Year 11 info presentation

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NEW GCSE grades 9-1 This year exams in some subjects will be graded 9-­‐1 NOT A*-­‐G The Government says: •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above

NEW GCSE grades This year exams will be graded 9-­‐1 NOT A*-­‐G The Government says: •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as currently achieve an A and above

NEW GCSE grades This year exams will be graded 9-­‐1 NOT A*-­‐G The Government says: •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as currently achieve an A and above •  For each examinaCon, the top 20 per cent of those who get grade 7 or above will get a grade 9 – the very highest performers

NEW GCSE grades This year exams will be graded 9-­‐1 NOT A*-­‐G The Government says: •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as currently achieve an A and above •  For each examinaCon, the top 20 per cent of those who get grade 7 or above will get a grade 9 – the very highest performers •  The boMom of grade 1 will be aligned with the boMom of grade G

NEW GCSE grades This year exams will be graded 9-­‐1 NOT A*-­‐G The Government says: •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above •  Broadly the same proporCon of students will achieve a grade 7 and above as currently achieve an A and above •  For each examinaCon, the top 20 per cent of those who get grade 7 or above will get a grade 9 – the very highest performers •  The boMom of grade 1 will be aligned with the boMom of grade G •  Grade 5 will be posiConed in the top third of the marks for a current Grade C and boMom third of the marks for a current Grade B. This will mean it will be of greater demand than the present grade C, and broadly in line with what the best available evidence tells us is the average PISA performance in countries such as Finland, Canada, the Netherlands and Switzerland

New grading structure for GCSE

AQA English & English Literature What the course is? Differences? What to do now?

AQA GCSE English Language Exam 1 -­‐ 1hr 45mins 50% READING A FicCon text QuesCons WRITING DescripCve or NarraCve & SPOKEN LANGUAGE

Exam 2 – 1hr 45mins 50% READING Two non-­‐ficCon texts QuesCons

WRITING Present a viewpoint

AQA GCSE English Language – WHAT’S NEW Emphasis on skills involving appreciaCng the text as a whole READING READING Analysis language, STRUCTURE, Two sources – comparing and VIEWPOINT viewpoints & SPOKEN LANGUAGE – compulsory but doesn’t count

AQA GCSE English Language – REVISION READ AND READ AND READ AND THINK!! Students can only revise and pracCce the skills not the texts themselves as they will all be new to them. •  Ability to recognise language techniques and their purpose •  Ability to understand structure, viewpoint and purpose (What is it? What is it for? Why is it wriMen that way?) DO PRACTICE QUESTIONS WRITE – show off!

AQA GCSE English Literature Exam 1 -­‐ 1hr 45mins 40% Shakespeare – Romeo & Juliet 19th Century novel – Jekyll & Hyde QuesCons on an extract and the Whole text

Exam 2 – 2hr 15mins 60% Modern Text – An Inspector Calls Poetry – Compare one named poem to another of student’s choice from anthology Analyse and compare TWO unseen poems

AQA GCSE English Literature – WHAT’S NEW NO texts in the exam – test of memory Two plays, a novel and 15 poems!

AQA GCSE English Literature – REVISION RE-­‐READ •  Romeo & Juliet •  An Inspector Calls •  Jekyll & Hyde •  All 15 anthology poems Memorise key quotes PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS PracCce reading unseen poems

REVISION GUIDES: CGP we recommend Websites: BBC bitesize GCSE English

Maths at KS4 Learn to love maths – please please please never tell your child you can’t do maths…… I am preMy sure everyone in this room would not openly tell their child that they can not read.

Year 11 1.  Founda)on Edexcel Cer)ficate in Maths GCSE. 2.  Higher Edexcel Cer)ficate in Maths GCSE Both qualificaCons involve three exams at the end of year 11, one Calculator and 2 non-­‐calculator, all with equal weighCng.

Foundation Edexcel Certificate •  This course has a heavy emphasis on number and funcConal skills of mathemaCcs needed in adult life. •  Possible grades achieved from the foundaCon course are 5-­‐1. •  There is an increase in breadth and depth of study in the new GCSE. •  And content moving down from the Higher Tier to the FoundaCon Cer at GCSE

Higher Edexcel Certificate •  This course has a heavy emphasis on algebra and applicaCon of mathemaCcs. •  Possible grades achieved from the higher course are 9-­‐5. •  There is an increase in breadth and depth of study in the new GCSE. •  And content moving down from A Level maths to the Higher Cer at GCSE.

Six Strands •  The new GCSE covers six strands of maths, with increasing difficulty. 1.  Algebra 2.  Geometry and measures 3.  StaCsCcs 4. Number 5. Probability 6.RaCo, proporCon and rates of change

How can you help? •  A liMle maths everyday helps!!! •  Encourage your child to pracCce a skill everyday: Cmes tables, long mulCplicaCon. •  Talk about Cme with them: get them to read Cmetables for bus routes or trains. •  Ask them to measure ingredients when cooking, discuss various changes in proporCon of ingredients if cooking for larger parCes.. •  Revise with flashcards the formulas they need to remember

Useful Websites for Maths •  BBC Bitesize • – offers past paper quesCons by topic • – quesCons in quiz format with answers provided and guidance of how to gain correct answers. • – all students have a password for this

New grading structure for GCSE

General help •  AMendance •  Sleep! •  Keeping hydrated •  EaCng healthily •  Learn to love maths – please please please never tell your child you can’t do maths…… I am preMy sure everyone in this room would not openly tell their child that they can not read.

Science at KS4 As you will all know we have changed exam boards from OCR to AQA. One of the most important things you can do to help your child is to understand what topics will now be in each exam Each student has been given a checklist pack – please ask them where it is!

Year 11 1.  Core and Addi)onal Science (Double science) Students will get two GCSEs grades

2.  Biology, Chemistry, Physics (Triple Science) Students will get three GCSE grades All qualificaCons are made up of 75% exams and 25% coursework

3.  BTEC 75% coursework and 25% exam

Core and Additional Science •  Core Science

•  Made up of 3 exams and 1 piece of invesCgate skills assessment (ISA coursework) •  Biology unit 1 exam •  Chemistry unit 1 exam •  Physics unit 1 exam

•  Addi)onal Science

•  Made up of 3 exams and 1 piece of invesCgate skills assessment (ISA coursework) •  Biology unit 2 exam •  Chemistry unit 2 exam •  Physics unit 2 exam

Core and Additional Science •  All students will be entered for higher Cer mocks in November. •  Grades available on the higher Cer A*-­‐D •  Aqer the mock exams some students will be moved to the foundaCon Cer •  Grades available on the foundaCon Cer C-­‐G •  Core ISA coursework will be completed on the science challenge day on the 20th October •  AddiConal ISA coursework will be completed in lessons between the 5-­‐12th December – it is vital students aMend all lessons

Triple Science •  Biology •  Made up of three exams, unit 1-­‐3 and a Biology ISA •  ISA will be completed on the Science Challenge Day on the 20th October

•  Chemistry •  Made up of three exams, unit 1-­‐3 and a Chemistry ISA •  ISA will be completed in lessons between 5-­‐12th December

•  Physics •  Made up of three exams, unit 1-­‐3 and a Physics ISA •  ISA will be completed on Saturday 8th October

Triple Science Expectations •  We will be reviewing all sets aqer the mock exams to ensure students are in the best place in order for them to reach their potenCal. •  We will also be reviewing if the triple science course is the right one for individual students •  It is an expectaCon that any student on the triple science course will need to achieve at least a B grade in assessments for all three sciences •  Most six form colleges specify at least a B grade in order to be able to study science at A level

How can you help? •  Talk to your child about their homework

•  A homework calendar is in place for the year. Please use this to check homework is being completed and talk to them about what they are learning

•  Encourage your child to start revising early

•  There is a lot of content to revise for science. Help your child to manage their Cme effecCvely to strike a balance between life and revision!

•  Support us in supporCng your child in period 6 by talking to them about the importance of aMendance •  Use the revision guides to quesCon your child to help them revise

•  If anyone has purchased a revision guide for OCR please bring it in. New AQA guides are on order

•  Ask for help

•  Please email/phone teachers if there is anything extra we can do to help

Useful Websites for Science •  BBC Bitesize • • – for past papers • •  Revision resources/animaCons/quesCons/digital textbooks Login details •  Username = first leMer of first name and surname eg lelsden •  Password = same as username and then change it the first Cme •  School code =vwu4

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