Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to give you feedback on the annual review of the Academy that took place in the last week of last half term. The review was carried out by senior colleagues from the Academy Trust using the new Ofsted Framework. I must make clear that although the criteria on which judgements were made were taken from the Ofsted Framework, this was not an Ofsted inspection and the outcomes do not represent an official judgement on the school. The purpose of the annual review was to identify the strengths and areas for development for the Academy. The review reported on the four principle areas used by Ofsted to assess school performance. Outcomes were good. This was because the results in 2015 had improved significantly, and outcomes in English and Maths were at or very close to national averages. All groups of students were performing well in lessons observed by the team. The quality and extent of writing was improving in all areas and good progress was seen in Key Stage III. Teaching and Learning was good This was because in all the lessons observed and the meetings with staff there was a relentless focus on improving the quality of learning. The standards of work in students’ books showed typicality was good and often outstanding, a variety of activities were used and all activities were levelled to ensure that learning was pitched appropriately. The staff were very committed to learning and the students spoke positively about their experiences. Marking was very good. Behaviour and Attendance was good Throughout the two days students presented themselves as increasingly confident, self-assured and happy to talk about their school. They clearly value their education and this is evident in the sharply increased levels of attendance. The environment was orderly and calm and low level disruption is increasingly rare. Students were confident that the school would improve rapidly from this point and felt that they were being listened to and were valued. The House system is working well to ensure that students feel safe and supported. Leadership and Management was good This was because the school has a clear and cohesive plan to drive forward further improvements in results. Behaviour for Learning is strong and systems are excellent. The school has clear plans to improve Careers guidance, the Student Council and students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness. The team identified areas where there was need for further work and these are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
All groups of students –particularly boys, and Pupil Premium students need to make even more progress. Embedding and extending the role of middle leaders. More tailoring especially to challenge the more able. More sharing of good practice. Embedding the literacy policy.
I am obviously pleased that the school has made so much progress over the last year. I must also stress that this review does not mean that the drive for further school improvement can in any way be lessened. This is because as I said earlier that this was not an Ofsted inspection and secondly the work will not be complete until the school is outstanding. We will continue to challenge where necessary, and seek the support and guidance of students, parents, and the Trust to ensure that Newmarket Academy is a school of which the entire community can be proud. Thank you again for your support and commitment to the improvement of the Academy. Kind regards – Nick Froy (Head of School)