SPRING Enrichment Or Period 6 Key Stage 3 Every term, Newmarket Academy staff offer you the chance to take part in a huge range of extracurricular clubs. Here is your chance to have a go at something new. It’s only for one term so take a risk – open yourself up to new experiences. Every student is expected to take part in at least one activity. Which one will you choose? We ask that you select three clubs you would like to join, and you will be allocated to one of your choices. Please fill in your choices on the slip provided. Clubs run from 2.55 to 3.55pm on their designated day. Please take time to read about all the clubs and then make your selections. You will be committing to attend your chosen club for the entire term, so please do not ask to change once the term has started.
Club 1 – Museum Club Arts Award Who for? All years When? Monday Where? National Horseracing Museum/EA1 Brief Description: This is an exciting new opportunity for those interested in the arts to achieve an Arts Award (Explore level) – a nationally recognised award from Trinity College, London. While putting together a portfolio, you will learn about artists, have a go yourself and then present what you have achieved. This will be based around objects within the museum and will include object handling and curating an exhibition. You don’t have to be an artist to take part, just enthusiastic and willing to have a go! You will need to be prepared to attend regularly during the term, and occasionally we will ask you to complete small tasks in your own time. It will be like Museum Club…but even better!
Costs to students: Staff:
None Lisa Collins
Club 2 – Swimming Academy Who for? KS3 – Invited students only When? Tuesday Where? Pool Brief Description: Are you a beginner, or do you want to develop your swimming technique? Then this is for you.
Costs to students: Staff:
None PE Department & Newmarket Swimming Club
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description:
Club 3 – Book Club All years Tuesday Library If you enjoy reading, come along and review books, with the option to take part in ‘Book Mastermind’.
Costs to students: Staff:
None Kate Nolan
Club 4 – Spanish KS3 Tuesday C5
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description: Learn the language so you can understand and speak to the locals when you go on holiday to Spanish speaking countries.
Costs to students: Staff:
None Mrs Valdez
Club 5 – Homework Support Who for? KS3 When? Tuesday Where? Library Brief Description: Do you need some extra support with your homework? Do you need extra help to organise your time with work? Are you looking for a quiet space to concentrate on your work? Do you need access to more resources to develop your work this term? Answer YES to any of the above then this is the club for you!
Costs to students: Staff:
None To be confirmed
Club 6 – Wildlife Documentary Club Who for? All years When? Tuesday Where? SH8 Brief Description: Learn about exotic wildlife through videos and research. Present the wildlife issues of today: Japanese whaling fleet sails for Antarctica Indian leopards move into suburbs Tuna is too toxic for pregnant women to eat
Be proactive about conserving our wild world Costs to students: Staff:
None Adrian Weston
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description:
Club 7 – Board Games All years Tuesday MT11
Was it Mr Froy in the Library with the Lead Piping? Do you own half of Newmarket and charge anyone £15 who walks down the High Street? Are you a Backgammon wizard? Is your Trivia knowledge worth pursuing? Fancy an hour playing fun board games with friends in a relaxed atmosphere? Then see you at the club for a bit of gentle competition.
Costs to students:
None, however if anyone has any appropriate games they would like to bring in to share that would be great.
Alison Young
Club 8 – Young Enterprise Company Programme Who for? All years When? Tuesday Where? SH3 Brief Description: Find out what it is like to set up a business, making all the decisions about your company. Work closely with local business mentors who will guide you through the processes of running a profit-making business. You will also develop key skills needed for the world of work such as: Working in a team Improved communication skills Time management Taking responsibility and showing initiative.
Costs to students: Staff:
None Keeley Hoyle
Club 9 – Rugby Year 7 & 8 Boys Tuesday Sports Field
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description: If you have enjoyed playing this in your PE lessons, this club will help you take it to the next level. Develop your skills, and learn new ones, and represent the Academy in fixtures against other schools.
Costs to students: Staff:
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description:
None Neil Fisher
Club 10 – Astronomy All years Tuesday MT16
This is for all amateur astronomers keen to learn how to observe and record observations of the Moon, Planets and Deep Space objects. Astronomy is a hobby whose participants enjoy watching the sky, and the abundance of objects found in it with the unaided eye, binoculars, or telescopes such as the Moon, planets, stars, comets, meteor showers, and deep sky objects. We will be using a technique called star hopping to navigate our way around the night sky. We will also be looking at how to plan and record our observations in an 'Astronomy Log'.
Costs to students: Staff:
None Richard Hall
Club 11 – School Production Who for? All years When? Thursday Where? Main Hall Brief Description: Company rehearsal for the spectacular main school production scheduled to be performed in the spring 2016. Anyone who is involved in the school production must choose this option. We have singers, dancers and actors and people that have been working extremely hard. During rehearsals we will continue to learn the songs, set the dances and produce another memorable production. Please note that there may also be rehearsals on other days after school for some principal characters – a full schedule will be issued.
Costs to students: Staff:
None Alison Wreford, Kate Nolan, Charlotte Kuell and Christine Conway-Jarrett
Club 12 – Running Club All years Thursday Meet by PE entrance
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description: The main aim of this club is promote running in a friendly atmosphere whether for health, fitness or just for fun, maybe even participating in competitive races.
Costs to students: Staff:
None Chris Allen
Club 13 – Computer Tech Who for? KS3 When? Thursday Where? MT1 Brief Description: We will explore a range of activities beyond those normally studied within class. This is ideal for you if you are interested in learning about the more technical aspects of computing. Costs to students: Staff:
None Steve Thomas
Club 14 – Chess Club All years Thursday To be confirmed
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description: Whether you are an accomplished chess player or a beginner, come along and try out your skills or learn new ones in this exciting game of strategy.
Costs to students: Staff:
None To be confirmed
Club 15 – Homework Support Who for? KS3 When? Thursday Where? Library Brief Description: Do you need some extra support with your homework? Do you need extra help to organise your time with work? Are you looking for a quiet space to concentrate on your work? Do you need access to more resources to develop your work this term? Answer YES to any of the above then this is the club for you!
Costs to students: Staff:
Who for? When? Where? Brief Description:
None To be confirmed Club 16 – Film Club KS3 Thursday H6
Film club is a great place to watch, discuss and review films with your friends. With over 4000 films available from Hollywood blockbusters to hidden gems of world cinema, you're bound to find something you'll enjoy. Sitting down and watching a great film with like-minded film fans is what ‘Into Film’ is all about. Films have the power to amaze, engage, inspire and entertain. You will also have the opportunity to share your opinions with students in other schools by writing online reviews.
Costs to students: Staff:
None Lucy Matten