Feature …
Hillary Clinton’s life, as told in the new docu-series Hillary, is not just a life story, but an important story about American politics.
In Hillary, the riveting four-part
Clinton is the most famous
her career has been dogged by
documentary directed by Nanette
and probably the most popular
controversies and scandals.
Burstein that was released earlier
woman politician of her own time.
The documentary recounts the
here is something about Hillary Rodham Clinton Nevertheless, Hillary
this year, it is something the
Many people do love her. They
interviewees – a cast
scream and cry when they
of old school and
see her as if she were a
college friends, staff,
rock star. She has been
colleagues and
lauded, admired
At the same time, however,
steady stream of accusations and investigations, from the Whitewater scandal in the 1990s (a controversy about an apparent conflict of interests related to
journalists – keep
and praised to the
a real estate investment) to her
coming back to.
hilt: high office,
husband, former president Bill
No one seems
awards, covers of
Clinton’s affairs, which led to
able to explain
Newsweek and Time
his impeachment trial. And of
it, and, more
magazines. She
importantly, no one
has proved herself
on her formidable staff
to be an incredibly
seemed to know what
effective politician,
to do about it as it became
working intelligently and
increasingly important in her election race against Donald Trump in 2016. For some reason, too many people did not trust her, or quite believe what she said or had faith in her motivations.
Bill and Hillary Clinton at a St. Louis campaign rally in 1992, Bill Clinton's final day of campaigning in St. Louis, Missouri.
course, there was the ongoing question of her emails – official state correspondence during her time as Secretary of State that went through her private home
pragmatically within the system
server rather than the government
to make realistic changes. And she
server, and thus supposedly posed
has consistently fought for decades
a security risk (and a crime). This
for a stable set of clear beliefs, not
apparently insignificant infraction
least women’s rights, civil rights
was repeatedly deployed to derail
and children’s rights.
her campaign. “I’m the most Continued …
people just do not like.