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Swimming pool controllers with Cloud connectivity
The chlorine level is measured based on the ORP or REDOX principle. An increase in the ORP value correlates with an increase in the free-chlorine level. PH and disinfectant testing are done together for efficient disinfection and control. The efficacy of sanitisers, such as chlorine, depends on a controlled pH value.
The ORP value is the most consistent indicator of the sanitising effectiveness of the pool or water treatment. Typically, 650- 750mV at 7.2pH indicates proper water treatment. The Hanna Cloud is a web-based application that connects you to measurement devices such as the BL122 and BL123. Measurements and data storage are accessible from your PC, tablet or phone. Multiple registered devices may be connected.

The Hanna Instruments BL12X swimming pool controllers are automatic systems, specially designed to measure and control pH and free-chlorine levels
As your instrument measures and controls your process, measurements, trends, history, device settings, alarms and messages are transmitted to your “Dashboard”.
A secondary user may also be added to your device account to monitor measurements and receive email, pop-up or SMS messages from your process device.
The Hanna Cloud incorporates security for your personal information. Hanna protects your information using technical and administrative security measures to reduce risks of loss or misuse.

Hanna CLOUD, with device
Automatic proportional pump control
BL122 and BL123 feature proportionally controlled dosing pumps. Based on the sensitivity of the process to chemical addition, these controllers allow the user to adjust a proportional band. This setting determines the amount of time the pumps are dosing as a percentage of the deviation from the set point.
A large body of water will use a small proportional band; having a small band (e.g. 0.1pH) will ensure the pumps are dosing more often when the reading is close to the set point. For smaller bodies of water, it is more useful to set a larger proportional band (e.g.,1.0pH); when the reading is close to the set point, the amount of time the dosing pump is on is minimal to avoid large swings of pH or ORP.
Main benefits
• All-in-one solution for automatic control of pH and chlorine levels
• ORP (chlorine) dosing consent ensures pH value is correct before dosing
All measurements and main events are sent to Hanna Cloud through the Ethernet connection.
JHB: (011) 615 6076 CPT: (011) 946 1722 DBN: (031) 701 2711 hanna@hanna.co.za www.hanna.co.za