Midbac presentation students 2016

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Promoting Progress Celebrating Achievement


MidBac – What is it? • A programme to reinforce the school values • Increases self-­‐ awareness about values, skills, a:tudes and behaviour • Creates a framework for discussions with tutors • Developments a language about reflec?on and self-­‐ awareness • Helps prepare and support you for change and your part in society • Broaden horizons, develops cultural awareness and encourages response to global, na?onal and local events • Helps to manage your behaviour and a:tudes Compassion Courage Integrity Honesty Resilience Respect Responsibility Wisdom

MidBac – What does it do? • Rewards leadership and employability skills • Recognises your Arts and enrichment ac?vi?es • Celebrates progress within the curriculum • Rewards community, enterprise and charity work  All recognised by a qualifica?on awarded at Pass, Dis?nc?on or Merit level that will be centrally assessed Compassion Courage Integrity Honesty Resilience Respect Responsibility Wisdom

MidBac – Made up of 3 parts •  Core ( Progress across the curriculum) •  Honours : •  Arts award (kept in the scrapbook) •  Personal challenges, •  Enterprise, Community and Ci?zenship, •  Extending MFL and ICT. •  Skills (Leadership and employability skills) Compassion Courage Integrity Honesty Resilience Respect Responsibility Wisdom

What do you need to do? • Collect evidence for your folder • Track your progress • Write about your experiences • Show what you have learned • Pay aTen?on to values, skills, a:tudes and behaviour

Compassion Courage Integrity Honesty Resilience Respect Responsibility Wisdom


Collecting evidence • Progress -­‐put in a copy of data drops, targets and annual reports. Your pupil passport from primary school is included in here too. Some personal reflec?on here is

• Cer(ficates -­‐ ATendance, BFL, student of the week and house point cer?ficates which are usually presented in assemblies at the end of each half term. • Achievement out of school – can be managing a new trick on the skateboard or cooking a meal for the family. Photos or a short reflec?on about it here will be evidence

• Personal challenge -­‐ The basic here is to fill in the log of enrichment ac?vi?es. Things that have taken you outside your comfort zone. • Enterprise, community and ci(zenship -­‐ The basic will be involvement in fund raising days such as sports relief, red nose day and the Easter fair as well as work for the house chari?es. Member ship of scouts/guides/St Johns is useful here too.

• Development of MFL -­‐ This ought to be easy and uses evidence from class based learning such as photocopies of excellent work. However if you have a foreign pen friend, have tried some different language learning independently or taken part in the French exchange it would be good.

• Development of ICT skills -­‐ The ICT dept give out cer?ficates some?mes which is good evidence . Best of all is evidence of independent IT work that you complete for your own interest.

• Leadership -­‐ There are lots of leadership opportuni?es here at the Academy some of which can be signed through mee?ng ?me as well as in class. • Arts Award -­‐This is intended to develop cultural awareness in the Arts. All the evidence for this should be in the scrapbook

Recording evidence Experience/ Skill Title

Teacher signature


What to do next? • Focus on your progress – make every lesson maTer • Develop your art, ICT and MFL skills • Grab leadership opportuni?es • Bring in cer?ficates • Collect evidence • Take yourself out of your comfort zone

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