over until you win. Victory is waiting for that man who will never give up come rain or sun! Be committed to finish whatever you have started. Close your ears from the noises around you, focused on your inner self, allow people to talk you down, accept rejection, never cry when disappointed, scream at frustration but don't allow it to frustrate you, humiliation shouldn't make you humbled but stronger. Never put yourself down for no one. When life knock you down 20 times just get back up 21 times. God bless..
Put your trust in God, the arm of flesh may fail you. Wait for His timing, He cannot be too late. Seek His timetable in ALL things, His thoughts for us are of good, not evil to guide and lead us to the expected end. Trust God in all situations, He is the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega. With Him, nothing is impossible. He will glorify Himself in your life. Give God a space in your life.God bless you abundantly.. NEWLIFE4YOU newlifef4you@gmail.com https://t.me/NEWLIFE4_YOU Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu
Whatever you face in life, if you will just hold your peace and remain at rest, God promises He will fight your battles!
Worrying doesn't change anything, but trusting in God changes everything!
Let's strive to be like Jesus, love the unlovable, forgive the unworthy, and do good for those who can never repay you! You've been armed with strength for every battle. The forces that are for you are greater than the forces against you! God bless you abundantly
No game was ever won by spectators.Get out of your comfort zone.Do the thing you fear in order for you to succeed. Remember that nobody learns to swim on one's bed,but in water. Realize you have nothing to prove to anybody but to yourself and no word can be powerful than taking action on the course of what brings you true meaning in life. The less words you say the stronger your message becomes. Live by the code "words talk, actions walk" This is the time you realize your roar can be as loud as you want, but your appetite and bite for life with get you to where you desire to be. Stay Hungry and motivated for success.
Proverbs 20:13 Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare.
God is good all the time....God Bless. https://t.me/ NEWLIFE4_YOU God is with you, and you will have great success in all things.
⚫ A young shepherd guy like David becoming a king, an orphan girl like Esther becoming a queen, a Stammerer like Moses becoming a deliverer and a prisoner like Joseph becoming a prime minister.
⚫ Saul came from one of the smallest tribes of Israel, his name was not in the list of the VIP’s and the creme de la cremes, nobody knew Saul, you wouldn’t even pay attention to him when you meet him but God elevated him. He was just an ordinary guy before he met Prophet Samuel.
⚫ This makes me understand that; God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called, He does not call the equipped,God equips those he has called because Saul was just a donkey chaser before he encountered Prophet Samuel.
NOTE TO SELF Behind every champion, there is a story of preparation, travails and rigorous training. You are destined to shine. You are a star. Every struggle you are battling with is preparing you for God to showcase you. You must not miss the prize! Are you tired of waiting on God’s answer? If so, remember, the coldest, darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn. So don't give up just yet. Stay in faith and stay alert. Keep hanging on in spite of the odds, because you may be on the very brink of receiving your long-awaited answer! The Scripture says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." *Psalm 30:5b (AMP)* Remember, no matter what happens in life, learn to be patient, and live one day at a time so you don't get overwhelmed. The longer the wait for the answer, the greater the answer. So, don't get ahead of yourself but trust your Heavenly Father. Forever He is faithful! The answer's on the way! Have a joyful weekend and always stay winning.God bless you abundantly INSTAGRAM- Newlifeforu ⚫ As undeserving as you look, God can still make something out of you, you can make something out of yourself. ⚫ They’ve concluded on you but as ordinary as you are; you can shake everything you’ve gone through off and do the extra ordinary.God Bless you abundantly.. Smile, things are working out. You may not see it now, but just know God is directing you.
Quitting is not an option for you.
2 Align yourself with your Maker. Set your gaze on God and remain focused on your goal. Do not be distracted by the dramatic things you are experiencing. Persist a little more, and watch out for the victorious stories that would be your testimonies. Your joy shall know no end...God Bless You Abundantly www.newlife4you.xyz/missions/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/NEWLIFEINCHRIST2k17