Final newsletter nov 2015

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Newmarket Academy

-The Bulletin

As we start our second half term we are pleased to announce that Newmarket Academy has selected its student Ambassadors and our new Student Council for the year. We are confident that the Ambassadors and the Student Council will represent the voice of the Academy in the forthcoming year.

Confident Individuals

Nov 2015

Integrity - Challenge Days


ewmarket Academy held Challenge days for students in Years 7, 8 & 9. Year 7 were treated to an introduction to Forensic Science where using a variety of analytical techniques they were able to collect and analyse evidence from a crime scene.



ave you ever wanted to go in a Cherokee Helicopter? I have! I have been in Newmarket Army Cadets for between 3 & 4 years and have endured activities people have only dreamed of doing, from Rifle Shooting to Shotgun and Canoeing to Camping! During my time at Cadets I have met so many new people from all over the country. I have travelled abroad to Belgium and France to take part in Remembrance Parades in different towns and villages. The people I have met are now my friends and we all meet up regularly at camps throughout the year. These camps have taught me skills I thought I would never learn and that I will keep with me forever. The Cadets gives me the opportunity of socialising whilst learning all of these new things. My time at Cadets has shown me how to be respectful and more mature as an individual. I have recently been promoted in my company parade and can now help younger cadets become confident individuals just like I have learnt to become.” Summer Botterill

Year 8 were challenged to produce a variety of artistic creations using Mathematical techniques. Year 9 explored different kinds of rights and obligations and how these affect both individuals and communities. They Investigated ways in which rights can compete and conflict, and understanding that hard decisions have to be made to try to balance these.

- Our Hamper Competition is running again, each house is asked to make up at least 3 hampers to be raffled for charity. Students are to bring in an item to go in the hamper which is of their house colour. Students then sell raffle tickets to raise money. - Children in Need Non Uniform Day is on Friday 13th November. The theme this year is Heroes. Students can pay £1 if they come in dressed as a ‘hero’ or £2 if they are in normal non uniform. - The 19th of November is the United Nations World Toilet Day. £20 buys a composting toilet from Oxfam. We will be collecting pennies to try and buy at least 1 toilet. - Christmas Jumper Day is Friday 18th December (which is also the last day of term) Students can wear a Christmas Jumper (normal uniform on bottom half) if they donate £1 for Text Santa.

Student Voice

Resilience - Silver Sports Mark

We hope to go back to the Theatre before Christmas in a joint visit with our 6th Form Students.


ast month saw the launch of our Year, House and Academy Councils. Each tutor group voted for their Council member.

Those elected have attended a House and Year Council meeting and two Councillors from each House had a meeting with Mr Froy to discuss issues raised in the meetings. Meeting for the Councils will take place once every four weeks. If you would like anything discussed at these meetings please see your elected Councillor.

Wisdom - Sea Cadets Rewards At the end of last term Mrs Davis, Miss Gynn and Mr Rogers were invited to attend the Sea Cadets Rewards evening and what a lovely event it was. All of the cadets were amazing and very well turned out. It was a privilege to see students in a different environment a n d watch them take pride and behave perfectly. Adam Davy, Josh A r m s t r o n g , Callum Burren and Shakira B a x t e r w e r e outstanding. Special congratulations to Adam Davy who was presented with the C h a i r m a n A w a r d and Jessica Burren who also received a special award. Talking to the volunteers that run t h e group afterwards, each of them commented how proud they are of all the cadets a n d complimented each one of them.


ewmarket Academy is celebrating after learning that we have been rewarded for our dedication to PE and school sport by being awarded a Silver Sports Mark. The Sainsbury’s School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver and gold levels of the Mark. Schools are assessed according to the amount of PE and extra curricular clubs provided to students, the number of competitions accessed, student leadership, provision for gifted and talented young people and promotion of PE and school sport among other criteria. Schools are assessed annually and have the ability to progress if they can demonstrate that improvements have been made. Commenting on the awards Ian Jackson, Sports Development Manager for the Forest Heath Sports Partnership, said, “I am immensely proud of the Academy as I know how hard staff work to ensure that their young people have access to as many positive opportunities in PE and sport as possible. This is a highly competitive environment so I fully expect to see schools move onto the next rung of the ladder in 2016, and I sincerely hope that more will apply to gain the recognition they deserve for their efforts.”

And finally .........Our New Ambassadors


fter a lot of interviews our Ambassadors for this year are.... Brooke House - Kyle Gammon, Hannah Kirk, Charlie Barber,









Josh &




Franklin House - Julia Wolska, Ellie Milnes, Rosy Nichols,



ELL DONE to the followin g tutor groups who achieved 100% attendance for 19/10to 22/10/15: F2HCG, F3CCT, F5AWI, F6LMN, F9DGN, F12CSM, T7CSH, T6DDN, T8HOY, B2GGT, B8JBT & B12FHS

WELL DONE to the following tutor groups who achieved

Tutte House

Jack Barker, Courtney Ramsbottom, Zak Hall, Megan Priestley,

Total - 106 Attendance - 96.9%

Phillipa Allison, Chantelle Fletcher & Blake Anderson.

Franklin House

Saffron Anderton & Charlie Davis.

Total - 78 Attendance - 96%

Brooke House

Total - 82 Attendance - 97.4%

Tutte House - Chloe Hibble, Andrew Parker, Ruby Davis, Mia Hunt, Linda Elmnroti, India Jee, Lisa Alecock, Alex Baldock, And this years EAL Ambassadors are - ​Filip Tasior, Ana Castelo, Arifa Bibi, Elena Ionescu, Hameed Khan, Natalia Chmiola & Raquel Da Silva. All went through a tough interview process. We loved their determination and their inspiring ideas! Well done to them all.

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